Is 100 Million Academy a Scam ? Or a Legit Way to Earn Income?

Welcome to my 100 Million Academy review!

With today’s global pandemic, work-at-home settings are becoming a popular option for those who want to earn income.

As you might expect, some businesses are taking advantage of it. And one of such businesses is 100 Million Academy.

However, they aren’t here to help you make some actual cash. What they instead teach you is how to generate income.

Yup, they are an online training program that teaches about how to do business either online or the traditional way.

They promise you to give the essentials to make income, in return for a $100 monthly.

Although you might think that it’s not that big, you might still wonder—is 100 Million Academy a scam?

In this review, I will help you put those doubts aside and determine whether this program is for you or you ought to look for other investments.

So is 100 Million Academy a scam? Or are they the real deal?

Let’s find out…

100 Million Academy Review

  • Name: 100 Million Academy
  • Website:
  • Founder: Cody Sperber, Joel Marion, and Dan Fleshyman
  • Price: $100 per month
  • Recommended?: No.
Is 100 Million Academy a Scam

What exactly is 100 Million Academy?

100 Million Academy is an online training platform that teaches members the basics of becoming a successful entrepreneur.

It is claimed that the platform is recommended for both struggling businesses to improve their ROI (return of investment) and for beginners as well.

It is stated that for only a minimum of $100 a month, you’ll be learning from several experts in the field.

However, what you’ll particularly be learning wasn’t clearly specified. One probable reason is that it may depend on the instructor.

But still, having a clear idea of the courses gives me an upper hand to research in advance so that it’ll become easier for me when the actual training comes.

But that’s just me.

It is also worth mentioning that although some of their instructors have impeccable credentials, some have been involved with people who are accused of scamming.

For example, Dan Fleshyman was involved in Jake Pauls’ Financial Freedom Movement, which was claimed by many as a scam.

If you’re looking for more legitimate training courses and safer programs, then you may want to check out platforms like Super Affiliate System or Clickbank University.

But one platform that I personally recommend is Wealthy Affiliates.

It’s a training that gives you comprehensive learning materials on online marketing. They also have a large community of like-minded people that’ll help you in your journey.

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is 100 Million Academy a Scam

Let’s meet the founders

100 Million Academy is the brainchild of three co-founders, namely—Cody Sperber, Joel Marion, and Dan Fleshyman.

Is 100 Million Academy a Scam

Dan Fleshyman, in particular, was the youngest owner of a publicly-held company in history, according to LinkedIn. 

He was also involved in a business venture with Jake Paul called Financial Freedom Movement, or simply FFM.

It’s a $20 online course that’s supposed to primarily help students manage their finances.

When you search online about Pauls’ FFM, you may find that a lot of people are calling it a scam.

Cody Sperber is an expert in real estate that has closed a deal costing $450 million.

Lastly, Joel Marion graduated in 2005 with a degree of Bachelor of Applied Science at New Jersey College.

He then became the president of Eastside Marketing and co-founded a health and wellness company named BioTrust Nutrition.

How to register

Signing up is typical—you just fill in basic information such as follows—

Is 100 Million Academy a Scam

Click here to redirect to their signup page.

After completing the signup page, you now have to settle the membership fee of $100, which you also have to pay monthly.

It does not specifically mention if there are any upsells or extra charges. But it was stated in the Terms and Conditions that prices might vary without prior notice.

Yup, it’s a little inconvenient, I know. So might as well you find better platforms.

Also, the refund policy was not clearly disclosed. It appears that they don’t have a refund policy even for partially used periods.

If so, then there’s no way for you to get your money back in case you’re not happy with the program.

In some cases, without having a money-back guarantee, some may even speculate—is 100 Million Academy a Scam?

Let’s dig in deeper…

What is the scope of the online training program?

They are not specific as to what the member would learn, but it revolves on topics like—

  • How to hire the right personnel
  • How to fire an employee
  • Taxpaying
  • Email marketing
  • Improving your memory
  • E-commerce
  • Culture building
  • Generating cash flow

And many more…

Some of the courses you’ll find on their sales page include the following—

  • Digital marketing hacks – presented by Neil Patel
  • Email marketing – presented by Joel Marion
  • How to earn through affiliate commissions – presented by Warren Joily
  • Sales and closing deals – presented by Jordan Belfort
  • Succeeding in business – presented by Marcus Lemonis
  • Flipping without money – presented by Cody Sperber
  • Optimizing your brain – presented by Jim Kwik

Meet some of the distinct gurus of 100 Million Academy

I’m not going to introduce all of its gurus because there are a lot of them. I will only discuss those that are somewhat known to the public.

Nick Patel

If you’ve looked for ways how to make money through internet marketing, then you may be familiar with the name Nick Patel.

He is among the top in the field of marketing.

Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik often pops up in Facebook feeds, explaining the power of the brain.

So you can’t really miss him. In fact, when I saw the list of gurus, I immediately recognize him—“hey, it’s the guy from Facebook.”

He also published a book in 2020 called “Limitless.”

Marcus Lemonis

Do you watch CNBC?

Yes, he is that guy—the star of “The Profit and Legendary Entrepreneur.”

Jordan Belfort

You may recognize Jordan Belfort from a not-so-popular movie called “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

But he didn’t act there. Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed him.

Right now, he is a published author (The Way of the Wolf) and helping people how to sell anything.

Here is the complete list of the gurus that you may find in the website—

  • Elliot Bisnow
  • Joseph McClendon III
  • Marshall Sylver
  • Bille Gene
  • Ted Dhanik
  • Josh Aven
  • Josh Bezoni
  • Warren Jolly
  • Dave Meltzer
  • Zak Folkman
  • Brian Norgard
  • Joey Carson
  • Adrian Morrison
  • Anthony Morrison
  • Jason Aresheben
  • Matt Morgan
  • Carl Lentz
  • Chase Hero
  • Bobby Castro
  • Kent Clothier
  • Greg Reid
  • Stephen Liao
  • Jeff Fenster
  • Mark Lack
  • Sean Vosler
  • Cole Hatter
  • John Lee

Is it worth the money?

So you might think that it’s a steal that you’re learning from some of the distinguished people for only $100.

Remember the phrase in the Terms and Conditions? That their prices may vary without prior notice?

Most gurus involved in this training program have courses of their own that’s thousands of dollars more expensive.

Their knowledge is definitely a gold mine, but do you think they would just share everything on such a budget?

What they are teaching you here is only the basics. And what they teach you isn’t really enough to help you make money.

Also, most online training programs today have some sort of upsells at any point during the program.

It seems to me that they’re only leading members to buy their more expensive courses.

Who are suitable to join?

I still think that what they’ll teach is important (especially that it comes from successful entrepreneurs), and it may be useful for a newbie.

But I think the learnings you get from them won’t be enough to help you in the long run.

If you want to learn a more comprehensive way of how to earn a higher income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Is 100 Million Academy a scam?

No. I find no reason that they are a scam as of you yet.

One reason I say so is that some of their gurus are credible.

This may be the case—some of them have been involved with people who are accused of scamming as well.

For example, Anthony Morrison, Adrian Morrison, and Billy Gene were also involved in Jake Pauls’ Financial Freedom Movement.

The Financial Freedom Movement is a sketchy training program that targets young audiences.

When you look into the internet, you’ll find almost no positives about the program and that most people are accusing it of an outright scam.

Another person involved in this sketchy training course is one of 100 Million Academy’s co-founder Dan Fleshyman.

In this case, some might suspect that maybe some of the training courses in FFM are just recycled in 100 Million Academy.

I do not say that you shouldn’t invest in them, but I think it may better that you broaden your options.

What I Don't Like About 100 Million Academy

Some of the people in 100 Million Academy are involved with sketchy programs

As mentioned in the previous section, Dan Fleshyman, Anthony Morrison, Adrian Morrison, and Billy Gene were involved in Jake Pauls’ Financial Freedom Movement.

They only give you the basics

Although some of the gurus teaching are highly credible, the training won’t be topnotch.

Here’s why.

These high credible gurus have their own offering of courses that way more expensive than 100 Million Academy.

Do you think that these successful people would just share their knowledge for $100 a month?

So one might suspect that it’s only used as a sales funnel, which leads to a more expensive course.

What I Like About 100 Million Academy

Cheap courses

Although $100 a month may sound too much for others, it is less expensive compared to more legit courses that would cost you at least a thousand.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information and helped you answer the question is 100 Million Academy a scam?

Although they are composed of legit and credible gurus, I don’t think that the program is fit for anyone.

What you’ll get here are only the basics and won’t help you in the long run.

You can learn more from other legit programs on how to earn income.

One of the online training programs I’m referring to is in the next section…

Do you want to learn how to make money online?

Wealthy Affiliates is for people who want to learn how to make a significant income online.

The reasons why I choose Wealthy Affiliate over other money-making schemes is because—

  • It is free, to begin with.
  • Comprehensive step-by-step lessons.
  • Beginner-friendly

If you want to learn more about Wealthy Affiliates and how it can help you grow your online business, then click on the following description.

Until next time!


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