Is Jamalife Helpers Global a Scam? (A 2020 Review!)

Welcome to my Jamalife review!

Is Jamalife Helpers Global a scam? Or do they actually offer a business opportunity that works?

You may have these thoughts as you contemplate whether to invest in the company or not.

If this is your concern, then this content is just for you!

In this review, I will provide an analysis of the company’s business opportunity and help you determine if Jamalife is a good investment, or should you search for other opportunities.

So without further delays, let’s begin…

Jamalife Helpers Global Review

  • Name: Jamalife Helpers Global
  • Website:
  • Founder: Undisclosed
  • Price: Signing up is free, but have to invest at least one $5 cycler position.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Is Jamalife Helpers Global a Scam

What is Jamalife Helpers Global?

Jamalife Helpers Global is advertised as network marketing on its official website.

But it appears to me that they are more of a pyramid scheme or Ponzi scheme because they only focus on recruitment.

Is Jamalife Helpers Global a Scam

But anyway, the company founders and current CEOs were not mentioned. And it is nowhere to be found online.

Even the date of the foundation was not stated. But I found that their domain was created on November 08, 2016.

But it is privately held, so we have no way to determine who owns it.

This is an immediate red flag to me because concealing such information is unnecessary, especially if you’re operating an honest business.

I’ve also reviewed other similar MLMs and pyramid schemes in the past. You can check them out if you like—Forsage, Crowd1, Tradera, Kangot, Million Money, and Unitex Capital, just to name a few.

So is Jamalife Helpers Global a scam? Or are they still a legitimate investment to engage?

Let’s continue…

Is Jamalife Helpers Global a Scam

The Jamalife Helpers Global business opportunity

The primary characteristic of Multi-Level Marketing or pyramid schemes is their complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans.

Those provided by Jamalife Helpers Global is no different. They are as complicated as the other ones you’ll find online.

They are so convoluted that it seems like you’d need an expert financier to decipher the entire thing.

But in dealing with MLMs or pyramid schemes, you only have to take note of two things—

  • Retail or referral commissions – it is income that’s based on retail sales or referral’s investments.
  • Recruitment - it is the bread and butter, or to put a more accurate term, the lifeblood of MLMs and pyramid schemes. It is so because it is where their income is derived from in general. And this is definitely the case with Jamalife—you have to recruit to succeed.

Pyramid schemes and MLMs make their compensation plans as complicated as possible to infuse an element of confusion to prevent potential investors from asking many questions.

And to completely save themselves, they would just show you how high the potential income would be.

It is a little sketchy, but effective nonetheless.

In the following section, I have simplified their compensation plan so that you may understand them more clearly…

What are its income streams?

Jamalife employs a binary type of networking marketing. It means that the first level of the network comprises their two personally recruited investors who are placed to their left, and the other one to the right.

Is Jamalife Helpers Global a Scam

The compensation plan is mainly based on promoting the business opportunity itself or to put it in a simpler term—recruiting new people under your network.

Without any tangible products to sell, it makes Jamalife more of a pyramid scheme than a Multi-Level Marketing. I will tackle this subject matter in a little while. But let’s discuss first how their compensation plan works.

Their business opportunity provides an income of up to eight stages. The summary is as follows—

First Stage—Builder (2x2 matrix)

Although membership is free, you have to settle the basic $5 membership fee for you to participate in the earning process of Jamalife.

After that, the MLM representative has to recruit two people in their first level network to earn $1. And then, four people into the second level network to earn the $2 commissions.

As a result, they should earn a total of $3.

Second Stage—Sapphire (2x3 matrix)

Before advancing to the second stage, the MLM representative must first fulfill the requirement indicated in the first stage.

For this stage, they would receive $3 compensation when they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $6 and $12 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

As a result, they should earn a total of $21.

Third Stage—Ruby (2x3 matrix)

For this stage, they would receive $20 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $40 and $80 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

Fourth Stage—Emerald (2x3 matrix)

For this stage, they would receive $110 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $200 and $440 plus $125 food voucher if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

Fifth Stage—Diamond (2x3 matrix)

For this stage, they would receive $500 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $1,000 and $2,000 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

Not only, but they also state that the MLM representative would receive incentives in the form of gadgets that’s worth $1,000. And then, an additional $250 food voucher.

Sixth Stage—Crown Diamond (2x3 matrix)

For this stage, they would receive $1,600 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $3,200 and $6,400 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

They also state that the MLM representative would receive an incentive in the form of a mini SUV that’s worth $13,000. And then, they’d earn an additional $250 worth of medical insurance.

Seventh Stage—Ambassador (2x3 matrix)

For this stage, they would receive $8,000 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $16,000 and $32,000 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

They also state that the MLM representative would receive an incentive in the form of the car of your choice that’s worth $50,000 and a travel package of $10,000.

And then, they’d earn an additional $500 worth of medical insurance and food voucher.

Eighth Stage—Crown Diamond (2x3 matrix)

I’m a little confused because there are now Two Crown diamonds, but anyway…

For this stage, they would receive $40,000 compensation if they are able to recruit two new people into their first-level network.

And then, an additional $80,000 and $160,000 if they are able to recruit four people into their second-level network and eight new members into the third level network, respectively.

They also state that the MLM representative would receive an incentive in the form of a Range Rover that’s worth $13,000 and a housing fund that’s worth $300,000.

And then, they’d earn an additional $625 worth of medical insurance and food voucher.

Does this compensation plan excite you?

Well, you shouldn’t be.

This is not the first time I’ve heard MLM representatives saying that you can be a millionaire just by joining them, and then they would help you build the downline needed to succeed.

Unfortunately, some of those MLMs I know have collapsed or had slid into obscurity. And the people I know who have invested in them did not earn anything, while some even incur losses!

But lucky for me, I did not invest in them because it all sounds too good to be true.

The business model of MLMs, pyramid schemes, or Ponzi’s are flawed and high-risk and could collapse any time soon because they primarily depend on recruitment. I will explain more about this in the following sections.

If you’re looking for a less risky income opportunity and can provide a significant and more stable income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

How much will it cost me to join?

The membership fee is free.

But to participate in the earning process of Jamalife, you have to invest at least one $5 cycler position.

Common sense suggests that a company wouldn’t give out millions of dollars and car incentives just for a small investment of $5.

With this being said—you may have to invest a larger sum of money and recruit more people to earn a higher income.

Is it a reliable source of income?

Success in Multi-Level Marketing is extremely rare. So much more if it’s a pyramid scheme which income from recruitment.

According to a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission, they found out that 99% of people who join MLMs are more likely to experience losses than gains.

This was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

With no retail products or services to offer, the company is suspiciously more of a pyramid scheme than MLMs.

MLMs and pyramid schemes are essentially the same as the difference in retail sales. But both business models heavily rely on recruitment, which makes them high-risk and extremely flawed.

Pyramid schemes are much worse than MLMs. In fact, they are banned in several countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Canada, and the Netherlands, just to name a few.

You have to take note that a recruitment-based structure will eventually collapse.

Imagine this—if the bottom network were unable to recruit sufficiently, even with the aid of their upper network, it would lead them not to earn anything and incur losses as time goes by.

As this continues, it will eventually cause them to become inactive and quit the business altogether.

This cycle will continue to the next lower level and so forth and so on. It will continue up until the business is no more.

If you’re looking for a more secured investment, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Jamalife Helpers Global a scam?

With no retail or tangible products to offer, and the fact that they only offer the business opportunity itself, then they are more of a pyramid scheme than an MLM in my honest opinion.

The distinguishing factor of an MLM from a pyramid scheme is that they also function as a direct selling company that gives members retail merchandise for resell. It allows them to earn retail commissions as a result.

Such a feature is lacking in the compensation plan of Jamalife.

Also, you have to take note that pyramid schemes are illegal and banned in several countries. Some have even labeled them as an outright scam.

You also have to consider that the company seems to be unwilling to disclose even the most basic information like its founders, current owners, or the conclusive date of inception.

In my opinion, if they are truly honest with their business practice, then there’s no reason to disclose such information.

So is Jamalife Helpers Global a scam? Well, I leave this judgment to you.

What I Don't Like About Jamalife Helpers Global

Success is recruitment-based

Your success in the organization entirely relies on recruitment.

Basic company information was not disclosed

It seems like Jamalife is not willing to disclose even the most basic of information to the public. It includes the likes of founder or CEOs.

Its date of incorporation is also not clear. But their domain ( was created on November 08, 2016.

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau, or simply the BBB, is one way most people do to check the credibility of a business.

Not having doesn’t necessarily mean that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it may significantly impact the decision-making of potential investors.

What I Like About Jamalife Helpers Global

I did not find any positives about this company. I believe it’s best for you to search for other opportunities.

To begin with, you can start by checking out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Final thoughts

I hope my content has provided you sufficient information in answering the question—is Jamalife Helpers Global a scam? Or are they a legit investment?

In whatever the case may be, I still do not recommend Jamalife, MLMs, or any pyramid schemes for that matter.

The opportunity to earn any significant income from them is extremely rare, as the FTC discussed.

And even worse, the likelihood of incurring losses is much greater than earning any income.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why I choose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Schemes

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any Multi-Level Marketing for few apparent reasons—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

 ✔ Promote any Product (or multiple products) you are interested in!

✔No House Parties or Facebook Classrooms!

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions anytime someone engages the link and avails the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor also relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your online site.

If this is your concern, then worry no further…

I got you covered…

Tickle the description above and discover how you can create a profitable website from scratch.

Well, that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my content!

I hope to see you next time!


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