Jump to Health Review: Is it a Legit MLM? Or a Scam? Let’s Find Out!

Welcome to my Jump to Health review!

You might have become acquainted with Jump to Health because a friend or loved one has introduced it to you.

They tell you how amazing the product is, and even life-changing at some point in the conversation.

And as the presentation progresses, they also try to sell you the company’s business opportunity, and it might have aroused your curiosity and want to know more about the company.

If this is your concern, then you have come to the right place!

So without further delays, let’s begin my Jump to Health review…

Jump to Health Review

  • Name: Jump to Health
  • Website: jumpto.health
  • Founder: Audrey Sommerfeld
  • Price: Initial Membership is $79 per year, or $9.95 per month. 
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Jump to Health Review
Jump to Health Review

What is Jump to Health?

Jump to Health is a Multi-Level Marketing that specializes in selling products in the health and wellness niche.

It is an American company that is incepted in 2018 and is currently headquartered in New York.

Jump to Health Review

Also, it was founded by Audrey Sommerfeld.

According to the company’s founders’ bio, she was a former product development and marketing staff for well-known brands like Johnsons Baby, Olay, and Neutrogena.

Afterward, she began working for a startup company called Visalus. She held the position of Vice President Marketing and Brand Development in 2007.

She quit her position in 2013, and she joined several other companies before she started building her own business.

I also reviewed other Health and wellness in the past. You can check them out if you like—Usana, Xyngular, Nature’s Sunshine, and Nefful, just to name a few of them.

Or, you can check out the entire list here.

Jump to Health Review

The Jump to Health business opportunity

The distinguishing factor of Multi-Level Marketing is its complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans.

They are so convoluted that it seems like you need an expert finance person to decipher the whole thing.

When dealing with MLMs, you only have to remember two things in mind—

  • Retail Sales – you earn commissions anytime you make retail sales
  • Recruitment – it is the bread and butter of MLMs because it is where the recruits’ commissions and bonuses are based.

Businesses engaged in MLMs make their compensation plan as complicated as possible to prevent potential recruits from asking many questions that may expose the flaws of the business model.

And to completely save themselves and successfully persuade you to join, they would just show you how high the potential income is.

This is a bit sketchy, but effective nonetheless.

In the following section, I have simplified their compensation plan so that you may easily understand them.

Ranking and Advancements

The company currently rewards nine total positions, and it includes the following—

  • Associate – not eligible for commissions and bonuses.
  • Active Associate – they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125.
  • Bronze Associate – they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 1,500.
  • Silver Associate - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 5,000.
  • Gold Associate - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 10,000.
  • Platinum Associate - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 25,000.
  • Diamond Associate - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 75,000.
  • Double Diamond - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 200,000.
  • Triple Diamond - they must be able to generate and maintain at least a personal volume of 125 and a group volume of 500,000.

Let’s continue to the next section and see their income streams…

What are its income streams?

Jump to Health offers seven ways for members to earn income, and it includes the following income streams—

Retail Commissions

A representative of Jump to Health earns a basic retail commission of 25% for every successful retail transaction from customers.

The commission rate increases depending on the personal volume generated—

  • If they’re able to generate a monthly PV of $999, then they will receive a 10% bonus.
  • If the MLM representative was able to produce a monthly PV of between $1,000 and $1,999, then they will receive a 15% bonus.
  • If they’re able to generate a monthly PV of above $2,000, then they will receive a 20% bonus.

Recruitment Commissions

Jump to Health adapts a unilevel structure of networking marketing.

What this means is that all of the business centers’ recruits will be directing them.

However, there are typically no spillovers, meaning that the income their lower network earns may not benefit them directly.

The summary of the commission matrix is as follows—

  • Associate – not eligible for commissions and bonuses.
  • Active Associate –they earn 20% on the 1st level.
  • Bronze Associate – they earn 20% on the 1st level, and they earn 5% on the 2nd level.
  • Silver Associate - they earn 20% on the 1st level, and they earn 10% on the 2nd level.
  • Gold Associate - they earn 20% on the 1st level, they earn 10% on the 2nd level, and 5% on the 3rd level.
  • Platinum and Diamond Associate - they earn 20% on the 1st level, 10% on the 2nd level, and 5% on the 3rd and 4th level.
  • Double and Triple Diamond - they earn 20% on the 1st level, 10% on the 2nd and 3rd level, and 5% on the 4th level.

Residual Commissions

The summary of the commission matrix is as follows—

  • Associate – not eligible for commissions and bonuses.
  • Active Associate – they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level.
  • Bronze Associate – they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, and then 4% on the 3rd level.
  • Silver Associate - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, and then 4% on the 3rd and 4th level.
  • Gold Associate - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, and then 4% on the 3rd up to the 5th level.
  • Platinum Associate - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, and then 4% on the 3rd up to the 6th level.
  • Diamond Associate - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, 4% on the 3rd up to the 5th level, 5% on the 6th level, and then 2% on the 7th level.
  • Double Diamond - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, 4% on the 3rd up to the 5th level, 5% on the 6th level, and then 3% on the 7th level.
  • Triple Diamond - they earn 3% on the 1st and 2nd level, 4% on the 3rd up to the 5th level, 5% on the 6th level, 4% on the 7th level, and then 2% on the 8th level.

Matching Bonus

This bonus is earned anytime your lower network earns.

Also, you have to be in the ranks of Gold and above to qualify for this bonus.

Refer to the following for the matrix of the bonus—

  • Gold Associate – they earn a 10% matching bonus on the 1st level and 5% on the 2nd level.
  • Platinum Associate - they earn a 10% matching bonus on the 1st and 2nd level
  • Diamond Associate - they earn a 20% matching bonus on the 1st level, 10% on the 2nd level, and 5% on the 3rd level.
  • Double Diamond - they earn a 20% matching bonus on the 1st level and 10% on the 2nd and 3rd level.
  • Triple Diamond - they earn a 20% matching bonus on the 1st level, 10% on the 2nd and 3rd level, and 5% on the 4th level.

Business Bonuses

The Business Bonus feature depends on the personal and group volume generated.

  • $50 Business Bonus is given if they generated 125 PV in a month.
  • $100 Business Bonus would be a reward if they generated 125 PV and 875 GV in a month.
  • $400 Business Bonus would be a reward if they generated 125 PV and 3,875 GV in a month.
  • $500 Business Bonus would be a reward if they generated 125 PV and 9,875 GV in a month.

Real Bonus

It’s said to be a monthly bonus depending on the representatives’ ranking—

  • Bronze Associate – the representative earns $100 if 1,500 GV is generated in a month.
  • Silver Associate - the representative earns $250 if 5,000 GV is generated in a month.
  • Gold Associate - the representative, earns $500 if 10,000 GV is generated in a month.
  • Platinum Associate - the representative earns $1,000 if 25,000 GV is generated in a month.
  • Diamond Associate - the representative earns $2,000 if 75,000 GV is generated in a month.
  • Double Diamond – the representative earns $3,000 if 200,000 GV is generated in a month.
  • Triple Diamond – the representative, earns $6,000 if 5,000 GV is generated in a month.

Global Leadership Bonus

The company sets aside 2%of its global profits and shares them with its top executives.

The registration process

The initial investment may be affordable to some, which may cost you about $79 per year or $9.95 per month.

But the product of the company is a little expensive—

  • Jump Start Keto Basic - $173
  • Jump Start Keto Advanced - $211.25

If you’re looking for a better source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

  Here is A Way Better Alternative!  

Is it a reliable source of income?

Success in Multi-Level Marketing is extremely rare! Just ask the Federal Trade Commission!

According to research performed by the FTC, they found out that 99% of people who join them incur losses than gain any profits.

This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further noted that MLMs fail to meet expectations because of two things—


Have you heard of the term Qualified Garage?

It is a special term used to describe MLM representatives that tend to over-purchase company products for the sake of improvement or maintenance of their personal volume.

Now, it becomes a dilemma if the representative isn’t making any profit but is still pretty much obliged to settle monthly membership fees.

As a result, it leads to losses, which may lead them to feel that continuing with the business may no longer make sense

As a result, it may cause some to become inactive and quit the business altogether.


Recruitment is bread and butter, or to put a more accurate term, it is the lifeblood of Multi-Level Marketing.

It is not about the packages or services because the entire structure will collapse without recruiting new members.

Imagine this—if the people at the bottom part of the network were not able to recruit sufficient people into their lower network, it will cause them not to earn any income as well.

Again, please take note that the representative still has to pay the membership fee required to maintain their organization’s status.

Not earning anything may lead to frustration and may result in them becoming inactive and quitting the business opportunity eventually.

And this cycle will continue up to the next bottom level, and the next, and up until the network finally collapses.

If you’re looking for a better alternative than MLMs, one that’s less risky and provides a more stable source of income, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Jump to Health a scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that Jump to Health is a pyramid scheme or an outright scam.

I think that they are a legitimate MLM company that specializes in the health and wellness niche.

However, some of you might argue that Multi-Level Marketing is essentially a pyramid scheme that disguises itself as a direct selling company.

Although I agree to some degree, they are technically considered not the same as the other.

Multi-Level Marketing is legitimate because they offer something of value in return for your investment.

And these values are in the form of retail merchandise, which they can sell for profits.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme doesn’t offer anything in return but promises of high returns.

This makes them extremely high risk and even banned in many parts of the world, including the United States, the Philippines, Albania, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and Finland, just to name a few.

What I Don't Like About Jump to Health

Expensive products

The products that they are offering are a little pricey compared to their competitors.

No BBB Credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way most people turn to if they want to check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is fraudulent, but it may significantly impact the decision-making of the individual.

What I Like About Jump to Health


If you’re thinking of signing up for their business opportunity, then you’re in perfectly good hands.

Affordable initial investment

Becoming a member is relatively cheap.

Final thoughts

I hope my Jump to Health review has provided you sufficient information about the business and helped you in determining whether they’re a good investment or not.

Although the company is technically legitimate, I still don’t recommend them or any MLMs for that matter.

The success rate is very low, and your chances of incurring losses are much greater than gains.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing or any platforms that promise high income for a few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions as soon as someone engages the link you’ve provided.

And then uses it to buy products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you are promoting.

Of course, for you to be successful in this field, you’re online site must be driving quality traffic as well.

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Tickle the description above and learn how you can create a stunning website that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch!

Well, I believe that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my Jump to Health review.

I hope to see you next time!


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