Is CTFO a Scam? Read this before you make any invesment!

Welcome to my CTFO (Changing the Future Income) review!

Since the legalization of hemp products, companies selling them began sprouting in many parts of the world.

And one of which is a company called CTFO or Changing the Future Income.

A friend member or friend might have introduced them to you. They tell how amazing the products are and go as far as saying that it is life-changing.

As the presentation goes on, they might also have presented you with their business opportunity.

It may have aroused your curiosity and wanted to know more about the company—is CTFO a scam? Or is it a legitimate MLM company?

If this is your concern, then you have come to the right place!

In this review, I will provide you an analysis of their business opportunity and help you determine whether to invest or should you search for other investments.

So without further delays, let’s begin…

CTFO (Changing the Future Outcome) Review

  • Name: CTFO (Changing the Future Outcome)
  • Website:
  • Founder: Michael Kahn, Steve Finger, and Stuart Finger
  • Price: Initial membership is free, but the representative have to spend $47.47 on company products monthly.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Is CTFO a scam

What is CTFO (Changing the Future Income)?

CTFO is the acronym for Changing the Future Income. It is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) based in the United States and specializes in selling hemp products, particularly CBD oils.

The company was founded in 2015 by Michael Kahn, Steve Finger, and Stuart Finger. In its inception, the acronym CTFO was originally called Chew the Fat Off.

And the reason for such is that before operating as a CBD-distributing company, they used to sell products for fat loss.

And then, they shifted to hemp products in 2018.

I have reviewed other MLM companies that are also engaged in hemp products in the past. You can check them out if you like—HempTonics USA, Prime My Body, HB Naturals, Emris, Navan Global, and Zilis.

Or, if you’re an affiliate marketer, you may also want to check out my top CBD Affiliates review.

I won’t be talking about their products since our main focus here is their business opportunity.

You may check out more about their products here.

So is CTFO a scam? Or are they a legitimate company to invest in?

Let’s continue and find out…

The CTFO Business Opportunity

One of the primary distinctions of Multi-Level Marketing is their complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans.

It is so convoluted that it seems like you’d need an expert financial person to decipher the entire thing.

But in reality, you only have to remember two things when dealing with MLMs income streams—

  • Retail commissions – it is income that is based on the sale of retail merchandise.
  • Recruitment – it is the bread and bread of MLMs. It is where their bonuses and commissions are based.

Most MLMs do this to prevent potential recruits from asking many questions that may expose this business model’s flaws.

And to completely save themselves and successfully persuade you to join, they would just show you the supposed luxurious lifestyle of their members.

A little bit misleading, but effective nonetheless.

CTFO currently rewards 18 ranks, and it is as follows—

Is CTFO a scam
Is CTFO a scam

The latest compensation plan file I’ve found was dated December of 2019. You can check it here.

CTFO states that they offer five ways to earn income through their business opportunity. And includes the following income streams—

  • Unilevel Bonus
  • Regenerating Matrix Pay
  • Infinity Bonus
  • Business Builder Pack - Fast Start Pay
  • Business Builder Pack - Team Pay

I will explain each of them based on my understanding in the following section. I have simplified their explanation, and hopefully, it would help you understand them a little better.

However, aside from their stated ways to get paid, they also offer a one-time rank advancement bonus, which I also have included in the next part.

Let’s continue…

What are its income streams?

Unilevel Bonus

A simpler term for this bonus might be retail sales.

CTFO’s representative earns from 4% to 20% up to five levels deep, which depends on ranks and the level where the sale was made.

The summary of the bonus is as follows—

  • Associate – they earn 20% unilevel bonus from retail sales generated through their personally recruited representatives or customers. However, the unilevel bonus is only applicable to the first level.
  • Second Level Manager – First level (20% unilevel bonus) and Second Level (4% unilevel bonus).
  • Senior Manager - First level (20% unilevel bonus), Second Level (4% unilevel bonus), and Third Level (4% unilevel bonus).
  • All Executive Levels - First level (20% unilevel bonus), Second Level (4% unilevel bonus), Third Level (4% unilevel bonus), and Fourth Level (4% unilevel bonus).
  • Vice President and beyond - First level (20% unilevel bonus), Second Level (4% unilevel bonus), Third Level (4% unilevel bonus), Fourth Level (4% unilevel bonus), and Fifth Level (4% unilevel bonus).

Regenerating Matrix Pay

CTFO adapts a 3x21 network marketing model. What this means is that it will have three personally recruited representatives under you. And then, the bonus is applicable up to 21 levels deep.

This bonus discusses many aspects, which makes it a little bit confusing.

But to give you a better overview, the bonus’s main idea is that the representative earns part of their lower network’s commissionable volume.

Also, how much the representative earns depends on their level and current status in the organization.

The summary of the bonus is as follows—

  • First Level Manager – from the 1st level up to the 6th, the representative earns 0.25% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, they receive 2.5% on the seventh generation.

  • Second Level Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 0.50% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 5% on the 6th and 7th generation.

  • Senior Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation.  

  • Executive Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation and 1% from the 8th up to the 14th generation.

  • $5K Executive Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation and 1% from the 8th up to the 16th generation.

  • $10K Executive Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation and 1% from the 8th up to the 18th generation.

  • $15K Executive Manager - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation and 1% from the 8th up to the 20th generation.

  • $25K Vice President - from the 1st level up to the 5th, the representative earns 1% based on lower networks’ CV. And then, 10% on the 6th and 7th generation and 1% from the 8th up to the 21st generation.

In this section, I have only explained the main context of the Regenerating Matrix Bonus. But you can see the detailed features of this bonus here.

Infinity Bonus

The Infinity Bonus is also based on the commissionable volume of your lower network, but its only difference is that it is applicable up to unlimited depths of infinity as they termed it.

However, you need to reach the ranks of at least $25K Vice President to become eligible for this bonus.

The summary of Infinity Bonus is as follows—

  • $25K Vice President – the representative, earns a 3% Infinity Bonus
  • $50K Senior Vice President – the representative, earns an additional 4% Infinity Bonus
  • $100K Executive Vice President – the representative, earns an additional 5% Infinity Bonus
  • Presidential Director - the representative, earns an additional 1.5% Infinity Bonus
  • Presidential Director Plus - the representative, earns an additional 1.75% Infinity Bonus
  • Senior Presidential Director - the representative earns an additional 2% Infinity Bonus
  • Executive Presidential Director - the representative, earns an additional 3.5% Infinity Bonus
  • Top Gun – if the representative reached this rank, they shall share 8% of the company’s income as a whole.

It may sound all dandy. But the success rate in doing MLMs is only 1%, according to the Federal Trade Commissions. I will explain more about this in the following sections.

Business Builder Pack – Fast Start

This bonus is based on the business builder packages you have directly sold. The summary of the bonus is as follows—

Is CTFO a scam

Business Builder Pack – Team Pay

Now, if Fast Start is based on business builder packages directly sold, Team Pay is based on those sold by your team.

The bonus is summarized as follows—

Is CTFO a scam
Is CTFO a scam

One-Time Rank Advancement Bonus

The representative earns a one-time bonus every time they advance in rankings.

However, this bonus shall only apply upon reaching the ranks of $5K Executive Manager or higher.

How much they earn is detailed in the following—

Is CTFO a scam

How much will it cost me to join CTFO?

CTFO offers free memberships to anyone who wanted to become a part of their organization.

However, it’s not really free if you want to participate in the company’s earning process.

The representative must spend at least $47.47 worth of company products monthly.

They also offer another option, which requires them to maintain at least ten personally recruited representatives under them. In addition, at least two of them must be spending at least $47.47 worth of retail products as well.

If you want a better source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation—

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Is it a reliable source of income?

The success rate in MLMs is extremely low.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, 99% of people who join MLMs incur losses than gain any profits.

This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further noted that Multi-Level Marketing fail to meet expectation because of two factors—


Have you heard of the term Garage Qualified?

It is a special term used to describe MLM representatives that tend to over-purchase company products for the sake of improved or maintained personal volume.

Such a case becomes problematic, especially if the representative is not earning anything but still has to avail of retail merchandise.

Even though CTFO doesn’t require monthly purchases, you may still have to. This is because the commissions and bonuses are attached to personal volume.

Such instance will eventually bear no sense to the representative. And then, they may become inactive or quit the business altogether eventually.


Recruitment is the bread and butter of MLMs. Or to put a more accurate term, it is their lifeblood since the entire structure will collapse without it.

In most MLMs, it’s not really about the product, but recruitment.

Imagine this—if people at the very bottom of the pyramid were not able to recruit sufficient people under them, it leads to no profits at all.

It would cause a representative to become frustrated and become inactive and quit the business opportunity altogether.

This cycle will continue up to the next lower level. And it will continue up until the structure finally collapses.

If you want a better source of income, one that is less risky and yields higher income, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is CTFO a scam?

No. I did not find any reason to believe that CTFO is a scam.

The company is a legitimate Multi-Level Marketing that specializes in selling hemp products.

However, some of you might argue that MLM is essentially a pyramid scheme that disguises itself as a direct selling company.

Although I agree to some extent, this is not the case technically. MLM is considered legitimate because the representative gets something of value in return for their investment.

And these values are in the form of retail merchandise which the representative can sell for profits.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme is illegal because the representatives don’t get anything in return. What they receive instead is a promise of high returns.

This makes them high-risk, and in fact, was banned in many countries around the world. It includes countries like the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany, just to name a few of them.

What I Don't Like About CTFO

Success is recruitment-based

Your success in this field is dependent on recruitment.

The industry is saturated

The CBD niche is saturated. The company is competing with companies that have the largest market share, such as CW Hemp (Charlotte’s Web), CV Science (Plus CBD oil), Balanced Health Botanicals (CBDistillery), Green Roads, and Medterra.

Not accredited by the BBB

The Better Business Bureau, or simply the BBB is one way most people do to check the credibility of a business.

Not being accredited is not necessarily an indication of malpractices, but not having one may significantly affect potential recruits’ decision-making.

You can check the details here.

Is CTFO a scam

What I Like About CTFO

Free membership

Unlike other MLMs, CTFO offers free memberships.

Money-back guarantee

CTFO also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee in case you’re not happy with the products.

Final thoughts

I hope my content has provided you answer in the all-important questions—is CTFO a scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

Although the company is technically legitimate, I still don’t recommend them or any MLMs for that matter.

The success rate is extremely low, according to the FTC, and the likelihood of losing money is much greater than earning.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why I choose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing

Affiliate is a way better source of income than businesses engaged in Multi-Level Marketing for a few apparent reasons—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you will earn commissions anytime someone uses the affiliate link you’ve provided to buy the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, this endeavor’s success relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your online site.

If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you. Tickle the description above and learn how you can create a profitable online site from scratch.

Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my CTFO review!

I hope to see you next time!


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