Kangot Review: Is This A Scam Or a Good Opportunity?

Welcome to my Kangot review!

You may have heard Kangot from a friend or loved one explaining how amazing their business opportunity is.

You may have been blown away by the said return of investment.

But if there’s anything I’ve learned in investing—if it’s too good to be true, then it’s probably not true.

Such practice is prevalent in Ponzi’s and Pyramids that lure potential investors with only a promise of great returns.

If you’re looking for answers, whether this company is somehow different from the rest, or is it just another scam, then you’ve come to the right place.

Without further delays…

 Let’s begin my Kangot review…

Kangot Review

  • Name: Kangot
  • Website: kangot.com
  • Founder: Roberto Gonzales
  • Price: Membership fee is linked to initial investment of $100 to $50,000
  • Recommended?: Never invest.
kangot review

What is Kangot?

Kangot is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company. They do not sell any tangible or intangible products or services.

They are, however, classified as a cryptocurrency trading MLM. This is because most of your investments are put into cryptocurrency.

 What they offer instead is a return of investment from trading. The program includes help from experienced traders.
kangot review

It was founded by Roberto Cantu Gonzales. The date of inception, however, is unclear, but the website domain was created in September 2019.

You may be wondering where he got the term Kangot. Well, it’s derived from two words—Kan and Got.

Kan means intuition. On the other hand, Got means honorable.

Mr. Gonzales was also involved in a company called BViral that offers travel services or something.

And then, he also got involved in another MLM called Club Oreta. A travel services provider that he co-founded in 2016, but eventually closed in 2018.

With only the promise of returns, Kangot looks suspiciously like a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme right off the bat.

In MLMs, you at least receive retail merchandise or digital products. For Kangot, you’re essentially just investing.

We’ll talk more about this in the later chapter. 

kangot review

The Kangot Business Opportunity and its income streams

The complicated compensation plan is the hallmark of MLMs. It seems that they do this to mislead individuals intentionally, and just show them the money.

Kangot is no exception. But they are a little different. They show your potential earnings but lacks an explanation of how their compensation works.

Potential Kangot members are asked for an initial investment of $100 to $50,000.

In return, they are promised returns of—

  • 0.5% to 3% daily returns for an initial investment of $100 to $500 with a ceiling at 200%.
  • 0.5% to 3% daily returns for initial investment of $1,000 to $50,000 with a ceiling at 300%.

Now, let’s take a look at their incentive plan.

Referral Commissions

The Kangot member earns 10% commissions on their personal recruitments.

Residual Commissions

Like in other MLM businesses, Kangot pays its members through a binary compensation model.

There’s no limit as to how many people you may want to recruit under your network.

The member is given a 10% commission from their weaker legs.

Matching Bonus

Typically, matching bonus is based on generations.

They mentioned a matching bonus, but beyond that, there are no further details about the feature.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Members ranking Silver and higher are the only ones eligible for this bonus.

The promoted member shall receive a one-time bonus as a result.

The supposed earnings are as follows:

  • Silver - $50
  • Gold - $100
  • Sapphire - $500
  • Ruby - $1,200
  • Emerald - $2,500
  • Diamond - $10,000
  • Blue Diamond - $25,000
  • Black Diamond - $100,000
  • Crown Diamond - $200,000

Global Participation Pool

It is a feature where the business shares its earnings to the members.

Kangot takes 2% of its profits and puts in the Global Participation Pool.

It will be proportionately distributed to members with ranks of Black and Crown Diamond.

This bonus is paid annually.

Rankings and Advancements

Kangot awards ten ranks in its incentive plan. For a member to become qualified to the next level, they have to meet the following requirements:

  • Bronze – they need to produce $500 volume on their weaker leg.
  • Silver – they need to produce $1,200 volume on their weaker leg.
  • Gold – they need to produce $7,000 volume on their weaker leg.
  • Sapphire – they need to produce $35,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Silver ranked members on both legs.
  • Ruby – they need to produce $75,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Gold-ranked members on both legs.
  • Emerald – they need to produce $150,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Sapphire ranked members on both legs.
  • Diamond – they need to produce $500,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Ruby ranked members on both legs.
  • Blue Diamond - they need to produce $1,500,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Emerald ranked members on both legs.
  • Black Diamond - they need to produce $5,000,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Diamond ranked members on both legs.
  • Crown Diamond - they need to produce $15,000,000 volume on their weaker leg. In addition, they also have to maintain at least Blue Diamond ranked members on both legs.

If you want to see their compensation plan in full, click here.

How to sign up for Kangot?

 The first step in registration is through online means:
kangot review

I do not recommend Kangot because of the risks it possesses. But if you’re curious how their page looks like, you can visit their registration page here.

The membership fee is linked to the initial investment of $100 to $50,000.

However, it is not clearly stated if the active investments continue earning commissions.

Also, note that the payout or return of investment is in cryptocurrency and not in US dollars, despite them mentioning that it is so.

If you want a better investment with no risk, then you have to check my best recommendation below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Can you make a reliable income from Kangot?

The success rate in MLMs is extremely rare—more so that the company is suspiciously a Pyramid scheme or a Ponzi scheme.

Although it was mentioned that it is an MLM engaged in trading, the nature of the business tells otherwise.

Ponzi and Pyramid Schemes are illegal in most of the globe because the business is purely money with only a promise of income as a return.

Unlike MLMs, they do not offer products or services. And the potential member only has to provide the so-called investment.

If you compare MLMs with Ponzi’s and Pyramids, MLMs are safer because you at least receive retail merchandise that you can use to cover up your expenses.

Also, an MLM is legal.

In my opinion, Kangot disguises the business like an MLM to make it more legitimate.

If you’re looking for a place to invest, Kangot is not the place to be—expensive cashouts with a low chance of making any significant income.

Is Kangot a scam?

One factor that sets MLMs apart from pyramid schemes is legality.

MLMs are legal because MLM agents get value in exchange for their so-called investments.

Pyramid schemes are purely money and don’t have anything to offer.

In my opinion, it definitely raises a red flag.

Every business should be clear to the public on what they’re selling.

With no clear products or services to sell, it looks suspiciously like a pyramid scheme or Ponzi scheme.

You may want to avoid this company as a potential investment and search for other options.

There are better options out there, and one of them is called Affiliate Marketing.

It is a better alternative because it’s free, to begin with, and possesses low risk.

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

Here is A Way Better Alternative!

What I Don't Like About Kangot


You still have to recruit to earn a higher income.

NOT Registered in the SEC

Since they are engaged in trading, they should be registered in the SEC, right?

But as I search for their business in the US-SEC website, what showed up instead is Kangye, which is unrelated to Kangot.

Being unregistered with the SEC raises a red flag, and you should think twice if you’re considering this company.

Not accredited by the BBB

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way people check the credibility of a business.

A business not having a BBB profile may significantly affect the decision-making of potential investors.

Traders may also not be registered

Traders are supposed to be also registered. In this way, we know that the people helping us are legit.

Also, it is a way for us to hold someone accountable for any occurrence of malpractices.

You may check out sites like IQ options and 24Option to check the credibility of the trader.

What I Like About Kangot

I didn’t find any positives, and I advise you not to engage in this company.

Final thoughts

I hope my Kangot review has helped you in background checking this business.

For you to save time and money, I say, avoid this company!

The business raises so many red flags that you should search for other investments.

It seems to me that they are Pyramid or Ponzi scheme disguised as a Multi-Level Marketing to lure potential investors.

If you want a better option, I advise that you continue to the next section…

A better alternative than MLMs 

 Affiliate Marketing is way better than MLMs, or any Pyramid schemes or Ponzi’s because of the following reason—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

 ✔ Promote any Product (or multiple products) you are interested in!

✔No House Parties or Facebook Classrooms!

       Interested? Click On The button Below To Get My Free Step-By-Step Guide!

In Affiliate Marketing, what you’ll basically be doing is promoting a brand using an affiliate link.

You earn income as soon as someone engages the link and ends up availing the products or services offered.

Yes, it is that simple.

But of course, you’ll need an online site to use the affiliate link.


You don’t have a website yet?

If so, then you have to check out the description above to learn how to create a profitable website from scratch.

Thank you for taking time off and reading my Kangot review.

I also reviewed other MLMs if you're interested—ACN, Stella and Dots, Farmasi US, IDLife, and Usana, to name a few.

I hope to see you next time…

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