Is Reliv International a Scam? a Pyramid Scheme Exposed? (2021)

Welcome to my Reliv International 2021 Updated Review!

Health and wellness are probably the most saturated niche most MLMs engage in.

You may have heard of Reliv International as you’re searching for dietary supplements to use that’d boost your health.

Or you may have heard of them from a friend or loved one trying to convince you to join their networking business.

You may have initial reactions of amazement as they show you potential earnings, but still skeptical—is Reliv International a scam? Are they another pyramid scheme in disguise? Or are they the real deal?

Before I start, I congratulate you on taking the initiative to do a little background checking first before you invest in the said company!

In this review, I will try my best efforts to explain to you the compensation plan of Reliv International and whether you should even consider investing.

So once again, is Relive International a scam? Or are they legitimate?

 Together, let’s find out…

Reliv International Review

  • Name: Reliv
  • Website:
  • Founder: Robert and Sandy Montgomery
  • Price: Initial membership fee of $20.
  • Recommended?: No.
is reliv international a scam

What Is Reliv International?

Reliv International is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company that specializes in the health and wellness niche.

I’ve also reviewed other Health and Wellness MLMs if you’re interested—UsanaZilisEnagicPomiferaIDLife, and Elevacity, to name a few.

The company has a long history which started 32 years ago in 1988.

It was established by husband and wife—Robert and Sandy Montgomery.

In 1982, the couple met a microbiologist named Dr. Theodore Kalogris. He developed a formulation for dietary supplements that include vitamins, herbs, minerals, and proteins.

Long story short, the couple adapted Dr. Ted’s formulation and started Reliv’s flagship products.

The MLM business model was immediately adapted because they thought it was the easiest way to get the product into the public.

We are not here to talk about their product. Our focus is on their business model, whether they’re legitimate and a good source of income.

is reliv international a scam

The Reliv International Business Opportunity and its income streams

One of the hallmarks of MLMs is their extremely complicated compensation plans.

The incentive plan you’ll find in Reliv International is no exception.

To me, it seems that they do this on purpose to mislead people intentionally.

This is to avoid further questioning and divert their attention by just showing them their so-called potential earnings.

But to give you a better understanding, I will do my best to simplify their compensation plan.

Basically, there are seven ways how you can earn with Reliv International—it is as follows:

  • Retail Profits
  • Wholesale Profits
  • Override Commissions
  • Director Incentive Program
  • Star Director Incentive Program
  • Ambassador Incentive Program
  • Paid trips

Retail Profits

It’s a commission that yields 20% to 40% when the MLM agent was able to sell Reliv products to retail customers.

The commission depends on the members’ current ranking as determined in the Distributor Profit Level.

It is calculated based on PGPV (Personal Group Point Volume) of the member.

  • Retail Distributor (0 to 499 PGPV) – 20% retail commissions
  • Affiliate (500 to 1,499 PGPV) – 25% retail commissions
  • Key Affiliate (1,500 to 2,999 PGPV) – 30% retail commissions
  • Senior Affiliate (3,000 to 4,999 PGPV) – 35% retail commissions
  • Master Affiliate (5,000 PGPV and above) – 40% retail commissions

However, to remain active and eligible for bonuses, the distributor must maintain a personal volume of 100 and up.

Wholesale profits

It’s a feature common to MLMs, wherein the distributor buys too many corporate products to qualify for bonuses and commissions.

The MLM term for this is Garage Qualified.

This feature provides a commission based on RV (Retail Value) from your lower network that purchases the products.

Retail Value is the amount in which the wholesale profits or discount is based.

It is calculated by getting the difference between your profit level and lower networks’ profit level.        

For example, if your profit level is 40% and your lower network is 30%, then your commission is 10%.

Override commissions

It’s an incentive that primarily pays the active members.

The calculation is based on PGBV (Personal Group Business Volume) of the distributors’ lower network of Master Affiliates down to 5 levels deep.

  • First level – These are the Master Affiliates that the distributor personally enrolled.
  • The second level – Master Affiliates enrolled by your recruit.
  • The third level – Master Affiliates enrolled by your recruits’ recruit.
  • The list goes on… You get the point.

The percentage you’ll earn is as follows:

  • First level – 8% commissions
  • Second level – 6% commissions
  • Third level – 4% commissions
  • Fourth level – 3% commissions
  • Fifth level – 2% commissions

However, for the distributor to become eligible for this commission, they have to produce a monthly PGBV of 1,000 or more.

If by any chance, you were able to produce between 1,000 and 1,999 PGBV, you shall earn 50% based on the total generated PGBV.

If it’s 2,000 or more, they claim to provide 100% of the total generated PGBV.

Director Program

Upon reaching the ranks of Directorship to Presidential, the distributor shall earn the following:

  • Director – Lapel pin only.
  • Key Director – They receive a single-stoned lapel pin and a $500 cash incentive.
  • Senior Director – The recipient receives a two-stoned lapel pin plus a $1,000 cash incentive.
  • Master Director – Three-stoned lapel pin plus a $ 2,000 cash incentive.
  • Presidential Director – They receive a jewel-encrusted ring and a $4,000 cash bonus.

Does the cash incentive excite you?

Well, don’t be…

As mentioned, MLM is based on recruitment and capitalization.

The health and wellness industry is so saturated that it may be difficult for some to may any retail sales or recruit new members.

Also, you may have to purchase lots of their products to maintain active status and qualify for bonuses.

This means that in substance, it looks like you’re paying for your commissions. this is the reason why most MLM members lose money than earn anything!

Star Director Program

This incentive program consists of three sub-features:

  • Three-Star Director – a distributor, qualifies when they have three active Master Affiliates under their line, and able to produce 6,000 PGPV on the first level. The eligible distributor earns a 1% commission.
  • Six-Star Director – a distributor, qualified for this incentive must have six active Master Affiliates, and generate at least 12,000 PGPV on their first level. The qualified distributor earns 2% commissions.
  • Ten-Star Director – a distributor, must have ten active Master Affiliates to become eligible for this bonus and must produce 20,000 PGPV on their first level. The eligible member earns 3%.

Ambassador program

The ranks Ambassador to Platinum Ambassador is the only distributor qualified for this incentive feature.

The rewards vary as follows:

  • Personalized business gears
  • Pins and rings
  • Sometimes Rolex watches
  • Paid tickets and accommodation to live events
  • Advancement bonus
  • Car insurance allowance
  • Health insurance allowance
  • Additional Override Commissions

And so on…

Paid or incentive trips

It’s a reward to Relivs’ top-ranking Master Affiliates, wherein they’re give paid trips and accommodation to vacation destinations.

To know more about the compensation plan of Reliv International, click here.

Again, such promises are not something to be excited about because success is extremely rare in MLMs.

In MLMs, you’ll be more focused on recruiting than selling the products.

If products are that profitable, then why not focus on what they’re selling instead of luring people to join network marketing?

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

How can I register for Reliv International?

You can register in Reliv International on their website.

Signing up is pretty basic—click the Join button and fill out the necessary information.

Enter sponsor details if you have one, or no if none.

Next, click the agree button on their Terms and Condition.

Provide credit information and select place order, and lastly, click the order button.

That’s it!

is reliv international a scam

But you have to settle the corresponding amount for your application to push through.

  • The registration fee is $20.
  • To maintain your active status, you have to pay an annual rate of $40.
  • Not only that, but there’s also a $15 monthly fee for the online business that includes access to the mobile app, personal website, personal back office, training modules, and business monitoring and tracking tools.

The Website Bundle is optional, but chances are you may still have to avail of it if you want to take your business to the next level.

Can you make a reliable income from Relive International?

As I emphasized earlier, the success rate in MLMs is extremely rare.

According to research, 98% of people who join MLMs lose money than earn anything at all.

This was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that MLMs fail to meet expectations because of two main reasons—Recruitment and Capitalization.

A distributor won’t earn any significant income just by selling the products. If the products are profitable, then they won’t have to outsource it.

Employing an MLM business model is their way of coping with the competition surrounding the health and wellness niche.

It is profitable because they save money from marketing costs from advertising or hiring an additional workforce.

As mentioned, Garage Qualified is a special term used in the MLM world to refer to the tendency to over-purchase products just to maintain status and become eligible for advancements.

Doing so seems like the distributors are buying their commissions, which results in them not earning or worst, losing money.

If you’re looking for a risk-free opportunity then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Is Reliv International a scam?

No. Reliv International is not a scam nor a pyramid scheme.

A pyramid scheme is purely money-based, and the risk is extremely high.

Reliv International is a Multi-Level Marketing, which is a fancy name for a pyramid scheme.

The only exception between the two is legality. MLMs are technically legal because they provide Value in exchange of your so-called investments.

What I Don't Like About Reliv International

Success is recruitment-based

For you to become successful in MLMs, you have to recruit and build your lower network continually.

Cheap membership fee but may be costly to maintain…

$20 is fairly cheap compared to other MLMs that cost $100 to $500.

But maintaining your status or even advancing may be costly to most people.

For one, although the website bundle is optional, you may still need it to boost your business.

Also, you have to maintain a 100 PV per month to remain active in the business.

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Company’s annual income is progressively declining

The company’s annual revenue is slowly going downhill, as shown in this report provided by The Business for Home Organization.

is reliv international a scam

Although some may argue that the revenue is still relatively high. Nonetheless, it’s still declining, which is not a good sign.

What I Like About Reliv International

Long history

They are an established company with more than 30 years in the business. Staying that long in the industry meant that they’re doing something right in the field.

Positive BBB rating

The company is both accredited by the Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB, and obtained an outstanding A+ rating by the same rating agency.

You can check the ratings here.

is reliv international a scam

However, garnering such recognition is no conclusive indication that the business is completely legit.

There are companies accredited by the BBB that despite having an A+ rating, they have a background of malpractices.

This is well documented in an online publication by the CNN—“Slammed by the Government, A-rated by the Better Business Bureau.”

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you enough information to help you answer important questions like—is Reliv International a scam? Or are they a legit business to engage in?

But if you ask my opinion, I do not recommend Reliv International or any MLMs for that matter.

As I repeatedly emphasize, MLMs are more focused on recruitment than selling the products—which gives the impression that they are a pyramid scheme.

Although you get merchandise to sell, in essence, you’re not receiving Value because you still have to recruit to improve your Personal Value.

If you want a better alternative, then continue to the next section…

Why I choose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing?

My #1 recommendation for newbies is always affiliate marketing and below you can read Why It's WAY better than MLMs:

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

 ✔ Promote any Product (or multiple products) you are interested in!

✔No House Parties or Facebook Classrooms!

         Interested? then check out my "free to try" recommended                    training that will teach you how to build your own

      cash-generating online business step-by-step!

Thank you for reading my Reliv International 2021 Updated Review!

And if  you have any thoughts or questions then please feel free to drop a comment below 🙂

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