Daisy AI Review: Is it a Scam? or Legit? Read this before you invest!

Welcome to my Daisy AI Review!

You might have come across Daisy AI as you’re searching for a legitimate investment.

As you read through their offering, it might have aroused your curiosity and want to know more about the company and their investment opportunity.

If this is your concern, then you have come to the right place!

In this review, I will provide you an analysis of what they offer and help you determine whether it’s a good investment or not.

Without further delays, let’s begin my Daisy AI review…

Daisy AI Review

  • Name: Daisy AI
  • Website: daisyintelligence.com
  • Founder: Dmitry Gushchin and Anna Becker
  • Price: The initial membership is from $100 to $102,300.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Daisy AI Review
Daisy AI Review

What is Daisy AI!

Daisy AI is marketed as Multi-Level Marketing, but without any retail merchandise to offer, this may not be the case.

The company only offers investment opportunities or its affiliate fees.

The term Daisy is actually an acronym for Decentralized AI System. And it’s also presented as a company connected to another financial company called EndoTech.

Daisy AI Review

Both companies are to known be founded by Dmitry Gushchin and Anna Becker.

Daisy AI Review

I have reviewed other platforms with similar nature. You can check them out if you like—Zukul, Mining City, and Jamalife Helpers Global, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check the entire list here.

The Daisy AI investment opportunity

Complicated and almost incomprehensible compensation plans are the primary characteristic of Multi-Level Marketing and pyramid schemes.

They are so convoluted that it seems like you’d need the assistance of an expert finance person to decipher the entire thing. The one offered by Daisy AI is no different.

Their compensation plan is as complicated as it can get. But for this review, I will only be discussing some of the important points for better understanding.

But in dealing with pyramid schemes and multi-level marketing, you only have to put two things in mind, and it includes the following—

  • Retail or referral commission – it is bonuses and commissions that are based on retail sales or packages availed by the investor.
  • Recruitment – it is the basis for their bonuses and commissions.

Businesses engaged in network marketing make their compensation plan as complicated as possible to prevent potential investors from asking too many questions.

By doing so, it evades them from answering questions that may expose the flaws of the business.

And to completely save themselves, they would just show you how high the potential income would be.

Yes, it’s a little sketchy, but effective nonetheless.

What are its income streams?

Below are some of the income streams offered by Daisy AI—

Recruitment Commissions

The representative receives a 5% recruitment commission on personally sponsored new members.

Residual Commissions

Daisy AI adapts a 3x10 network marketing structure.

What this means is that the principal sponsor shall have three direct recruits under them. And then, the bonuses and commissions are applicable up to ten levels deep.

This part of their business opportunity is a bit confusing. The commission you’ll earn depends on the package you bought and the level where the investment took place.

But to give you an overview, the following is a summary of the residual commissions that they offer—

  • First, to the Second level – a 4% residual commission is earned for investment packages bought at $100 to $6,400. And then, the representative gets a 2% residual commission for investment packages bought at $12,800 to $51,200.
  • Third to Eighth Level - a 3% residual commission is earned for investment packages bought at $100 to $6,400. And then, the representative gets a 1.5% residual commission for investment packages bought at $12,800 to $51,200.
  • Ninth to Tenth Level - a 4% residual commission is earned for investment packages bought at $100 to $6,400. And then, the representative gets a 2% residual commission for investment packages bought at $12,800 to $51,200.

However, to unlock the third and next levels, you have to meet the following levels first.

  • Third Level – You must have at least three recruits and generate a PV of $1,000.
  • Fourth Level - You must have at least six recruits and generate a PV of $2,000.
  • Fifth Level - You must have at least nine recruits and generate a PV of $4,000.
  • Sixth Level - You must have at least twelve recruits and generate a PV of $8,000.
  • Seventh Level - You must have at least fifteen recruits and generate a PV of $16,000.
  • Eighth Level - You must have at least eighteen recruits and generate a PV of $32,000.
  • Ninth Level - You must have at least twenty-one recruits and generate a PV of $64,000.
  • Tenth Level - You must have at least twenty-four recruits and generate a PV of $128,000. 

Matching Bonus

The representative is said to receive a 10% matching bonus anytime the personal recruit of the representative earns a residual bonus.

Daisy Infinity Club

It’s a unilevel structured incentive plan, which means that all of the representatives’ sponsors will be directly placed under them.

Again, the mechanics of the commission is very complicated and hard to understand. But I will interpret them the best way I could.

The investor earns a 1% commission for every successful transaction made by their lower network.

However, they have to meet specific requirements to qualify for this bonus—

  • The representative must generate $1,000,000 GV within the 30-day period.
  • Also, the representative must generate $10,000,000 GV. No period limitations here; you can try and reach the required limit at your own time.

Trading Bonus

It appears that Daisy AI places part of the initial investments in a trading account.

The purpose of such funds isn’t clear, but it’s said that they pay part of the funds that were withdrawn for the trading rewards payment.

The bonus is also applicable up to ten level deeps and seems to be similar to the residual commission matrix.

Equity Shares

It’s a bonus where the company sets aside part of the new investment and shares it with their members.

And then, the share of the representative is dependent on the initial investment package purchased by the investor. The share ranges from 1 to 1,023 shares.

The registration process

The initial membership fee is about $100, but you may have to pay the full $102,300 to benefit from their business opportunity.

If you’re looking for a more affordable investment yet yields higher income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Is it a reliable source of income?

Succeeding in doing MLMs is extremely rare.

But engaging in pyramid schemes or Ponzi schemes is even rarer compared to MLMs.

According to a study conducted by the Federal Trade and Commissions, about 99% of people who join MLMs are more likely to incur losses than earn any profits.

This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

Although the research only targets MLMs, the same is also true for pyramid schemes. Their only difference with each other is that MLMs have retail merchandise to offer, while pyramid schemes don’t.

The business model of a pyramid scheme is flawed and high risk and fails to meet any expectation because of the following factors—


Although the initial investment is $100, you may have to spend $102,300 if you want to fully benefit from the investment scheme.

Such a scheme is unstable because the entire structure will collapse eventually if no new recruits are coming in.

As a result, affiliates of the investment run out of funds to maintain their status. It eventually leads them to become inactive and then quitting the investment scheme altogether.


Recruitment is the bread and butter, or to give you a better term, the lifeblood of any pyramid scheme.

Affiliates of such an investment scheme must continually recruit. As I mentioned in the previous section, the entire structure will collapse if no new members come in.

For newly recruited affiliates, they may try to recruit people that they know first—such as family members, friends, or several acquaintances.

Even though this group of people knows the affiliate, it’s still no guarantee that they would buy the investment opportunity offered to them.

It might lead to annoyance if the affiliate persistently pushes the investment opportunity to them. Or even resentment if the investment scheme fails later on.

It becomes challenging if they run out of people they know and try to recruit people they do not know.

But it is more difficult for people who do not have any marketing or sales background.

Not getting enough recruits may cause the affiliates to become frustrated because no new investor means that there’s no income coming in. This is especially true for those at the very bottom of the pyramid.

As a result, it might lead them to become inactive and quitting the investment opportunity altogether as well.

If you want a more sustainable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Daisy AI a scam?

The business opportunity that they offer appears to be a pyramid scheme. Some might say that they are Multi-Level Marketing, but it doesn’t look to be that they are.

One primary characteristic of an MLM is retail merchandise, which such business models do not have.

Although Multi-Level Marketing is often linked to pyramid schemes, you have to take note that most MLMs are completely legitimate.

Don’t get me wrong—I am not advocating MLMs. I’m only using the two business models as a comparison.

MLMs are technically legal because they do offer something of value in exchange for your initial investment.

And these values are in the form of retail merchandise, which the MLM agent can sell for profits. Thus, it appears they are a direct selling company on the outside.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme is illegal because you don’t get anything in return or any assurance that you’d be receiving profits in the future.

What you get is only a promise of high returns. Therefore, it makes them highly risky. They are also often associated with investment scams.

What I Don't Like About Daisy AI

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way most do to check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it may indeed significantly impact the decision-making of individuals.


You may have to spend a lot of money to fully benefit from their opportunity.

No products to offer

Without any retail products to offer, they don’t appear to be an MLM company as advertised.

What I Like About Daisy AI

I didn’t find any positives about the company. I believe that it’s best that you should search for other opportunities.

Final thoughts

I hope my Daisy AI review has provided you sufficient information about the company and helped you in determining whether it’s a good investment or you should search for other opportunities.

But either way—I don’t recommend Daisy or any pyramid schemes, for that matter.

As explained, they are high-risk, and your chances of losing money are greater than earning any income at all.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why Affiliate Marketing is a better option over Multi-Level Marketing or Pyramid Scheme

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing, pyramid schemes, or any platform that promises high returns for a few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It possesses no risk!
  • It is a higher and more stable source of income!
  • No upsells!
  • You don’t have to worry about any hidden charges!
  • It is free, to begin with!
  • It is way more affordable compared to other platforms!
  • But most importantly, it offers unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want!

In Affiliate Marketing, what you’ll essentially be doing is promoting a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn income anytime someone uses the affiliate link and purchases the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you are promoting.

However, you have to bear in mind that the success of such an endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your online site.

If you’re complete and don’t know where to begin, or already have an idea about Affiliate Marketing but struggling as of the moment, then you no longer have to worry any further…

I have the perfect solution for you!

Tickle the description above and learn how you can create a stunning website that’s creating a lot of traffic from scratch—

Well, I believe that is just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my Daisy AI review!

I hope to see you next time!


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1 thought on “Daisy AI Review: Is it a Scam? or Legit? Read this before you invest!”

  1. I have a friend who invested over $100k in DAISY in late 2022. Her online report shows her balance is $190k now, with 238% in gains. They charge 5% per month in fees. She refuses to believe it’s a scam because her good friend recruited her. Will she be able to get any money out, or is it already a lost cause?


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