Is Bonvera a Scam?! Or are they a Legitimate source of income?

Welcome to my Bonvera review!

Is Bonvera a scam? Or is it legitimate?

This may be running in your mind as you contemplate whether to invest in the company or not.

You might have heard of them from a friend saying how amazing the products were.

As you hear them explain what they have to say about the products, they also mentioned the networking part of the business.

Well, you might have become curious and wanted to know whether it is a reliable source of income.

If this is your concern, then this review is what you’re looking for.

In this review, I will provide you all the things you need to know to come with a solid decision whether the business is a good fit for you.

So once again, is Bonvera a scam? Or are they legitimate?

Let’s begin my Bonvera review…

Bonvera Review

  • Name: Bonvera
  • Website:
  • Founder: Robert Dickie
  • Price: Initial membership of $99.95 plus starters' pack that ranges from $124.99 to $224.99.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
is bonvera a scam
is bonvera a scam

What is Bonvera?

Bonvera is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) that sells health and wellness products.

The company was incepted in 2016. It was co-founded by a man named Robert Dickie. Other founders of the company were not disclosed.

They sell products that include dietary supplements, energy drinks, skincare products, etc.

I also reviewed other MLMs in the same field, such as QuiAri, Globallee, Juuva, HB Naturals, and Pomifera, to name a few.

However, we won’t be talking much about their products since our main purpose here is to determine whether their business opportunity is a reliable source of income.

So let’s continue with my Bonvera review…

is bonvera a scam

The Bonvera business opportunity

Complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans are the primary characteristics of Multi-Level Marketing.

It is very convoluted that it seems that you may even need an expert financial person to decipher the entire thing.

The compensation plan of MLMs are supposed to be simple because their income streams mainly revolve around two sources—

  • Retail commissions – it is the income that’s based on retail sales.
  • Recruitment – it is the income that’s based on the consultants’ lower network.

Most MLMs intentionally make their compensation plans as complex as possible to prevent potential recruits from asking many questions. Another reason is to conceal the flaws of the business model.

And to completely save their selves from further questioning, they would just show you how much you would earn.

The compensation plan offered by Bonvera is no different. The business opportunity is nineteen pages long and unorganized. Thus, it makes it even more complicated and hard to understand.

Despite a diligent search of an updated compensation plan (if there are any), I was only able to find the following PDF file from their website.

To see their full compensation plan, click here.

What are its income streams?

Retail commissions 

In general, the retail commissions of MLMs are mainly based on the retail sales made by the entrepreneur.

is bonvera a scam

The commission rate is up to 20% that is applied to all Private Label products.

Enhanced Commissions

I’m kind of confusing how this feature works, but I’ll try my best to interpret it.

Bonvera’s enhanced commission applies to all types of sales, which includes those that were made through online, personal transactions, or Smart Shoppers.

In the case of Bonvera, the income of their entrepreneurs is based on their monthly personal volume or personal bonus volume.

By the way, Bonvera calls its retail customers as Smart Shoppers. These are the people who availed the autoship or subscription membership.

The summary of the enhanced commission is as follows—

  • A 5% commission if the consultant was able to generate $100 to $199 personal bonus volume.
  • A 10% commission if the consultant was able to generate $200 to $499 personal bonus volume.
  • A 15% commission if the consultant was able to generate $500 to $999 personal bonus volume.
  • A 20% commission if the consultant was able to generate $1,000 or higher personal bonus volume.

Again, it is to be noted that the payout is provided monthly.

Differential bonus

The basis of the bonus is the difference between the retail commissions earned by the consultant and their lower network.

The consultant could earn up to 28% depending on the consultants’ rankings.

National Bonus Pool

It is a common feature in MLMs where they share profits with its consultants.

Bonvera rewards sixteen ranks for this bonus. The summary of the National Bonus Pool is as follows—

  • Professional 1 – the company says to reward a 40% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 10,000 GV for a month.

  • Professional 2 - the company says to reward a 15% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 10,000 GV and another 2,500 for a month.

  • Professional 3 - the company says to reward a 10% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 10,000 GV and another 5,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Professional 1 - the company says to reward a 10% share—given that three unilevel teams produce a 10,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Professional 2 - the company says to reward a 5% share—given that three unilevel teams produce 20,000 GV, 10,000 GV, and 5,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Professional 3 - the company says to reward a 5% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 20,000 GV and another 5,000 GV for a month.

  • Executive 1 - the company says to reward a 5% share—given that three unilevel teams produce a 20,000 GV for a month.

  • Executive 2 - the company says to reward a 2% share—given that three unilevel teams produce a 20,000 GV for a month.

  • Executive 3 - the company says to reward a 2% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 40,000 GV and another 20,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Executive 1 - the company says to reward a 2% share—given that three unilevel teams produce a 40,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Executive 2 - the company says to reward a 1% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 20,000 GV and another 80,000 GV for a month.

  • Senior Executive 3 - the company says to reward a 1% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 80,000 GV and another 20,000 GV for a month.

  • Ambassador 1 - the company says to reward a 0.75% share—given that three unilevel teams produce 80,000 GV for a month.

  • Ambassador 2 - the company says to reward a 0.5% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 20,000 GV and another 160,000 GV for a month.

  • Ambassador 3 - the company says to reward a 0.5% share—given that two unilevel teams produce 160,000 GV and another 20,000 GV for a month.

  • Presidential Ambassador - the company says to reward a 0.25% share—given that three unilevel teams produce 160,000 GV for a month.

Registered Bonus

It’s a 50% bonus based on personal volume. The specifics of the bonus, however, were not clearly relayed.

Partner Bonus

If one of your legs is producing 10,000 Group Volume and the remaining is 2,500, then the consultant is entitled to receive a $1,000 partnership bonus.

On the other hand, if the remaining leg is producing $5,000, then the consultant shall earn a $1,250 senior partners’ bonus.

Car Bonus

No. It is not what you’re thinking—they will not give you a car as a bonus.

The way it works is that the company provides a $400 bonus per month to assist you in financing a car.

However, you have to meet certain standards in order to qualify for this bonus—

  • The consultant must have a monthly autoship.
  • They must have a leg that has a minimum of twenty autoship.
  • For the remaining, they must also have at least twenty autoship.

In addition, the consultant must maintain the abovementioned qualifications to become eligible for the said bonus.

How much will it cost me to join?

The initial membership would cost you $99.95. Plus, you may also need to purchase membership packages if you want to advance rankings and potentially earn a higher income.

Packages such as the following—

  • Starters’ Package of $124.99
  • Professional Package of $224.99

If you’re looking for a better source of income, then you have you check the following description—

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

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Can you make a reliable income from Bonvera?

The success rate in Multi-Level Marketing is extremely rare.

The Federal Trade Commissions have found that 98% of people who join MLMs lose their hard-earned money than gain anything. (1)

Dr. Jon Taylor extensively discussed this instance in his book “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

 It was further explained that MLMs fail to meet the expectation and flawed because of two things—


It is the bread and butter, or to put it more accurately, the lifeblood of MLMs.

Recruitment is where most of its income streams are based.

For a newly recruited consultant, the first group of people that they may try recruit is their family members, friends, or few acquaintances.

For consultants with no sales or marketing backgrounds, it can be really awkward at first—that uneasy feeling and thoughts running in your mind. If you have experiences with MLMs, you know what I’m talking about.

Even though that these group of people knows the consultant, there is still no guarantee that they may invest in the business opportunity.

It doesn’t work that way. Even if you’re a good salesperson, it could still be hard to sell them, given that MLMs gained a reputation in the last few years and how they are linked to pyramid schemes.

Does the name AdvoCare ring a bell?

It may even lead to annoyance and resentment if you try to push the business opportunity to them persistently.

It becomes extra-challenging if they run out of people they know and then try to sell the business opportunity to complete strangers.

As a result, some give up easily. They either become inactive or quit altogether.


Have you heard of Garage Qualified?

It is a special used to describe MLM consultants that tend to over-purchase company product for the sake of personal bonus volumes.

They try to increase their personal volumes because it is a way for them to advance in rankings and potentially earn a higher income.

Often, this leads to the consultant running out of money to fund the business. Thus, it causes them to become inactive and quit the business eventually.

Check out the description below and discover a better way to earn income online—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Bonvera a scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that Bonvera is a pyramid scheme or an outright scam.

Bonvera is a legitimate MLM that offers health and wellness products as far as I am concern.

But some of you might argue that MLM is essentially a pyramid scheme that disguises itself as a direct selling company.

Although I agree to some extent, MLMs are technically legal because they offer something of value in exchange for your investment.

And these values are in the form of retail merchandise that they may try to sell for profits.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme is illegal because they are high risk and doesn’t offer anything in return.

What I Don't Like About Bonvera

Success is based on recruitment

Advancements and significant earnings are based on how well you recruit, instead of selling the actual products.

Low-income potential

As mentioned earlier, your chances of earning a higher income are very slim. And the likelihood of incurring losses is much greater than the profits.

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way most people do to check the credibility of a company.

Not having a BBB profile doesn’t necessarily imply that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it may significantly impact the decision-making of potential recruits.

What I Like About Bonvera

Money-back guarantee

They offer a 90-day money-back guarantee in case you’re not happy with the products.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information in answering the question—is Bonvera a scam? Or are they a reliable source of income?

Although the business is technically legitimate, I still don’t recommend Bonvera or any MLMs for that matter.

If you’re looking for a better source of income, then continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom…

Why I chose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing because of few apparent reasons—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

 ✔ Promote any Product (or multiple products) you are interested in!

✔No House Parties or Facebook Classrooms!

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What you’ll basically be doing in Affiliate Marketing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link provided by the business.

The affiliate link is attached to your online site. You earn commissions any time someone uses the link and avails the products or services offered.

But take note that the success of Affiliate Marketing also depends on the traffic being driven into your website.

If this is your concern, then worry no longer because I have the perfect solution for you.

Tickle the description above and learn how you can create a profitable website from scratch.

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Bonvera review!

I hope to see you next time!


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