Is Rapidworkers A Scam Or Actually Paying? (Latest Review)

Welcome to my Rapidworkers review!

Is Rapidworkers a scam? Or is it a good source of income?

You might have these questions as you’ve found them online.

Work-at-home jobs are one of the most popular options today since the global pandemic started.

Rapidworkers might be one of the online platforms you’ve come across to. And now, you’re wondering whether they’re trustworthy or not.

If you’re searching for answers, then you have come to the right place.

But first, allow me to congratulate you on taking the initiative to investigate the business first before you engage with them.

Doing so allows you to save time and effort.

In this review, I’ll attempt to put those doubts away and help you in your decision-making.

So once again, is Rapidworkers a scam? Or are they legitimate?

Let’s begin…

Rapidworkers Review

  • Name: Rapidworkers
  • Website:
  • Founder: Undisclosed
  • Price: Free membership
  • Recommended?: As a source of extra income, Yes.
Is Rapidworkers A Scam
Is Rapidworkers A Scam

What is Rapidworkers?

Rapidworkers is a microtasking platform wherein members are paid for accomplishing certain tasks.

It is comparable to GPT (Get-paid-to) or PTC (Paid-to-click) sites because they are only required to do small and quick jobs.

Tasks assigned range from creating accounts or tasks related to social media. It includes platforms like YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook.

Because the tasks are often not significant, the pay is not great as well (which I’ll be explaining later).

The company is currently situated in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Its founders and current CEOs are undisclosed. But they are currently under a company called UnikScripts Inc.

According to its BBB profile, it was incepted on December 22, 2009—whether this is Rapidworkers or the parent company, we may never know.

I have reviewed other online money-making schemes like GPT or PTC platforms, and most of them do not disclose some of the basic information as well.

I’m not sure if it’s a common practice or something else is going on.

I've also reviewed similar platforms if you are interested you can check them out: JustAnswer, Gain.GG,, Lazybucks, Rebatesme, Azobux, Rebatest

Is Rapidworkers A Scam

How does Rapidworkers work?

As the name implies, the tasks offered by Rapidworkers are often simple, and accomplishing them won’t take much time.

Also, you don’t have to be a professional or licensed to join them.

The common tasks you’ll find includes—

  • Signups on behalf of the employer
  • Blogging
  • Social media uploads
  • Liking a YouTube upload
  • Email creation
  • Twitter follower
  • Paid surveys
  • Downloading applications

As you see, some of the tasks are basically easy and would probably just take you about a few minutes.

Each task bears a unique requirement to complete. As soon as the tasks are accomplished, the arrangement for payment is processed.

You also have to take note that each task has a deadline in which you have to finish within the time frame.

There are also tasks that are labeled “international.” If you see this, it only means that such a job is available in any region worldwide.

Most of the jobs available are coming from the United States. And it seems that you’re likely to benefit further if you’re from the US because most jobs are only for those residing in the country only.

However, you may find that most of the activities are coming from countries like Egypt, India, and Bangladesh.

The platform did not mention any specific restrictions in regards to skills. Thus, it indicates that if you think you can fulfill the requirements and on time, then you’re qualified.

Expected earnings

Potential earnings vary depending on the task, employer, or country.

The member would typically earn about $0.02 to $2.00 for each task.

However, countries with the highest pay rates within their system are the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.


The minimum withdrawal amount is $8, which you can cash out using your PayPal account.

If you decide to cash out, you won’t be getting the entire amount because there’s a 6% processing fee.

And then, you may have to wait for one to two days before the payment is credited to your PayPal account.

How to become a member and how much it’ll cost me?

Membership is free.

Registration is pretty straightforward.

Is Rapidworkers A Scam

You have to fill in your basic information like name, email password, and country and then create a personal password.

And then, you have to verify your email address.

After providing your basic information and verifying your email account, then you can now start accepting tasks.

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Is it a reliable source of income?

As mentioned, although the job is basically easy, the pay isn’t that great as well.

So you’re making a huge mistake if you’re thinking of quitting your day job and do microtasking instead.

Earnings from such a platform are only suitable if you’re only looking for side income.

I find it hard to imagine that income earned from them could even break into the hundreds.

I think even if you finish lots of tasks from them, it won’t be enough to support you on your monthly expenses.

You also have to consider that they also maintain a strict standard among their contributors.

If you’re familiar with Fiverr, People per Hour, or UpWork, employers from Rapidworkers also rates and reviews your work.

And you have to maintain a 60% satisfaction rating to avoid sanctions such as a temporary ban from the platform.

It may also lead to a permanent ban if you submit poor quality projects continually. They may implement the ban without prior notice.

Such instances are common in any online outsourcing platform, and it is how they also maintain their credibility among their clients.

Although tasks are as easy as it looks, it may still create stress at some point.

Going through such stress may not be worth it, considering how low the earnings are.

Crowdsourcing communities like People per Hour, UpWork, or Fiverr is still the best option, in my opinion.

Or you can check these +30 legit GPT sites that pay through Paypal if you want

But if you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out the description below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

What I Don't Like About Rapidworkers

Potential earnings are very low

As you have seen, the earning potential is extremely low.

You won’t earn any reliable income from them.

Pay rates may depend on geographic

As mentioned earlier, pay rates are higher for specific countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

This is even though most of its members are coming outside of the United States like Bangladesh, India, and Egypt.

This means that most people are not benefiting from them.

Not accredited by the BBB

Although they have a BBB profile, it is indicated that they are not accredited. (1)

There are also no comments or ratings or whatsoever.

This is despite being in business for ten years and has opened their BBB profile on November 15, 2015.

Not being accredited by the BBB isn’t necessarily an indication of malpractice, but it may affect the decision-making of potential new members.

Overall dissatisfied customers in

In other known rating websites like, they have only obtained a three stars rating. 

According to the site, it means that the members are generally dissatisfied with the services. 

Is Rapidworkers A Scam
Is Rapidworkers A Scam
Is Rapidworkers A Scam

What I Like About Rapidworkers

Membership is open internationally

Anybody is welcome to join—regardless of area or specialty.

Many job offerings

There are plenty of gigs to choose from. So you can make your time useful anytime you’re not doing anything.

There are more job offerings if you’re residing in North America or the United Kingdom.

Free membership

Registration is completely free, with no recurring charges.

They use PayPal

Anybody who uses online platforms to earn an income has PayPal.

It is the most convenient way to send and receive payment from clients.

You can also easily transfer funds from your PayPal to your Bank account.

Positive overall ratings in other rating sites

Although they have general negative ratings in other sites, they have positive ratings to and

Is Rapidworkers a scam?

No. Rapidworkers is definitely not a scam.

For one thing, they are in business for ten years.

Being in business for that long says a lot about their credibility.

Final thoughts

Would I recommend them?

Well, as a source of side income, yes, why not.

But potential earnings are too low, and you can’t really rely on them to meet your monthly expenses.

If you’re looking for a more reliable and higher source of income, then you have to continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online.

How I earn online

You might have heard of Affiliate Marketing online but don’t really know what it is.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the hottest trends today because it can provide higher and reliable income while doing what you do best.

It is not as easy as GPT, PTC, microtasking, or any online money-making schemes, but it’s sure rewarding.

In Affiliate Marketing, what you’ll basically be doing is promoting a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And you earn commissions as soon as someone engages the affiliate link and eventually avails the products or services.

If you want to learn more about this amazing opportunity, then tickle the description below—

Thank you for taking time off and reading my content, and hopefully, it had answered the important question—is Rapidworkers a scam?

Until next time!

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