Bossless Forever Review: is it a scam or your ticket to the good life?

Welcome to my Bossless Forever review!

If you’re looking for a legitimate work-at-home job, then you may have come across an online training program called Bossless Forever.

The title itself is catchy. The prospect of earning income at home and without any bosses dictating your every move is surely enticing.

Bossless Forever teaches you how to earn income from local businesses and help them profit at the same time.

However, you might be in doubt if what they offer is legitimate or just a scam.

If this is your concern, then you’ve come to the right. In this review, I will provide you the answers you need to make a conclusive decision whether to invest or not to invest.

So without further ado, let’s begin my Bossless Forever review…

Bossless Forever Review

  • Name: Bossless Forever
  • Website:
  • Founder: Amiee Ball
  • Price: Undisclosed
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Bossless forever review

What is Bossless Forever?

Bossless Forever is the brainchild of Amiee Ball. It is an online training program that teaches how to utilize local SEO to your advantage and earn a reliable income.

I wasn’t able to locate the programs’ inception date, but their domain page ( indicates that their website was created on March 28, 2018.

As mentioned, the course focuses on Local SEO and how you can help local businesses to create leads and sales.

As digital marketing progresses, Amiee claims that her online course provides valuable information regarding the subject matter and will help you take full advantage.

She shares her knowledge and experiences in the field of digital marketing and how you can benefit from such information as well.

I also reviewed online courses in the past. If you also like to read them, it is as follows—IM Academy, Six Figure Affiliate Bootcamp, Super Affiliate System, Clickbank University, Affiliate Institute, 100 Million Academy, and Overnight Millionaire System.

Bossless forever review

About the founder

Amiee Ball is the CEO of both Calibr8 Technology and Tech Leverage (the parent company of Bossless Forever).

Bossless forever review

Calibr8 is engaged in web consulting that aims to help small and local businesses to gain traction in terms of marketing their products or services online.

She also has a YouTube channel that has several in it. You can visit her channel by clicking here.

Bossless forever review

As you can see, she’s quite a success. And some of you may benefit a lot from her online courses.

How do the Bossless Forever works?

The online course starts with a 20-minute video that shows Amiee Ball presenting her 5-step blueprint briefly.

Afterward, you’ll be asked to schedule a call by which matters like income goals, training process, and evaluation of whether Bossless Forever is a good fit for you will be discussed.

The 5-step blueprint to online success is as follows, according to Amiee Ball—

  • First Step – Niche Selection
  • Second Step – Proper Due Diligence
  • Third Step – Traffic and Lead Generation
  • Fourth Step – Prospect for Clients
  • Fifth Step – Monetize Business Owners

Now, let’s take a closer look at each of them and how it works.

Niche Selection

It is important to know which genre or niche you are comfortable engaging into.

Doing so allows you to do your work more effectively.

But since your supposed target is local businesses, your option as to the perfect niche may not be that wide if you will. Thus, you may also have to adjust or select the niche you feel you’re most comfortable with.

In Amiee Balls’ online course, she recommends a technique called need-based businesses because it is through them that you might generate profits.

I remember one saying that states, see a need and fill it (I believe it was in a Disney movie, I don’t remember).

Focus on or find businesses that you think you can help in marketing their products or services.

Proper Due Diligence

For this part of the program, Amiee teaches how to gain traction by researching the competition.

And that you can accomplish this by using a very common tool we all know—Goggle Search.

It’s a technique she referrers to as “pre-qualifying in which she pretends to be a customer. She does this to further background check the prospect companies she wishes to work with.

Traffic and Lead Generation

Now, this part of the process is very crucial because it is where you would try to create traffic and, eventually, lead sales.

Take note that having a visually appealing and user-friendly website is also critical in driving traffic into your clients’ website.

Amiee Ball recommends a technique by which she will guide you to accomplish such a task through the use of another tool called

It is a tool used to improve your website, which may propel you to improve lead generation and increase your profits as well.

Prospect for clients

Every online course out there has their gimmicks. Amiee Balls’ technique is sort of interesting.

In this part, she teaches you how to prospect clients, of course. But in addition, she also provides prospects free leads for a week even before you make transactions with them.

Doing so is your way of giving prospects free samples. This is sort of to prove that you can bring the business leads.

Monetize Business Owners

For this part of the program, Amiee Ball teaches you how to negotiate with your prospective clients.

She suggests a flat-rate monthly payment basis. The reason for such is that it is easier to monitor. And you can ask for a larger payment in the future if both parties agreed.

And that’s it…

There’s an upsell of mentorship and coaching program after the course. The upsell claims that the program helps you build your business as you move forward.

If you’re looking for a better way to earn income online, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

How much will it cost me to enroll?

Amiee Ball herself said that they do not disclose the price of their online training program since they continually modify or add courses into it.

She even mentioned that if you’re concern about how much the membership fee, then you’re not fit to enroll in their system.

Maybe it is, you know. Just search for other online courses. You have to take note that there are a lot of better courses if you search online.

She also mentioned that not telling the prices is her way to pre-qualify an applicant if they’re a good fit.

I’ve read a comment on her YouTube video that she does this because she based her price on the lifestyle. We may never know the true story about that.

But not telling the prices is very irregular, and a red flag because the membership fee is basic information.

If they say that their prices vary over time, then it is still not an excuse, not to mention the basic membership fee. Come on.

Or they should have made a solid foundation before they established a training course. In fact, it seems like they didn’t put too much thought on their website.

It was also a statement by Ms. Ball herself that if you can afford a Starbucks coffee in a day, then you can afford the training program.

So let’s say, for example, that you buy Starbucks coffee that costs $5 in a day. So in a month that would cost you about $150, and if it’s a year, then it’s $1,900.

There were also comments that it could go as high as $2,000 to $5,000.

Here is the video, just watch it yourself—  

Is Bossless Forever worth it?

Maybe or maybe not—there are just too many uncertainties with this online course.

The fact that they are not willing to disclose the basic membership fee is very irregular.

You also have to take note that doing Local SEOs is not for people desiring to earn a large sum of passive income. This is because you still have to put in work and effort in building your digital marketing business.

I’m sure that there are way better options out there—one example is the description below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Click the description and learn how you can earn significant passive income without having to pay expensive membership fees.

What I Don't Like About Bossless Forever

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way people check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t immediately indicate that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it could significantly impact the decision-making of potential members.

Non-transparency in terms of pricing

The training program is not transparent when it comes to pricing.

It’s like online sellers who ask to private message them first before you get the price— such behavior is a huge red flag because pricing or membership fee is one of our basic rights as a consumer.

No success stories

The program is in the business for more than two years now, so there should be success stories about now, right?

What I Like About Bossless Forever

Useful insights

I see that her technique could be of help to some.

Is Bossless Forever a scam?

I didn’t find any reason to believe that the program is a scam.

Although they did not directly mention that their prices high, the fact that they did not state it indicates that they are so.

Final thoughts

I hope my Bossless Forever review has provided you sufficient information in helping you decide whether to invest money into the program or not.

Yes, I think that they are legitimate. However, I do not recommend Bossless Forever in any way.

If you want a better alternative, then continue to the next section…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is the one I recommend, and way better than any online money-making scheme that you may find.

The reason for such is for few apparent reasons—

  • No upsells
  • No risks
  • Initial membership is free, to begin with
  • Income is unlimited because you can promote as many businesses as you want

In affiliate marketing, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

You earn commissions anytime someone engages the affiliate link and eventually avails the products or services offered.

You’re a success in the business also relies on the traffic being driven into your website.

If this is your concern, then worry no further. Tickle the description below and learn how you can create a profitable website from scratch—

Thank you for taking time off and reading my Bossless Forever review!

Until next time!


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