Verblio Review: Is it legitimate? Or should you search for other else?

Welcome to my Verblio review!

You may have become acquainted with Verblio as you’re looking for a legitimate source of income online.

Or might be searching for an alternative to Fiverr or UpWork because these platforms are practically overcrowded, and landing a gig with them is very difficult.

If looking for answers to address these questions, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will provide an analysis of the platform and whether it’s a good fit for you.

So without further delays, let’s begin my Verblio review…

Verblio Review

  • Name: Verblio
  • Website:
  • Founder: Wade Green and Scott Yates
  • Price: Free-to-join
  • Recommended?: As a source of extra-income, YES!
verblio review
verblio review

What is Verblio?

Verblio is a US-based company that provides content writing and SEO services.

The company currently renders its services in the United States and 15 other countries worldwide.

As an income opportunity, however, they only employ content writers that are residing in the United States.

In 2011, it was originally incepted as BlogMutt. They continued to use the company name up until 2018, when they re-launched it to Verblio.

It was co-founded by Wade Green and Scott Yates in Delaware. Today, the company is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. It is a scenic city in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.

As a freelance or full-time writer, you can find a wide array of topics to write here. Some of the industries they serve include those in the field of finance, legal, software, health and wellness, photography, and Pets, to name a few.

But take note that like other freelance platforms like Fiverr or UpWork, Verblio also acts as the middleman. This means that you won’t be taking your income in full because of the service fees that they charge.

I’ve also reviewed other freelance platforms in the past. You may check them out if you like—,, Octopus Group,, Textbroker,, and Rapidworkers.

The registration process

The registration process is relatively easy and straightforward. But you have to take an evaluation test after filling in the necessary information. I will explain this in a little while.

Basic Requirements

But before you can take the test, you have to meet some of their basic requirements before you can work for them. It includes—

  • US citizenship – yes, you have to be a US citizen to join Verblio. If the applicant is living outside of the US, they are still eligible as long as they are US citizens.
  • Valid Social Security Number – this is to prove that the applicant is a US citizen.
  • They also must be at least 18 years of age.

To signup, go to their website and select the “Sign up/Login” button.

verblio review

Upon clicking the said the button, it will redirect you to this—

verblio review

If you’re a business or freelance agency, then which one you’ll choose is pretty obvious.

If you’re a content writer, choose the highlighted text at the bottom of the two large icons.

But for this review, I will only focus on the platforms’ income opportunities to content writers.

The Evaluation Test

Like other freelance platforms, they offer free membership. But you have to pass the evaluation test to qualify and become a content writer for Verblio.

The evaluation test includes a short quiz on grammar and proofreading. And then, you must reach a minimum score of 7 out of ten to pass.

The good news is that you can take the examination twice.

In addition, you have to take note that Verblio is very strict about plagiarism. So be sure that you check the quality of your articles and that it is free of plagiarism.

In determining the quality of your contents, Verblio has a special team of checkers. They will evaluate your writings, whether it has passed their standards.

Once all of this is accounted for, it is only then that you can begin working for Verblio.

Yes, there’s no assurance if ever you decide to join this platform.

If you’re looking for a much better platform that can truly help you succeed, no matter what’s your status in life, then you have to check out the description below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

How does Verblio works?

As a content writer, your main responsibility is to write on specific topics or keywords that the client provides.

The topic mainly revolves around the niche that your client is specializing in. If they are in the field of health and wellness, then what you write would be in the same niche as well.

In most cases, the keyword that they provide must be repeated four to five times for the entire content. The purpose of this is to improve SEO rankings.

It is important to take note, not just to put them anywhere you wish. It must be incorporated in your content strategically so the keywords would be organic and don’t look to be placed there forcefully.

After writing and submitting your work, it will undergo an evaluation to ensure the quality of the contents. And then, you will get feedbacks and whether your work was accepted or rejected.

In any case, the feedback is important in improving your overall writing skills.

The problem with such platforms, however, is that most of the feedback you receive won’t be constructive.

They would likely just say that it needs improvement or plainly show you your mistakes without making advice on how you can improve them next time.

This not usual for freelance platforms like Verblio. I’ve also experienced such instances with Fiverr and People per Hour.

But what’s more frustrating is that your work is rejected and not getting paid. Remember that you earn $10.50 per post only if the client approved the contents.

I will explain how the content writer gets paid in the next section…

The payment process

As mentioned, you are paid $10.50 for 300 to 400-word content. However, you receive this income only if the client approves or buys your work.

Unfortunately, they provide little details about how they pay their content writers.

But according to their official webpage, they say that they charge the client with the following—

  • $29.95 for a 300 word-content.
  • $59.95 for a 600 word-content.
  • $99.95 for a 1,000 word-content.
  • $209.95 for a 1,500 word-content.
  • $345.95 for a 2,000 word-content.

For the content writer, they say that they earn a fixed rate such as the following—

  • $10.50 for a 300 word-content.
  • $21 for a 600 word-content.
  • $50 for a 1,000 word-content.
  • $90 for a 1,500 word-content.
  • $130 for a 2,000 word-content.

Now, the rate of $10.5 to $130 is a little low if you ask me. I think such rates are only suitable for people who have just begun their content writing careers.

As you see, there’s a huge discrepancy between how much they charge the client and how much they pay the content writer. Just imagine if you’re working directly with the client.

Also, they make payouts via the ever-reliable PayPal. They make transfers every Monday.

Another huge con here is that the content writer receives nothing if it is rejected or nobody avails contents.

But never be discouraged if you fail—used them as a stepping stone to succeed in your next gigs.

You may also not get the feedback, but thrive on developing your writing skills anyway. It’s always too soon to give up, and you’ll eventually receive the fruits of your hard work in due time.

If you’re not comfortable with this, then there are other options where you can still exercise your passion as a writer and earn income.

You can also write the niche you desire without anyone telling you what you have to write.

If you want to know what I’m talking about, then check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is it a reliable source of income?

Higher and reliable income is possible in content writing.

But achieving them may depend if you’re working with a middleman platform like Verblio.

As you’ve seen earlier, there’s a huge gap between the cost of the contents and how much they pay their writers.

Just imagine how much you’d earn if you’re working with the client directly. No transaction fees or whatsoever. You may also transact with them whether which payouts method you’d prefer—PayPal or bank transfer.

There are people who are earning a high income in freelance platforms like Fiverr and UpWork. But most people who join the struggle.

If you’re a beginner, then the chance of you getting sufficient clients may be slim if you don’t have enough ratings as well. This is especially true if they don’t have any backgrounds to back up their skills.

Continue to following sections, and I’ll show you a better alternative than freelance platforms.

What I Don't Like About Verblio

Not beginner-friendly

The platform is saturated with content writers that you have to wait for a long time to get your chance of working.

You also have to compete with other content writers that are more experienced and have a high rating.

Low potential income

The earnings of $10.95 to $130 may not be enough to some, considering how hard it is to land a writing job with Verblio.

Your earning may depend at the mercy of your client

Finishing the content doesn’t guarantee income. The client still has to approve before you get it.

What I Like About Verblio

Positive ratings and comments

Verblio received a positive overall rating and positive comments with clients in a reputable rating agency called G2

verblio review
verblio review
verblio review

Is Verblio a scam?

No. Verblio is not a scam. They are a legitimate freelance platform that provides content writing.

Final thoughts

I hope my Verblio review has provided you sufficient information about the platform. And somehow, it helped you in determining whether it is a good fit for you.

But in my case, I don’t recommend Verblio as a full-time source income. You may try them out as part-time only.

And if it goes well, then maybe you can progressively transition into working full-time with them.

But if you’re looking for a better source of income, then continue to the section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Verblio or any freelance platform out there.

It is so for few apparent reasons—

  • You can still pursue your passion for writing. But with Affiliate Marketing, you write whatever your desires are!
  • No risk!
  • No upsells!
  • Higher-income because you work directly with clients.
  • Unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want.

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions if someone uses the link and eventually purchases the products or services offered.

Of course, the success of such an endeavor may depend on the quality of traffic being drive into your website.

If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you.

Tickle the description below and discover how you can create a profitable website from scratch—

Well, that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my Verblio review!

I hope to see you next time!


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