Is Affiliate Institute a Scam Or Actually Worth The Money? (2021)

Welcome to my Affiliate Institute review! (Updated For 2021)

Is Affiliate Institute a scam or legitimate?                                               

This may be going in your head as you’re contemplating whether to invest time and money in this online program.

You may have heard of Affiliate Institute as you’re looking for training courses to help you earn income online.

You might have a look into other reviews and discovered that they heavily upsell an MLM company.

Therefore, it might lead you to question them—is Affiliate Institute a scam?

So let’s break them down, whether it can really help you become a successful online entrepreneur or is it best to search for other training courses.

So without further delays…

Let’s start my Affiliate Institute review…


Affiliate Institute Review

  • Name: Affiliate Institute
  • Website:
  • Founder: Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang
  • Price: Initial Membership is Free; $99 monthly (Level 1); $2,995 one-time payment (Level 2); Upsell of at least a thousand US dollars.
  • Recommended?: Definitely Not!
Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

What is Affiliate Institute?

Affiliate Institute is a training course that teaches members the fundamentals of affiliate marketing.

There’s not much information about the company’s background.

Some of the information I managed to gather is that it appears that they are owned or founded by Julian Sherman and Mathieu Jang.

 I also found claims that they are connected or, in fact, Global Affiliated Zone with a different name.
Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

But don’t worry because Global Affiliated Zone or GAZ is not a scam in any way. But if they did rename or restructured their business, the motive behind such action is unclear.

Affiliate Institute started its initial phase in 2019, while progressively phasing out Global Affiliated Zone.

 Also, they are not only a training course but also a representative of an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) called Enagic.
Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

It is an MLM that sells Kangen water. Yes, you’ve heard that right, they sell water!

Although optional, they would hard sell these water purifying or ionizing products in case you didn’t buy the machine.

I also reviewed Enagic in the past. And to give you an overview, I do not recommend this MLM because I find water ionizing or purifying machines are hard to sell.

And yes, membership for Enagic is free, but you have to purchase their product, which would cost you thousands of dollars.

Buying a thousand dollar purifying for me is not worth it, I’d prefer my water unprocessed, clean, and natural.

If you want to know more about this MLM then read my Enagic review here.

You may also want to read reviews about other Affiliate Marketing guides such as follow—Wealthy Affiliate, Six Figure Affiliate Bootcamp, Super Affiliate System,
Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

How much will it cost me to become a member?

Becoming a member is free. But to access their training programs, you have to pay certain fees—

  • Level 1 affiliate - $99 per month
  • Level 2 affiliate - $2,995 one-time payment.

It comes with a 14-day money-back guarantee.

Although optional, there’s an upsell for Kangen machines.

These machines would cost you thousands of dollars.

But if you choose to become an Enagic representative, becoming a member is free. But you still have to buy Kangen machines which cost you at least $4,980!

Sure, it’s a high ticket offer, but you can find those in Clickbank or Amazon without paying $5,000.

You may also find selling water machines challenging because not many people are interested in water ionization or whatever.

What makes it more difficult to sell is how much it costs, considering that it only processes your water.

There are cheaper water purifying machines in Walmart that would only cost you $200 or less.

If you don’t buy or join the MLM, they will persistently sell you the products.

For me, I find it a little bit disappointing that I am applying to learn more about affiliate marketing, but they’re pushing their Kangen machines instead.

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(With no Experience or Degrees!)

How does the program work?

Affiliate Institute teaches the members the basics of affiliate marketing.

Some of the experts that will teach you are the following:

Is Affiliate Institute a Scam

They will also teach you the fundamentals of copywriting, paid traffics through social media, content creation, and email marketing.

At some point, they also show you how to manage your finances properly.

Each topic is divided per lesson. And two to eight lessons are categorized per module.

At the end of each lesson, there will be a quiz to test. It is to test whether the member has fully understood the materials.

The first level of the training takes 50 hours to complete.

They also have a motivational feature that they call the discovery section.

It is a cliché, in my opinion, commonly used by motivational speakers. Like, know your “whys” and “goals.”

This feature would last about three and a half hours.

But it's a turn off for me that they are more driven in selling Kangen machines from Enagic than actually providing lessons.

In case you don’t buy the machines, they’ll aggressively push the products until you eventually buy one.

Another turn-off, for me, is the referral system.

The member could earn 30% commissions, and also an additional mentorship or courses.

You may also find that they’re also pushing referring new students during the training.

This is kind of disappointing…

Although it’s a plus that you earn some sort of commission from referring someone, your main point is supposed to be learning affiliate marketing.

Because of this referral system, one may also wonder why Affiliate Institute is gaining positive ratings.

Is it worth your money?

No, I don’t believe it’s worth your money.

Although beginners may find it useful, there are more legitimate online programs out there that as or more effective than Affiliate Institute.

One of the best programs out there is Wealthy Affiliate. It’s affordable, and it has no upsells.

I preferred this training program because they’re more dedicated to giving you in-depth lessons about affiliate marketing.

Who are suitable for taking the program? And who isn’t?

Affiliate Institute teaches you the basics of affiliate marketing, copywriting, and other online platforms.

Such training courses may be good for beginners.

But if you truly want to learn, then Affiliate Institute may not be worth your time and effort.

If you want a better training program that could boost your career as an online entrepreneur, then you have to check out the description below.

Is Affiliate Institute a scam?

No. I find no reason to believe that Affiliate Institute is a scam.

Affiliate Institute is a legitimate platform.

But I do not recommend it if you’re aiming to learn about affiliate marketing.

As emphasized earlier, I find it disappointing that it seems that they’re more focused on selling Enagic Kangen water processing machines.

This is evident by their hard selling when you decide not to buy.

Some MLM is connected to fraudulent activities. Thus some may also suspect—is Affiliate Institute a scam?

Well, still, the answer is no.

Although they teach the basics for a less costly price, I just think you deserve better,

What I Don't Like About Affiliate Institute

Expensive cost to learn the basics

You have to pay $99 per month to get an idea of what affiliate marketing is.

But to get their more advanced lessons, you have to settle a one-time payment of $2,995.


They do promote an MLM, which is Enagic. It is a business that sells a thousand-dollar purifying machine.

In which they make hard sell if you didn’t buy or register in their network marketing.

Free and essential traffic was not taught

Search Engine Optimization or simply SEO is a vital and popular platform if you want to improve traffic. However, for some reason, it was not taught in this program.

Other important platforms like Google and YouTube ads were not discussed extensively.

Although YouTube was not stated as an important tool in building your personal brand—they do not provide extensive lessons regarding the matter.

It really seems that they are more determined to sell water machines, which is kind of disappointing.

They seem to be more focused on getting new students

During the duration of the training, they will constantly encourage you to recruit new students for you to earn income.

Although it’s a good thing to some extent, it should not be the main point when the members aim to learn and not recruit or promote certain products.

What I Like About Affiliate Institute

Supportive community

They have a supportive forum that may help you in your online endeavor.

 But beyond that, I can longer find any positives about this program.

Final thoughts

Although it is a legitimate online program, I do not recommend it.

If you’re aiming to learn more about affiliate marketing and other ways to earn income online, then Affiliate Institute may not provide you all of that.

The lack of the lessons to equip you for online success, and the upsell may annoy you at some point.

And what’s worse is that they may even convince you to buy one of those thousand-dollar water machines.

Continue to the next section and legitimately learn how you can earn income online…

A Better Affiliate Institute Alternative 

Affiliate Marketing is my favorite way to earn income online. and to do it right, you need to get trained right!

The training program that I recommend is Wealthy Affiliate, and the reason is simple:

  • It's perfect for beginners.
  • It Actually teaches affiliate marketing
  • Affordable and cost-effective.
  • 27/7 support.
  • Free to try (no credit card required).

Want to learn more about WA? Click on the button below to know why +1.5M newbies trusted this platform to teach them how to create an online business!

Until then!


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