Gain.GG review: A Scam GPT Site?

Welcome to my review!

There are a lot of ways to earn money online. Some examples are freelancing, creating a website, social media, translations, and my favorite Affiliate Marketing.

Another popular example is GPTs, which is short for “Get Paid To” platforms. In this setting, you’ll be asked to do certain tasks, which include paid surveys, referrals, captcha, and watching videos.

Earning income through online platforms is a trend nowadays because it gives you the flexibility to gain profits and, at the same time, enjoy life.

You may be here as a result of browsing several topics on review because you’re searching for answers if the business is legitimate or a scam.

In this review, I will provide you all the information you need to know about the business and help you decide whether to give it a shot or not.


  • Product name:
  • Founder: It was established in 2018, but owners and place of business are undisclosed.
  • Price: It’s free
  • Product/Service type: GPT – watching video advertisements, referrals, paid surveys, and trials and offers.
  • Recommended?: If your goal in using the platform is to earn side income, then maybe. But don’t expect much, because GPTs, in general, are low paying.


What is is a GPT (Get Paid To) platform that pays you money by completing certain tasks.

They were founded in 2018, but their founders, CEOs, or base of operations are kept confidential.

Since it’s a GPT site, expect to reach a certain point before you can earn a dollar. In this case, 1,000 virtual coins are equal to $1.

They pay members to do various tasks like surveys, cashback on shopping, and watching videos.

Sounds dandy?

If you’re thinking of quitting your day job and instead do GPTs for a living, then don’t.

You’re not going to earn any significant amount from doing GPT tasks.

The money you’ll be earning from won’t be enough to pay your monthly bills or even buy your essentials.

Keep on reading my review, and I’ll explain further.

How does works?

As mentioned, you get paid by doing various tasks. It includes the following:

Surveys review

This is a common feature you can find in every GPT site.

However, paid surveys offered by will be coming from third party sources. So you’ll be redirected to other sites once you’ve selected a survey you want to answer.

Don’t be alarmed if your coins aren’t credited immediately. It usually takes a couple of hours before the coins are credited to your account.

Trials and offers

It’s basically the earnings from cashback on shopping. For this task, you will be asked to sign up for trials with a magazine and receive product samples to test.

Other times, you may also be required to play games.

Watching videos review

If you regularly binge watch on YouTube and other social media platforms, then this is your chance to turn your addiction to money.

What you’ll be doing is just watch short promotional videos from the fields of entertainment, travel, or foods.

Referrals review

This mode of income comes from people signing up for your referral links. You’ll earn a 5% commission if you get someone to use your referral codes or links.

However, do not confuse referral marketing with affiliate marketing. They are two very distinct programs.

The key difference is that affiliate marketing directly promotes business and earns a flat rate as a result of someone purchasing the products or services.

On the other hand, referral marketing is you earn rewards by inviting friends or family members.

How to join is free to use—no membership fees or recurring monthly payments. But it is only available to certain countries. They didn’t specifically indicate which countries, but it’s certainly available to the US, Canada, and the UK.

You don’t have to fill out any online forms.

All you have to do is sign up with your Google (Gmail) or STEAM (not associated with Valve) account. After that, you’re good to go.

Also, you will be earning 100 coins after signing with your account. Neat!

How do you receive payment?

You can already withdraw if you have 100 gain coins, which is about $0.1. But before you do, you need to earn 200 coins first.

You can either transfer the coins through PayPal or cryptocurrency, such as bitcoins.

The positive side is that it doesn’t have service charges when you withdraw.

Is a reliable source of income?

Within the platform, they use a monetary value they call gain coins.

Like most GPTs, even though you spend all day finishing certain tasks, it may not be enough to buy you lunch or even for a beer.

Although coins earn depends on the third-party source, most of the available surveys only pay 50 gain coins, while a 90-second advertisement only provides three gain coins.

Also, remember that you have competition, which may greatly affect your task selection. Thus, you may notice that the tasks available are either taken or tend to expire quickly.

If you take these factors into considerations, then you might only be earning a few cents in a day.

To maximize, some people I know would also join other GPT sites like Fusion Cash and SwagBucks.

However, the money they earn still isn’t enough to even buy essentials. This is because income in GPTs is significantly low.

If you want a better way to earn income, then you have to check out Affiliate Marketing. It’s absolutely free and no recurring charges.

Negative Notes

Low pay

This is not unique in GPTs. They are indeed low paying and as good as a side income only.

Poor customer support

Some of the common complaints received by are the incredibly slow response of customer service. Some customers say that it took them about a week or so before a representative addressed their concerns.

No BBB accreditation

The Better Business Bureau (BBB) is one of the ways we check the credibility of the business.

Not being accredited by the BBB doesn’t immediately indicate a scam. It’s the company’s prerogative not to apply for a BBB accreditation.

However, we have no way of checking the company’s reputation if they don’t have a profile.

The fact that they are not willing to disclose even their founders or base of operation raises concerns. But that’s just me.

You decide whether that’s a red flag or not.

Positive Notes

Low withdrawal threshold

Unlike other GPTs, you can immediately transfer your gain coins to your PayPal for as low as $0.1.

You can also opt to convert into cryptocurrencies like bitcoins.

The sites’ interface is mobile-friendly

You can select and finish various task on-the-go via your mobile phone

Is a scam?

No. is not a scam. They are a legitimate business operation that provides GPT services.

They indeed provide compensation as soon as you finished the task at hand.

Although the pay is relatively small, they provide you what they said they would.

A scam is intentionally misleading you for them to gain profits.

As far as I’m concerned, there are no misrepresentations with, and what you see is what you get.

But them not disclosing owners, founders, or even a little background story still concerns me. Yet again, that’s just me, and it doesn’t mean that they are a scam.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has given you sufficient information on whether you should even bother using the platform.

However, as I explained earlier, GPTs, in general, are not a good source of income. If your intention in using these platforms is purely a side hustle, then you can try them if you want.

But don’t expect any sustainable income. You have to do a lot of tasks before you can even buy yourself a cup of coffee.

The pay is incredibly low, and you have to earn certain points or coins before it can become $1.

Even if there’s a large number of offers—I doubt that doing GPTs can help you with the majority of your monthly expenses.

You can try doing along with other GPT sites to improve your income. Platforms like Swag Bucks, Prize Rebel, or Grab Points.

But I still doubt that you can make a living out of it. As I said, the pay is incredibly low.

Do you want a more reliable source of income?

If you’re serious about making money online, then you have to try Affiliate Marketing.

As mentioned earlier, it’s not a referral marketing where you just earn rewards by inviting someone or as a result of somebody using your referral links.

In Affiliate Marketing, you earn a higher income by directly promoting a business through your personal website.

You don’t even have to aggressively promote a company like what MLM agents do.

What you’ll basically be doing is let an advertisement sit passively onto your site. If someone tickles the ad and eventually purchases the products or services, then you earn commissions.

It is that easy!

Also, Affiliate Marketing is:

  • Free to start – no membership fee or recurring charges.
  • No risk.
  • And you can promote as many businesses as you want.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing and don’t have a personal website to promote a business, then don’t worry, I got your back.

Just click on the button below to learn more about this amazing business!

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