Is Paparazzi Jewelry A Scam? (Just another pyramid scheme?!)

Welcome to my Paparazzi Jewelry review!

If you’re new to Paparazzi Jewelry and in doubt, whether to invest or not, then you’re in the right place.

Nowadays, you’ll hear many get-rich-quick schemes through spam emails, online pop-ups, or word of mouth. But one valuable thing I’ve learned in life is that if it’s too good to be true, then it’s probably not true.

This is often the case with most pyramiding schemes or an MLM (Multi-level Marketing). They’ll make all their efforts to lure you in—promises such as significant income and becoming a millionaire.

And when you didn’t reach your goal or even become an epic failure, they have the guts to tell you that you didn’t do your best.

Like come on, man, think of it this way—I paid for the membership, starters’ kit, or whatever you call it, and you’re telling me I’d waste my hard-earned money because I didn’t work enough.

Nobody is like that. We all know the value of money. What if nobody just wants the product? Or nobody wants to join in?

Now, this is what I’ve generally observed with Paparazzi Accessories. As I look through testimonials, it’s as if they’re putting the blame entirely on the distributor.

In this review, I’ll provide answers on the issue, is Paparazzi Jewelry a scam? Or is it a legitimate way to earn income?

But please note that I am not reviewing the items they’re selling, but rather giving analysis whether the business opportunity they promote is feasible.

So once again, is Paparazzi Jewelry a scam? Or is it your ticket to the good life?

Let’s find out…

What is Paparazzi Jewelry?

Paparazzi Jewelry (now known as Paparazzi Accessories) is an online MLM business that sells affordable jewelry and accessories primarily for women.

Their items start at $5 or even less, which is a normal thing to do yet effective.

They also have an impressive back story. I’ve learned in the “Our Story” section of their website that they started with two sisters and their husbands, which makes handmade accessories and sell them at events and then eventually online.

When you visit their official website, there’s nothing out of the ordinary at first. But as you go deeper, you’ll find that they’re pushing recruiting new members or consultants, as they’d call them, than selling their products.

If you have experience with networking or pyramid schemes, then this setting would definitely remind you of it.

But before we go any further, I would like to disclose first that Paparazzi Jewelry is an MLM and not a pyramid scheme. There’s a difference between them.

Pyramiding is illegal because they are purely money-based and extremely high risks.

On the other hand, MLM is sort of a pyramid scheme but legal because you receive value as a result of paying for the membership. And then, you have to resell those products in order to gain profit.

This type of business model makes you more like a distributor than an owner.

How does the MLM structure of Paparazzi work?

According to their site, there are three ways you can earn money:

  • Direct Sales – make income by purchasing their consultants kit and earn 35 to 45% commission in every sale you make.
  • Build Your Team – a classic example of networking or pyramiding scheme. It is where you have to build your downline, in which they call the team, to earn residual income.
  • Online Bonus – it’s similar to direct selling, except your doing it online.

Direct sales and online bonuses are essentially the same things because you’re still selling items. The only difference is the mode of transaction.

As you see, their primary source of income is through a recruit buying a consultants kit. And then, they have to work hard or else they lose money. In either case, it’s a win-win for the company.

Well, the accessory is cheap yet elegant, you might say. And you’ll be able to sell the items quickly and sell more.

However, it doesn’t work this way.

If so, then you should be hearing a lot of people making a huge income by just selling accessories from Paparazzi.

Also, if the items were that profitable, then why not the company distribute it directly instead of promoting it as an investment opportunity.

The other way of accumulating income is through networking or recruiting. This is a classic example of pyramiding or networking where you have to build your downline to earn income.

However, I do not recommend any of the abovementioned tools. There are many alternatives to earn income and ones that are less risky and don’t require payouts.

An example is affiliate marketing, in which you don’t have to buy their products to promote. All you have to do is to persuade people to visit any website and buy their products.

But you may ask—I don’t have any experience?

Well, never worry. Click here to know more about affiliate marketing.

But if you’ve decided to join them anyway, let’s go to the next section…

How to sign up with Paparazzi Jewelry

You can begin the process of becoming a Paparazzi agent on their website.

First step: Find a consultant residing within your area

Apparently, you have to find a designated consultant first before you can start your business with the company.

Second step: Select which starters kit you prefer

  • The Preview Pack costs $99.00 and includes 35 pieces of jewelry that retail at $175.00.
  • The Small Home Party Kit which costs $299.00, and includes 120 pieces of jewelry’s that retails at $600.00
  • The Large Home Party Kit which costs $499, and includes 200 pieces of jewelry that retails at $1,000.00.

You can refer to their official website right here for more information.

Third step: check out

Now, all you have to do is pay for the specified amount of the plan. And then, wait for the products to arrive.

Congratulations! You are now a Paparazzi Jewelry consultant.

Do they really produce income? Or even make you rich?

In my opinion, investing in Paparazzi Jewelry is not a reliable source of income.

Let me explain a few points…

Small investment but yields small returns

If you’re using Paparazzi Jewelry as a side hustle, then joining is maybe okay. But I wouldn’t recommend it as a full-time job.

Significant income in network marketing is rare, more so the chances of becoming a millionaire.

Although the initial capital is not that expensive, per se, the commission is very small and not ideal if you’re planning to make it your primary source of income.

You’ll earn 35 to 45% commission on each product sold, which may seem a huge profit at first sight. But again, most of what you’re selling is only $5, which yields a tiny profit margin.

I’d like to point again that if their accessories can produce high income, then why can’t the company concentrate on marketing the products instead of recruiting members.

Slow product turnover

You have to keep in mind that not all are going to like the items. Also, you are stuck with one demographic and selling one type of product, and you can’t force people to buy.

This means that it’s going to take a lot of time and effort to make a profit.

Yes, you can make some sales, but unless you’re comfortable with annoying a lot of people, including your friends, family, and neighbors, then I don’t see in any way how you can earn.

Is Paparazzi Jewelry a scam?

No. Paparazzi is not a scam. Although the profit isn’t that big and business growth is rare, the income is still there.

However, we have to keep in mind that if something is yielding income, it doesn’t mean that it is good business.

It’s also noteworthy that Paparazzi Jewelry (or Paparazzi Accessories) has an F overall rating in the Better Business Bureau.

is paparazzi jewelry a scam

The F rating is due to several complaints that are mostly product or services quality, delivery issues, billings/collections, advertising/sales, and warranty/guarantee.

If you don’t know what a Better Business Bureau or BBB is, they are the most trusted agency in terms of evaluating businesses.

If this is so, then you may again raise the question—is paparazzi jewelry a scam? Again, no. The BBB is the standard of reviewing company creditability. But it doesn’t immediately indicate that the company is fraudulent.

The BBB is only our way of determining whether the company we’re engaging in is trustworthy.

However, an F rating should raise a red flag and make you think twice whether investing in the company is a good decision.

To see the full extent of the BBB report, click here.

Positive notes

Potential high income, if…

Yes, not all people would be interested in buying the items. But high income is possible if you find the right customers and are willing to buy several trinkets from you.

Maybe ideal as a side hustle

As we mentioned earlier, it’s okay if you’re using Paparazzi as a way of extra-income.

But prepare for the slow inventory turnover if you’re not paying much attention to the business.

You are your own boss

The income you’ll be earning from Paparazzi Jewelry will depend on your time and effort. This means that you can work anytime and at your own pace.

Final Verdict

If you ask my opinion, I advise you to stay away from Paparazzi Jewelry if you desire a much profitable business model.

Also, the F rating should make you think twice whether you should invest in the company or not.

Besides, there are more legitimate ways you can earn income. One way to do so and a proven business model is Affiliate Marketing.

It’s completely risk-free because there are no payouts. Also, income is guaranteed as long as you put in time and effort.

To know more about how to do Affiliate Marketing, click here.

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