Is Chalk Couture a Scam? A Chalk MLM Reviewed!

Welcome to my Chalk Couture review!

Arts and crafts are progressively becoming popular for vloggers and bloggers alike to show off their creativity.

It is also a great way to improve the background props whenever they are on set.

If you happen to search online for props or how to improve your background, you may have come across an online business called Chalk Couture.

Aside from arts and crafts, they also offer compensation plans. This may have triggered your interest—is Chalk Couture a scam?

If you’re curious and wanted to know if they are legit or another MLM scheme, then you have come to the right place.

I will give my best efforts to show you whether this is a good investment, or is it better just to leave them alone.

So once again, is Chalk Couture a scam?

Are they a legitimate and reliable source of income?

 Let’s find out…

Chalk Couture Review

  • Name: Chalk Couture
  • Website:
  • Founder: Tara Roark
  • Price: Initial membership fee of $99, and monthly charges of $25.99
  • Recommended?: Nope.
is chalk couture a scam

What is Chalk Couture?

Chalk Couture is a unique MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) that specializes in the arts and crafts niche.

is chalk couture a scam

It was founded by Tara Roark. According to the Better Business Bureau, the business was incepted in August 2016.

Furthermore, the business is currently headquartered in Draper City, Utah.

They offer three main products—

  • Chalkology - $8.99
  • Chalk Transfer Stencils - $6.99 to $69.99
  • Chalkboards - $16.99 to $59.99

Hefty prices for art and craft supplies, but I won’t be talking about them.

My focus is on their compensation plan, whether they’re reliable or not.

 Let’s continue…
is chalk couture a scam

How to become a designer for Chalk Couture?

Chalk Couture calls their agent as Designers. However, take note that you will not really become a designer.

It’s a common gimmick among MLMs. In other MLMs, you may also hear the term Ambassador, Representatives, Affiliates, etc.

To become a Designer, you have to purchase their Basic Starter Kit of $99.

And you also have to settle a monthly charge of $25.99 to access “Chalk Sites.”

The Chalk Couture Business Opportunity and its income streams

The compensation plan of Chalk Couture offers two main ways to earn income—retail and referral.

Unlike other MLMs, you can sense that Chalk Couture is confident in its products. I say this because they are more retail sale-oriented.

In a video presentation, which is shown on their website, they even mentioned that you don’t need to build a team to earn income.

In one claim, they say that 88% of their member doesn’t have a lower network. And that most of their designers are making income on retail sales alone. How true that is, we may never know.

However, if you want to earn a significant income, you may create a lower network.

Another thing I admire about them is how easy and understandable their compensation plan is.

This is unlike any other incentive plans that are convoluted and esoteric, which seems that you may need an expert financial advisor to decipher the entire business plan.

I managed to found that Chalk Couture also offers Fast Start Bonus, which is a common feature in MLMs.

If there is a much detailed compensation plan, it wasn’t stated anywhere online, so I will only explain what I apparently found.

I will update this review as soon as new developments start to show up.

So let’s go through them one-by-one—

Retail Commissions

It’s the commission that the Designer gets from retail sales made by your retail customers, lower network, or by you.

The commission is equivalent to the difference between wholesale and retail prices. And then multiply it by the percentage bonus of 40%.

If the sale is made through online means, then the Designer shall earn 25%.

Team Builder Commissions

It’s a feature where you earn income based on your lower network.

Fast Start Bonus

A Designer would earn $250 if they were able to recruit three new members during their first 30 days in the business.

However, they also have to present a sales documentation as proof of the transaction.

These are the only information I can provide since there is no sufficient information online.

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Ranking and Advancements

Based on what I’ve researched, Chalk Couture rewards five different ranks.

How to advance in certain rankings are as follows—

  • Designer – your only requirement in this ranking is to sell products. You also have to maintain a 50 monthly personal volume or 150 quarterly.
  • Creative Designer – the member has to sell and recruit at the same time to earn income. They have to maintain 250 monthly personal volumes or 700 quarterly. They also need to at least have one personally sponsored Designer.
  • Master Designer – they have to do selling and recruiting at the same to earn income. They have to maintain 250 monthly personal volumes or 700 quarterly. In addition, they must have ten total members, and three of those are personally sponsored designers. Lastly, their team must maintain a monthly team volume of $1,500.
  • Couturier - the member has to sell and recruit at the same time to earn income. They have to maintain 250 monthly personal volumes or 700 quarterly. In addition, they must have twenty total members, and six of those are personally sponsored designers. Lastly, their team must maintain a monthly team volume of $3,500.
  • Master Couturier – this rank is not yet specified, but I doubt that anyone can reach this level.

If you want to see the full rank and rankings, click here to be redirected over the site.

Can you make a reliable income from Chalk Couture?

Although I admire Chalk Couture’s effort to promote retail sales over recruitment, I doubt that it’s going to make significant monthly sales.

They mention that it can be a full-time job, and they also stated several had made it by just retail selling.

Success in MLMs is a possibility, but you have to remember that it is still an MLM.

How many people do you know who do arts and crafts? I think selling such items is going to be difficult.

When you run out of people to sell your items, you may turn to recruitment to improve your personal volume.

Success in MLMs is a possibility, but it is extremely rare. According to statics, 98% of people who join MLMs lose money than earning anything.

It was further explained that MLMs fail to meet expectations because of two reasons—recruitment and capitalization.

Although they repeatedly stated that their designers don’t have to recruit, they may have to do so in the long run to improve their personal volume.

I’ll ask again how many people you know who do DIY projects? Also, if they do purchase, what are the chances that they would re-purchase next month? Or in the following months?

They may have to rely on their lower network to improve and maintain their personal volume and keep the business running.

Another thing is the capitalization. When a designer runs out of people to sell DIY projects, they may have the tendency to “Garage Qualified.”

It’s a special term that describes MLM agents that over-purchase and stock company products just to maintain or improve their status in the business.

As a result, they end up losing money and eventually quitting.

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Is Chalk Couture a scam?

No. Chalk Couture is neither a scam nor a pyramid scheme.

They are legitimate Multi-Level Marketing that sells arts and crafts for home decors.

In either case, I do not recommend Chalk Couture or any MLMs for that matter.

What I Don't Like About Chalk Couture

Success may still be recruitment-based

 As pointed out earlier, although they focus on retail sales, the Designer may have to rely on recruitment in the long run.

What I Like About Chalk Couture

is chalk couture a scam

Positive BBB rating

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way people check the credibility of a business.

An “A” rating may positively affect the decision-making of a potential client.

However, a positive doesn’t immediately indicate that the business is credible.

The reason why I say so is that there are fraudulent businesses in the BBB with positive ratings despite having a background of malpractices.

This was detailed in a CNN online publication—“Slammed by the Government, A-rated by the Better Business Bureau.”

I am not saying that Chalk Couture is fraudulent. They are a legitimate business.

My point is, you still have to do your assignment and continue background checking a business. We shouldn’t entirely rely on the BBB alone.

Positive products review

The business is receiving a lot of praise from their products.

I personally saw an unboxing video, and I was fascinated by how beautiful the packaging is.

Final thoughts

I think their products are great. But I still wouldn’t recommend it because the business model of MLMs is flawed.

It is high-risk, and chances of losing money are likely than earning anything.

If you are looking for a more reliable source of income, then check out the next section…                                                                                  

A Better Alternative To Earn Money Online

I hope my review has provided you enough information, and helped you answer the question—is Chalk Couture a scam?

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Thank you for taking time off and reading my Chalk Couture review!

You may also find other MLM reviews I’ve written interesting—Paparazzi Jewelry, Everra, Univia, Stella and Dots, and Farmasi US, to name a few.

 Until next time…

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