Rebatest Review: Get Free Amazon Products or Just A Scam?

Welcome to my Rebatest review!

If only you could combine shopping and earning, then that would be a blast. Right?

But wait…

You can actually do this nowadays, sort of.

This is through the help of online cashback sites like Rebatest.

You may have probably heard of them while searching for legitimate online money-making schemes. And you end up here while determining whether to consider the platform or not.

Well, I did the research and hope that this review would help you with your decision-making.

But before we start, I would like to congratulate you on taking the initiative to do a background checking before engaging in the platform.

Although it is free to join, most online companies require potential members to submit personal information. Thus, it is important to investigate first.

This is because such personal information can be used against you if we’re unsure of the company’s reputation.

Lastly, I am not an affiliate of Rebatest, and I am not in any way promoting their brand.

Without further delays, let’s begin my Rebatest review…


Product name:
Founder: Undisclosed
Price: Free-to-start
Product/Service type: Cashback site.
Recommended?: It’s maybe okay as a side hustle only.


What is Rebatest?

Rebatest is a GPT (Get-paid-to) platform that offers product testing and cashback services.

The setup is that a business (usually Amazon sellers) sort of provides their product for free in exchange for a genuine feedback and experience.

Although there’s still money involves, I say it’s free because they will refund the money back, plus you keep the item you received.

The price of products typically ranges from $5 to $30. There are products that cost $50 and above, but only a few members can access them.

Some examples of the products that a member might be reviewing include earphones, smartwatches, swimwear, and home décor.

It also includes very cheap products like belly wraps and nail clippers.

It is as simple as that.

But do not expect a sustainable income from doing product reviews, because like most GPT platforms, Rebatest is also low-paying.

Their official site does not contain any basic information about the company—like CEOs, founders, the date it was founded, how many workers they have, and the base of operation.

According to their domain, the website was incepted in July of 2018.

This issue is common to relatively new online businesses. However, it doesn’t necessarily imply that they are fraudulent in any way.

Let’s continue with my Rebatest review to find out more about the company.

rebatest review

How does Rebatest work?

As mentioned, Rebatest is in partnership with several Amazon sellers, wherein they provide their products in exchange for authentic customer experience.

Companies do this to either product test or gain a positive public image.

Any feedback is important because it gives companies insights on what to improve.

So, in essence, it is a win-win for all of the parties involved.

However, you have to consider that not every review or comment is considered valid. And you may not receive any income at all if by chance it is not accepted.

Panels will evaluate your work, whether it’s relevant or not.

If you are good at writing reviews, then you may want to consider Rebatest.

But if you’re looking for higher income and one that is sustainable, then you have to have to check out my number one recommendation in earning income online.

How to join Rebatest and how much it’ll cost me?

rebatest review
Source: sign-up page

Signing up to Rebatest is pretty basic and easy.

You just have to fill in your email address and create a password. You may also connect with your social media account like Facebook.

The following is a summary of what you’ll basically be doing:

  • Shop for the products you like – as a new member, you’ll have two credits for your first purchases. But you should not cancel them because aside from losing credits, you also have to wait.
  • Buy the products – there are no special procedures here. Just buy the products as you would normally do. But don’t forget to copy the order number.
  • Click the “Submit Amazon Order No.” description.
  • Write a trial report.
  • Receive your earnings once your trial report has been confirmed.

It is to be noted that you’re going to buy stuff from your own pocket. Also, the seller may reject your payment for some reason.

You can already do reviews as soon as the products are shipped. Remember to provide the order number before submitting it.

Afterward, Rebatest will refund your money back, and best of all, you keep the item. Sweet!

Can you make money from Rebatest?

Well, the point of Rebatest is to get free Amazon products. But they do offer gigs that offer small payouts.

However, do remember that income from rebate sites, in general, is not a sustainable source of income.

If you’re thinking of using them as your main income stream, then you’re setting yourself up for a huge financial failure.

There’s no significant opportunity here.

The amount you’ll be earning is small, and I’m sure that it won’t be sufficient to accommodate your monthly expenses.

For the referral program – you’ll earn $5 when you get someone to use your referral link and made at least one review.

Campaign program – they claim that a member could earn $1,000 based on your referrals. But I think it’s misleading because you really have to work your butt off to reach the level.

  • A member can get an extra $20 for 10 referrals.
  • $50 for 20 referrals.
  • $80 for 50 referrals.
  • $500 for 100 referrals.
  • $1,000 for 200 referrals.

However, as researched online, this program doesn’t seem as active as of now.

Again, the point of Rebatest is cashback. So, you won’t really be earning significantly with Rebatest.

If you want to earn income online—one that is high paying and sustainable, then I recommend you to try my best work-at-home option.

Negative Notes

They don’t get your earnings in full

Although they provide full cashback, they don’t cover the service fee from PayPal. Thus, you’ll end up not receiving the exact amount you actually paid for.

Extensive cashback procedure

If you’re a new member, you may find the cashback process inconvenient. It includes verification and approval procedures. While other times it even requires members to watch a demo video.

Not accredited by the BBB and no profile or whatsoever

Although it doesn’t immediately imply a company as fraudulent when they have no profile, it does affect the decision-making of a person because it is one of the ways people check the credibility of the business.

Insufficient company information

As I mentioned earlier, their domain indicates that they are relatively new. Such an issue is common to new online businesses.

Company information is also another way people do to check company’s reputation.

Positive Notes

Referral program

Aside from the potential of having free Amazon products, you also have an opportunity to earn extra income through referrals.

It’s legitimate

It’s not a scam people. And it actually does what it claims.

Is Rebatest a scam?

No, Rebatest is not a scam. They are legitimate a business that offers product trials and cash backs.

Rebatest, in my opinion, is a great way to gain products for free.

However, they are not primarily set to provide a reliable income. As mentioned, their only income stream for its members is the referrals.

Income from referral fees is insignificant, and even though they claim to give $1,000 for 200 recruits, it’s going to take a lot of effort to attain this level.

Final thoughts plus a better alternative than rebate sites

I hope my Rebatest review has enlightened you on some issues regarding the platform.

If your goal is to get free Amazon products or earn a little cash, then you can try this platform.

But overall, I do not recommend the program if you’re aiming for a more reliable source of income.

It’s low-paying, and since they are relatively new, their credibility is not fully established. Thus, if I were you, I’ll hesitate to sign up using email or social media account.

There are better options online, and one of which is called Affiliate Marketing.

It’s a marketing strategy employed by businesses to promote their brand through an affiliate website.

The main responsibility of the affiliate is just to promote a product by flashing advertisements onto their online sites.

And then, let it sit there passively until someone clicks the link and buys the products eventually.

It is that simple!

But best of all, you’ll earn a more reliable income since you’re working directly with the company.

In addition:

  • It’s absolutely free to start.
  • Your identity and other personal information are safe.
  • Income is unlimited because you can promote as many businesses as you want.

But for your Affiliate Marketing business to flourish, you need to have a site that’s creating a lot of traffic.

If this is your first time hearing about Affiliate Marketing, I have the best solution for you…

Wealthy Affiliate is a training program that teaches you all the things you need to know on how to build a profitable site that’s driving a lot of traffic.

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13 thoughts on “Rebatest Review: Get Free Amazon Products or Just A Scam?”

  1. I am happy that I can use Rebatest. Without it, I can not afford many items that I want. Generally speaking, I receive my payment from them within 24 hours.

  2. Because of the epidemic, I can only stay at home. I applied for some daily necessities and toys for my little daughter on rebatest. It was great and saved a lot of money.

  3. I am happy that I can use Rebatest. Without it, many items I can not afford.
    Generally speaking, I got my payment back within 48 hours.


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