Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam?! Or is it Legit?! (A 2020 Review!)

Welcome to my Cowboy Wealth review!

You might have come across Cowboy Wealth as you’re searching for a legitimate work-at-home income.

You might have been intrigued but wanted to know more before you sign up.

If this is your concern, then this content is what you’re looking for.

In this review, I will provide you an analysis of their platform and whether they’re a good investment or not.

So is Cowboy Wealth a scam? Or are they legitimate?

Let’s find out!

Cowboy Wealth Review

  • Name: Cowboy Wealth
  • Website:
  • Founder: Chris and Cathy Sorensen
  • Price: A member has to maintain a personal volume of $50 per month.
  • Recommended?: No!
Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam
Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam

What is Cowboy Wealth?

Cowboy Wealth was founded by Chris and Cathy Sorensen.

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam

I wasn’t able to locate the inception date of the company. But as I check the age of their domain, it says to have been created on July 27, 2012—about eight years ago.

Their team is composed of international members, as it was stated. They claim to teach and improve you on several matters that include anywhere from helping you to diet and save money.

But in general, the business model of Cowboy Wealth is vague. But in the video presentation, you might have the impression of a personal development class.

However, it is still very unclear what you’ll be doing once you signed up. It wasn’t disclosed.

The front page is some sort of an invitation for you to register—the ambiguity of their presentation is probably just a marketing technique to lure anyone to find out what they are talking about.

In addition, upfront, they said that they are not an MLM, but it kind of points to that direction, as I will reveal in the next chapter…

Is it an MLM?

As mentioned, the video presentation of Cowboy Wealth seems to be a personal development training program.

So you should expect something like those offered by Overnight Millionaire System, Bossless Forever, or 100 Million Academy.

In the video, they boldly claimed that they are not a Multi-Level Marketing.

But as you signed up, you will discover that they upsell an MLM company called Melaleuca.

This is not the first time I saw one platform that leads to another MLM company. Some examples are PlanNet Marketing that leads members to InteleTravel, and Affiliate Institute that leads members to an MLM that sells $5,000 water dispensing machines.

I will explain more on Melaleuca in the following section…

What is Melaleuca?

Melaleuca is a Multi-Level Marketing that specializes in selling health and wellness products.

Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam
Is Cowboy Wealth a Scam

It was founded by Frank Vandersloot on August 18, 1985. According to their BBB profile, it says that they are currently located in Yellowstone, Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Although there’s a clear existence of a compensation plan, Mr. Vandersloot denies that he is leading an MLM company in his interview with in 2012.

I have reviewed MLMs in the same niche in the past. You can check them out if you like—Nature’s Sunshine, Monavie, LurraLife, Bonvera, Reliv International, and American Dream Nutrition, just to name a few of them.

Or, if you want to see the full list, click here.

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(With no Experience or Degrees!)

The Melaleuca business opportunity 

The hallmark of Multi-Level Marketing is their complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plan.

Those offered by Melaleuca is no different. They are so convoluted that it seems like you would need the help of an expert financial person to decipher the entire thing.

In dealing with MLMs, you only have to take note of two things, and it includes the following—

  • Retail commissions – the MLM representative earns commissions anytime they make retail sales.
  • Recruitment – it is the bread and butter of MLMs because it is the basis for their bonuses, and commissions are based.

Most MLMs tries to make their compensation plan as complicated as possible to confuse potential investors and prevent them from asking many questions that may expose the flaws of the business model.

And to completely save themselves and persuade you to join, they would just show the potential income and present some of their members with their luxurious lifestyles.

Does this sound familiar?

It’s a common strategy used by most MLMs.

Anyway, Melaleuca calls their members as Directors and currently rewards 37 rankings. Now, that’s a lot! And it may take a very long time, even never, for a member to reach the top.

You can check the full compensation plan here.

Also, they offer 11 income streams, and it includes the following—

  • Product Introduction Commissions
  • The Quality Customer Bonus
  • One-time Advancement Bonuses
  • Advancement Bonus Payouts
  • Personally Enrolled Customer Commissions
  • Organization Commissions
  • Career/Value Pack Commissions
  • The Leadership Development Bonus
  • Monthly Car Bonus
  • Director Development Bonus
  • Leadership Pools

I will explain them briefly in the next section…

What are the income streams of Melaleuca?

Cowboy Wealth does not have any compensation plan to offer.

However, since Melaleuca will be marketed when you register for Cowboy Wealth, I believe that it’s essential to discuss the income streams they’re offering—

Product Introduction Commissions

New MLM representatives earn up to $27 commission when they are able to generate 150 personal volumes in their first month.

The Quality Customer Bonus

The member earns $25 for every preferred customer they recruit.

One-time Advancement Bonuses

They earn a one-time bonus every time they advance in rankings.

Advancement Bonus Payouts

They earn another one-time bonus upon reaching the Directorial positions for the first-time.

Personally Enrolled Customer Commissions

The retail commission from sales volume generated from preferred customers goes up to 14% if the representative has a total of 8 to 19 recruited customers.

And then, it reaches 20% if the total goes up to 20 total recruitments.

Organization Commissions

They earn 7% organization commissions on their first 150 personal volumes within the first month.

Career/Value Pack Commissions

The representative earns $30 and $50 commissions on Career and Value Packages, respectively.

The Leadership Development Bonus

You earn a Leadership Development Bonus if you help your personally recruited executives to the ranks of at least Director.

Monthly Car Bonus

Nope, it’s not what you’re thinking!

It’s not actually a car that’s fully paid for by the company.

What happens instead is that Melaleuca will provide monthly assistance in paying for your dream car.

  • Senior Directors - $400
  • Corporate Directors - $1,000

Director Development Bonus

The monthly volume requirement is waived for the current and the next two months if their lower network advances in the ranks of Director and above.

Leadership Pools

To qualify for this bonus, the representative has to attain the ranks of Director III or above.

The bonus is that they share in the global profits of the company.

How much will it cost me to join Cowboy Wealth?

To keep your status, the member has to maintain a personal volume of 50 a month.

If you’re considering Melaleuca as well, then it would require a personal volume of 150 a month.

Is it a reliable source of income?

Again, Cowboy Wealth doesn’t seem to be an MLM, but they do upsell one.

Let’s talk about this business model for a minute.

Success in Multi-Level Marketing is extremely rare.

According to the Federal Trade Commissions, they found out that 99% of people who join MLMs are more likely to incur losses than gain any profits.

This was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that this type of business model is flawed and fails to meet expectation because of two factors—


Have you heard of Garage Qualified?

It is a special term used to describe MLM representatives that tend to over-purchase company products for the sake of improving or maintaining their personal volume.

This can become problematic if they have are not earning anything but still pretty much obliged to meet monthly requirements.


Recruitment is the bread and butter, or the lifeblood of MLMs to put a more accurate term. This is so because the entire structure will collapse without it.

Imagine this—if the member at the very bottom of the network were unable to recruit sufficient people below them, it means that they won’t earn anything as well.

On top of that, they still have to maintain their monthly personal volumes.

It will eventually lead to losses if such instances. As a result, it would make the representative become inactive and quit the business altogether.

This cycle will go up to the next bottom level, and then the next and so forth and so on…

It will continue up until the business is finally no more…

If you want a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Cowboy Wealth a scam?

I’m not sure how to answer this because Melaleuca is legitimate after all.

However, the upselling of Melaleuca is a bit misleading for me.

So, yeah, maybe they are legitimate on the grounds that Cowboy Wealth is connected with Melaleuca.

What I Don't Like About Cowboy Wealth


They mentioned in the video presentation that they are not an MLM. However, they do upsell an MLM company.

No products to sell

The business model of Cowboy Wealth is vague. But they do not have anything to sell.

What I Like About Cowboy Wealth

I didn’t see any good reason for you to invest in them.

Final thoughts

I hope my content has provided you sufficient information in answering the question—is Cowboy Wealth a scam? Or are they legitimate?

Although the MLM that Cowboy Wealth is upselling is legitimate, I still don’t recommend or any MLMs or personal development courses for that matter.

Continue to the next section, and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why is Affiliate Marketing better than Multi-Level Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing for few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

 ✔ Promote any Product (or multiple products) you are interested in!

✔No House Parties or Facebook Classrooms!

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the affiliate link you’ve provided and use it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your website.

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Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my “Is Cowboy Wealth a scam?” content.

I hope to see you next time!


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