How To Make A Passive Income Online 

Promoting Other People's Products!

Hello Future Earner!

I'm glad you arrived on this page and before I start I want to be honest with you!

I'm no millionaire and I have no fancy cars or mansions to show you

I'm not a "Guru" who is trying to sell you an overhyped expensive course or something like that!

Put your wallet away!

I just want to share with you some super easy to follow steps that taught me (and thousands of newbies) how to create a money-making online business from scratch,

With no experience, Degrees, or spending a lot of money!

Hi, I'm Mariem 🙂

My name is Mariem and I'm a 22 yo University dropout who used to work as a waitress in a sushi place as well to cover my university expenses.

I was looking for a way to make money online for a long time and of course, I fell for a lot of scams, and low-quality "make money online" products.

I also tried to make money with an MLM company but I found myself only harassing my friends and family trying to sell them expensive products they didn't want or need.

So I stopped immediately and that was the first and last MLM I ever joined!

But one day...

I came across a business model called affiliate marketing, 

And I quickly realized that this is actually the ideal business opportunity for me because:

  • It doesn't require any special skills or experience!
  • It has extremely low startup costs & it's very profitable!
  • You don't have to do any awkward face-to-face selling or harass your friends & family to make money!
  • You Don't Need To Buy, Create, or own Any Product!

Unfortunately, I ran into a lot of scam affiliate marketing courses that wasted my time and worse...

Money 🙁

But one day I found Wealthy Affiliate!

And thanks to this amazing community I learned how to build, rank, and earn from affiliate websites.

Which never happened with the scams that I fell for in the past!

Here is What Other Wealthy Affiliate Members Have Achieved...

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is earning commissions by promoting other people's (or companies')products/services.

As I mentioned earlier, you don't need to create or own any product,

And you don't even need to source products, manage shipping or handle customer service, etc.

The best way to make money with affiliate marketing is to help people by recommending products that they are already looking for.

Let me give you an example...

Let's say I am looking for a new blender, I type on Google, "The best affordable blender."

I find a website that reviews different Blenders and recommends the best ones.

I click the #1 recommended blender and it directs me to Amazon.

I buy the Blende, the website owner who had referred me to Amazon earned a commission and helped me to find it.

He offered a solution to my problem!

Affiliate marketing is a win-win-win situation where everybody wins:

  • A customer who is looking for a product finds the best one.
  • Affiliate (you) earns a commission for recommending the product.
  • A company gets a new customer.

In order to succeed in this business model, you need to build trust!

People like to buy from someone they trust.

And when you help your website visitors, they will trust you and buy whatever you recommend.

But wait, I know nothing about websites!

Don't worry because you don't need any coding skills to build a website!

Building websites nowadays is like creating a Facebook Account!

You don't believe me?

Just watch the video below, and see how I created a website in less than 3 minutes using Wealthy Affiliate's technology!

Did you see how easily that can be done?

The best part is that if you join Wealthy Affiliate you can create 1 website for free!

For me, Wealthy Affiliate has it all!

"WA is a community to inspire and support you, up to date training on a wide range of subjects and many tools that you would have to pay for elsewhere. It is definitely my Number One recommendation for anyone wanting to learn internet marketing."

Dean at

Thanks so much for this amazing opportunity.

"I joined WA just under a month ago and am absolutely amazed at how much I have learned.

I have built a fully functioning website on a hobby of mine, which is going great. I can see already that WA is going to be the main ingredient to more financial freedom in the not-too-distant future!

Everyone I have met on Wealthy Affiliate so far has been so helpful, polite, and just all-round cool people!

I can finally look forward to the future after struggling through life for so long now!"


How To Turn Your Passion Into Profits

The beauty of Affiliate Marketing is that you can make money doing what you love.

You can promote ANYTHING you are passionate about!

Your passion can be, for example:

  • Camping.
  • Animals.
  • Cooking
  • Beauty.
  • Traveling.
  • Sports.
  • Health
  • Or whatever you choose.

How can I find all these products to promote?

There are A LOT of places you can find products to promote.

For example, Amazon!

If we search for "Camping" (for example), there are a lot of different products.

You can promote EVERYTHING you can find on Amazon to make money!


Through this platform called "Amazon Associates".

All these are the exact same products you can find on Amazon.

The only difference is that you can get your "Unique Affiliate Link" here to promote and earn commissions.

What if Amazon doesn't have the products I want to sell?

You can go to other platforms like:

  • eBay
  • Target
  • Aliexpress
  • Walmart
  • Clickbank

All these platforms have "Affiliate Programs".

Again, these are just a few examples. there are thousands of companies that will pay you to promote their products/services!

What if I don't have any passions or don't have anything to promote?

Don't overcomplicate things!

Wealthy Affiliate has proven that even a weird niche like "Football Snack Helmet" can make you a full-time income...

I'm serious.

This website is all about "Football Snack Helmet" product on Amazon.

Amazon is selling the exact same helmet with different team logos on it and this website is generating thousands of dollars for its owner!

You will see how people are earning a passive income with weird and narrow niches once you're inside Wealthy Affiliate.

The sky really is the limit!

Inside Wealthy Affiliate 

Step-By-Step Training Lessons (+$899 Value)

  • Learning the basics of affiliate marketing!
  • Help you find a profitable niche!
  • Help you build a money-generating website from scratch!
  • Drive unlimited traffic to your website for free!
  • help you Find affiliate products to promote!
  • Start Earning delicious affiliate commissions!

Support, Services, Tools... (Value +$3906)

  • Free WordPress Optimized Hosting (10 sites): $100+/month value.
  • SSL Certificate (free): (+$60/Year Value)
  • Free SiteSpeed feature for super-fast loading websites.
  • Spam Filter (free).
  • Member-generated training (+$997 Value)
  • The ability to network with over 1.9 million entrepreneurs (+$850)
  • Free Enhanced Website Security: ($250+/year value)
  • Free Keyword Tool: (+$50/month value)
  • Real-time help and support within the training  (+$1899 value)
  • And a lot more!

Total Value: $4.897

Your Investment Today:

Only $19!

Not Convinced Yet?

I know there are a lot of scams and I know exactly how it feels to get scammed!

Because I've been scammed multiple times in the past!

So if you are not convinced yet then you can join Wealthy Affiliate for free (no credit cards required) to see for yourself if it's the right place for you!

Step 1: Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account

Step 2: Start the free training (you'll get 10 free lessons)

Step 3: If you join WA using the button below, you will have a free coach (ME😁) that will help you get started on the right foot in your new online journey

You can ask me questions on your profile, my profile, or click on the “Private Message” button on my profile for one on one private consultation: my profile (MaryC7).


1- How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost? Are There Any Hidden Upsells?

Wealthy Affiliate is 100% free to join and you'll get all the premium tools for 7 days. (no credit card required!)

Then, you have two membership options:

Free Starter Membership: $0 (you can stay as a free member as much you want).

Premium Membership: $49/month (but If you signup using any link or button in this article you will get a 59% discount for your first month and you will only pay $19). 

And if you want to save more money then you can go biannually and pay $39 ($234 for 6 months)

Or you can go yearly (Like I Did) and only pay $29,92/month! ($359 for 12 months)

That's less than $1 a day!

And that's it.

There are absolutely no hidden upsells or costs!

2- Is this all about promoting WA?

NO. Wealthy Affiliate is not a platform that is all about recruiting people and getting people onto their platform.

When you get started with the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course,

You’ll be taught how to choose the niche of your website and how to build a business around your own passion and interest.

So, it’s definitely not just about promoting WA!

3- Is affiliate marketing MLM?

The answer is No!

Affiliate marketing doesn’t have the MLM structure and you don’t have to recruit people into your team.

The amount of money you can make depends on the number of sales you can make online.

Also, as I’ve explained earlier, 
You don't have to do any awkward face-to-face selling or harass your friends & family to make money!

4- How Long Does it Take To Make Money?

Personally, it took me 5 months to earn my first $8 online.

It usually takes around 5-6 months to start making a passive income (But it really depends on you and how much effort you are willing to put in)

Here is a video that explains "how long it takes to make money"!

5- Who Is This For?

If you are looking at Wealthy Affiliate as a get-rich-quick scheme, then please close this article.

This isn’t the right program for you.

Wealthy Affiliate is for You if you understand that building a money-generating online business requires time, patience, persistence, and hard work and there are absolutely no shortcuts.

Any other questions? create your free WA account and connect with me and I will be happy to answer all of your questions 🙂

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100% Satisfaction Guarantee


No Risk

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

I've reviewed, tested, and researched 100's of "make money online opportunities" and Wealthy Affiliate is the only thing that I recommend with confidence!

I personally guarantee that you will be satisfied. and if you follow the training and apply the knowledge. You will make money online!

And remember!

I am here for you so please know that you can message me anytime.

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