Playlist Push Review: Make $12 Per Song?

Welcome to my Playlist Push review!

As of today, Spotify is the largest music streaming platform worldwide.

I have it, you have it, and over a million people are using it around the world.

For me, an online music streaming sites such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music is a very convenient way to listen to songs from my favorite artist.

What if I say that you can earn some extra cash just by listening to music?

Yup, you heard that right!

Playlist Push is one example of an online company that offers such services.

However, you might be in doubt as to the legitimacy of Playlist Push

In this review, I will put those doubts aside and help you in deciding whether this platform is a good investment or not.

So without further ado, let’s begin my Playlist Push review…

Playlist Push Review

  • Name: Playlist Push
  • Website:
  • Founder: George Goodrich
  • Price: Music artist: $250 to $1,000, and for the Playlist curator: free.
  • Recommended?: If you're a musical artist or have a large follower on Spotify, then YES.
playlist push review

What is Playlist Push?

Playlist Push is an online platform that allows music artists and playlist curators to generate income.

It was founded in 2018 by George Goodrich.

The platform aims to help an indie artist grow their career through music streaming applications like Spotify. Playlist Push boosts their music and reaches as many people as possible.

But to do so, they have to pay about $250 to $1,000 to have their music featured and reviewed by playlist curators.

Although it might seem expensive, I think it is an effective way to pitch your music.

Spotify, for example, has over a million paying subscribers, thus, putting your work on such a platform increases your chance of being discovered by the larger public.

It also allows music streaming subscribers to monetize their playlist.

Does it sound interesting? Monetizing your playlist may sound great, but it does have requirements. I will explain this in the latter part of the review.

You may also want to read reviews of other online money-making platforms such as—Redbubble, Wealthy Affiliate, Azobux, JustAnswer, Lazybucks, Rebatest, Rebatesme, LuxSurveys, and, to name a few.

How to sign up?

Registration is typical. You just need to go to the signup page of their website and fill in the basic information.

But before you can sign up, you have to choose which type of service you would like to register—is it as an artist or playlist curator.

playlist push review

Another requirement is that in either case, the potential member must have a Spotify or any music streaming accounts.

Once you have chosen what type of service you want to avail, you will be directed to specific sign up pages.

Registration for the artist

If you’re an artist, the signup page is as follows—

playlist push review

Registration for the campaign.

But as an artist, you will also be asked to pay fees that usually start from $185. But the expected average spending is around $250 and could go as high as $1,000.

There are actually some artists that are paying as high as $3,000 just to achieve the exposure they need.

Paying the minimum would give you about two weeks of the campaign on the music streaming application.

However, the price may also vary depending on the popularity of the genre. Or if you choose to add more genres into your account.

While it supports all types of genres, it has strong ties to indie rock, pop, and hip hop. This may be due to its popularity nowadays.

Registration for the playlist curator

Signing up for the playlist curatorship is free. But you need to have a specific number of followers (at least 400 followers) to become a qualified playlist curator.

The signup page that you’ll see in their site should be as follows—

playlist push review

Registration for the curatorship

How does Playlist Push work?

Playlist Push benefits both the independent artist and the paying subscribers of music streaming applications.

Now, let’s explore how each program works.

For the artist

Playlist Push aims to help independent artists to grow their music career through music streaming platforms such as Spotify.

Apple Music and Deezer are also considered, but the main platform is Spotify because, apparently, it is the largest music streaming worldwide.

Spotify has about over 100 million paying subscribers, so it’s only reasonable that they should be the main focal point of every artist.

When you sign up with Playlist Push, your song(s) will be sent to specific groups and qualified curators.

After paying the specific amount, the campaign shall run for two weeks. The duration of the campaign will also depend on how much the artist paid for.

During the duration of the campaign, they’ll receive periodic updates regarding your music’s’ development.

You also receive the full report of the campaign once its duration is done.

It is claimed that the platform has helped thousands of independent artists to this date, and have reached over millions of listeners.

If so, then investing in this platform may really be a huge boost to your musical career.

For the playlist curator

Do you listen to online music stream?

Then the concept of monetizing your playlist might really seem a sweet idea, right?

Playlist Push allows you to enjoy music, and earn extra cash at the same time.

And of course, you will need a music streaming account in order to use the platform.

As a curator, you earn income by reviewing music sent by an independent music artist.

Another upside for this is that you’ll not only earn income but also discover new music and help independent artists gain traction.

But before you can qualify for the curatorship position, you need to have 400 followers, at least.

Once approved, only then can you review and give feedback to specific songs. The songs sent to you depend on your genre as well.

You will receive the songs anytime the artist releases new ones. Afterward, you are required to review them for you to earn income.

Once your ratings and feedbacks are approved, you shall receive compensation, which ranges from $1 to $12. How much you earn also depends on your engagement and reputation score.

The reputation score is the equivalent of your followers on Spotify playlists.

Thus, the higher the level of engagement and reputation score is, the higher your income shall be as well.

This means that you should be immensely popular on Spotify to earn a significant income. This may be a problem if you’re new to music streaming or have little followers.

If you want a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!


You can withdraw your income anytime you wish through PayPal.

Can you make a reliable income from Playlist Push?

Playlist Push is not for everybody. They are recommendable for music artists and music streamers with a huge follower.

If you believe you can make it as an artist, then putting your songs on a music streaming platform is an excellent idea. This is because you are enabling your music to be heard by the larger mass.

As a playlist curator, even if you have that many of a follower, it’s not going to be enough to enable you to quit your day job and become a full-time music reviewer.

The maximum payout is only $12, which won’t be enough to help you pay your monthly bills.

Your income from Playlist Push is as good as side income only, and not a full-time job.

Is Playlist Push a scam?

No. Playlist Push is not a scam—a hundred percent.

They are a legitimate online business that provides an opportunity to both the independent artist and playlist curator.

What I Don't Like About Playlist Push

The platform is not for everybody

For you to qualify to become a playlist curator, you need to have at least 400 followers on your playlist.

Low-income potential

Although membership is free for the playlist curator, the income can only go as high as $12.

Success is still not guaranteed

Even when you’re music is approved to get a spot on music streaming sites, success still not guaranteed.

It is a little expensive for the artist

The cost of $185 to a thousand dollars may seem off-budget to some artist, considering that it may just run for two weeks.

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What I Like About Playlist Push

Membership is free for the playlist curator

There are no membership fees if you’re joining as a playlist curator only.

It is a great way to boost your musical career

Spotify is the largest and most used music streaming around, and being able to launch your music through these platforms could really be a huge boost.

Availability is worldwide

Anybody from any parts of the world can join them.

Final thoughts

I hope my Playlist Push review has provided you sufficient information and helped in determining whether this platform is the right fit for you.

Although it is risky, joining Playlist Push could be a great opportunity for the artist.

But for the playlist curator, you can only earn as far as $12.

If you want to know a better way to earn income online, then you have to move forward to the next section…

Do you want to know a better and more reliable way to earn income online?

As repeatedly emphasized, Playlist Push is not for everybody.

You have to be an artist or have a large follower to earn some kind of income from this platform.

Even if you qualified as a playlist curator, your income is still low.

If you want a better way to earn income online, then you have to try Affiliate Marketing.

It is way better than any online money-making scheme for a few apparent reasons—

  • Anybody can definitely join—you are qualified regardless of your position in life.
  • No membership fee to begin with.
  • No risk.
  • Income potential is high.

Just let an affiliate link sit on your website passively, and you earn income as soon as someone engages the link and eventually purchases the services or products offered.

If you want to know more about this amazing platform, tickle the description below—

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Playlist Push review.

Until then!

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