Univia review – Success is Rare Here! (Updated For 2021)

Welcome to my Univia Review!

There are lots of healthcare or personal care products out there.

With so many competing brands, some companies may opt to convert their business model into MLM or Multi-Level Marketing.

By doing so, it enables them to promote their business at a lower cost and earn more.

One of the rising companies out there is a small MLM business called Univia.

Just hearing the word MLM, some may raise their eyebrow and ignore the business altogether. This is because of the MLMs association with pyramiding schemes and scams.

But let's take a look if Univia is different from other MLMs.

So, is Univia a scam? Is success really rare here? Or are they legitimate?

Without further delays, let's find out…

Univia Review

  • Name: Univia
  • Founder: Kevin Hafan
  • Price: $49 (Basic), $249 (Basic Influencer Pack), $249 (Nootropic Influencer Pack), $459 (Premium Influencer Pack).
  • Recommended?: No!
univia review is univia a scam

What is Univia?

Univia is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company that specializes in personal care.

The date of inception was not indicated on their official website, nor was it mentioned anywhere online.

But one thing we are certain of is that it's an American-owned company, with a base of operation in St. George, Utah.

You may see a different address on their online site, which is in Florida. And the reason for such is that this address is for product returns only.

Also, another thing for sure is that its current CEO is Kevin Hafan.

Beyond these, there's no more relevant information like its founder.

A GPT (get-paid-to) or PTC (paid-to-click) site not giving basic information initially is okay because most of these sites are free membership and possess low risk.

But I think it's appropriate that an MLM company discloses such basic information to build trust between the owners and potential investors.

As mentioned, they sell personal care products, but we are not here to discuss their products. My aim in this review is to help you determine whether you should invest in them or not.

With that being said—let's continue my Univia review…

Univia review


How can I join Univia, and how much will it cost me?

Joining the Univia MLM force is relatively easy—first is you have to visit their website to signup by choosing the "become an influencer" description.

univia review


Yes, members are called influencers.

And then, you have to select which starter pack you want.

Take note that you have to settle them right away because your application won't be processed if you are unable to do so.

univia review


Distributor memberships

You can join for a distributors' fee of only $49, but you receive no products.

univia review


Basic Influencer Pack

This starters' kit will cost you $249.

univia review


Nootropic Influencer Pack

This pack is priced at $249.

univia review


Premium Influencer Pack

This pack is supposed to be more profitable than the previous two. However, it'd cost you about $459.

I know—it's expensive, right?

Plus, income is not guaranteed. In fact, in Dr. Jon Taylors' book "Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked," he argued that most people who join MLMs actually lose money instead of earning.

And the reason why MLMs fail to meet expectations is because of two things—recruitment and capitalization.

What MLMs are trying to convey is that our success is proportionate to our ability to recruit, and not necessarily selling the actual products.

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Univia's Compensation Plan and its income streams

Like any other MLMs, the lifeblood of Univia is recruitment or building your down lines.

If they primarily depend on selling products, I doubt that they can make any profits at all. Why? If the products are that profitable, then why enter into an MLM model in the first place, right?

Of course, MLMs also involve selling products or services, but it is not their main focus, so as to say.

Also, I bet that when you visit a home of an MLM agent, you may find tons of products in their garages.

Have you heard of the term Garage Qualified?

Well, it's a special term given to MLM members that purchased a lot of products just to achieve or maintain a certain rank.

As a result, it may seem that you're not earning anything at all because you are essentially paying for your commissions.

There are five different ways of how a member could earn income with Univia. It is as follows:

  • Retail Commissions
  • Enhanced Bonus
  • Recruitment Bonus
  • Residual Commissions
  • Check Match
  • Generation Bonus
  • Icon Bonus
  • Lifestyle Rewards

Now, let's briefly take a look at each of them.

Retail Commissions

It's one of Univia's basic features and any MLMs in general.

All you have to do is to sell or buy your own products. It doesn't matter because you still earn points—Garage Qualified at work.

It includes preferred customers, and of course, retail sales from your team or lower lines.

Your commissions are calculated by deducting the retail cost and wholesale cost of the product.

Enhanced Bonus

It's a bonus based on specific percentages generated from personal sales volume.

  • If you reach 300 to 499 personal volume, then earn a 5% enhanced bonus on purchase and retail orders.
  • Once you are within the ranges of 500 to 999 of personal volume a month, then you are qualified for a 10% bonus on purchase and retail orders.
  • Generate over 1,000 personal volume and 5,000 team volume, and you become eligible for a 15% enhanced bonus.

Recruitment Commissions

A Univia agent earns 5% commissions if they are able to make an Influencer Packs signup.

Yes, the potential recruit needs to avail the Influencer Packages for you to become eligible for the commission.

So you also have to be a hell of a marketer to make the specific signup, considering that their startups are very expensive.

Residual Commissions

Now, this is where the pyramid or uni-level compensation structure comes into play.

Your residual commissions depend on your rankings and the level of your downline that made the sale.

And you can commission as far as the seventh level of your group. And, it's also to be noted that these bonuses are derived from percentages from the agents' personal sales volume.

Before I give you the summary of residual commissions, take note that all of the commission percentages are 5%, and it only varies depending on which level the sale was made.

The summary is as follows:

  • Active Influencer – 1st
  • Premium Influencer – 1st through 2nd
  • Senior Influencer – 1st through 3rd
  • Elite Influencer – 1st through 4th
  • Master and Global Influencer – 1st through 5th
  • Royal Influencer – 1st through 6th levels
  • Icons – 1st through the 7th and final level.

Check Match

The only people eligible for this bonus are the Elite Influencers or higher rankings.

Univia doesn't specifically indicate the bonus rates in each ranking.

The only thing for certain is that the Influencer is supposed to earn 5% to 20% on the first level. And then, 5% to 15% on the second level.

Generational Bonus

It's a feature that pays beyond the 7th level.

Univia seems to have failed to explain this feature clearly.

But it is mentioned that you earn a specific bonus of up to four generations per level.

  • Global Influencer – they gain 2% commissions for up to two levels.
  • Royal Influencer – they earn 3% for up to three levels.
  • The Icons – these members earn 4% for up to four levels.

The Icons

As the term implies, the bonus is especially for Icons only.

Univia shares its 1% profit with their Icon members.

However, Icons are classified into several groupings also.

It is divided among Icon members as follows:

  • Bronze, Silver, and Gold Icons get a 20% bonus in the 1% share.
  • Platinum Icons receives a 40% bonus in the 1% profit share.

Lifestyle Reward

It is basically incentives in the form of merchandise, trips, and recognition awards.

But beyond that, Univia didn't specify the mechanics of this feature.

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Can you make a reliable income with Univia?

My straight answer is a resounding NO.

Univia is essentially not different comparing to other MLMs. Although they indeed try to sell their products from time to time, their main focus really is recruitment.

They use recruitment because it yields more profits.

I find it difficult to imagine that Univia is going to make any significant profits by relying on their products.

Let's say that their products are effective. You have to remember that they aren't the only ones selling the same products that are as effective or more effective than theirs.

In addition, if you compare product prices, you may find that theirs are more expensive than similar products.

Therefore, instead of hiring an additional workforce or paying for advertisement costs, they would just recruit someone willing to pay for membership and buy their products and represent their company.

So what does this mean to potential recruits? The only way for you to succeed is by attaining a huge sales volume, which you achieve by having a large lower line.

You won't be making enough money to pay your monthly bills just by relying on product sales alone. You need to recruit tirelessly.

So how do we create profitable lower lines?

Since each of us is unique, I am certain that most aren't born with the ability to make sales. Thus, it will be difficult for some to make any sales.

This leads to some not earning anything or even ends up losing than earning.

Also, most MLM agents recruit have no experience. As a result, new members turn friends and family members, which often leads to annoyance and resentment.

Unless you're willing to take any risk, then by all means.

Is Univia a scam?

No, Univia is not a scam. They are an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company, or a fancy word for legal pyramiding schemes.

Yes, MLMs are technically legal because they provide value in exchange for your so-called investments.

These values are in the form of merchandise that you have to resell.

I also reviewed other MLMs if you want to check them out—USANA, ACN, Stella and Dot, and Paparazzi Jewelry.

Negative Notes

Expensive startup cost

The startup cost is very expensive to begin with, which ranges from $49 to $499.

And opting for the $49 investment won't even get you anywhere, because products are not included.

Thus, your focus will mainly revolve around recruiting.

Too focused on recruitment than selling the products

If a product of a company is profitable, then members won't have to recruit agents and employ network marketing.

I believe Univia offers quality wellness products, but there's too much competition in the industry.

What most MLMs would do in these instances is to create a network to cut costs in advertising.

I don't recommend it for beginners

Unless you're good at selling, then you may find it difficult to sell at first.

You might find it awkward talking about the business opportunity in front of your friends and relatives.

Do you know what sucks? You're trying to make money from your family and friends. It may also result in them drawing away from you as a result.

No BBB Profile

The Better Business Bureau or simply BBB is one way most people do to check the credibility of a company.

Although it doesn't necessarily mean that they're fraudulent in a way, it does affect decision-making for others.

In addition, they also don't have a profile in rating websites like Foxy Ratings, Site Jabber, or Glassdoor.

Positive Notes

Good quality products

Their products are top-notch and receive a lot of positive feedback on Facebook.

A wide array of products

They have many products to offer.

Final thoughts

I hope my Univia review has enlightened you on this important matter and help you to make the right decision whether to invest or not.

It took me a while to finish this review, and that's because Univia provides little information about their company and how exactly their compensation plan works.

But anyway, if you want to earn a higher and more reliable source of income, then I do not recommend Univia or any other MLMs for that matter.

If you want to know why then continue reading below…

Why should you do Affiliate Marketing over MLMs?

If you're fully locked on investing in MLMs and want to read no more, then feel free to close this tab 🙂

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