Jewel Sanitary Napkins review: a massive scam?

Welcome to my Jewel Sanitary Napkins review!

Is the business opportunity of Jewel Sanitary Napkins a massive scam? Or is it a legitimate way to earn income?

These questions might be going in your head as you contemplate whether to invest money in this growing company or not.

In this review, let’s explore the compensation plan of Jewel Sanitary Napkins and whether it can really help anyone reach financial freedom.

So without further delays, let’s start my Jewel Sanitary Napkins review…

Jewel Sanitary Napkins Review

  • Name: Jewel Sanitary Napkins
  • Website:
  • Price: Basic membership of $50 a year; Standard pack of $100; Advance pack of $250.
  • Recommended?: No.
Jewel Sanitary Napkins review

What is Jewel Sanitary Napkins?

Jewel Sanitary Napkins is an MLM (Multi-Level Opportunity) that sells various sanitary napkin products.

It includes their main products, such as heavy flow, very light panty liners, moderate flow, and super heavy flow.

Jewel Sanitary Napkins review

It was founded on June 1, 2019. However, founders are not clearly stated by the company.

Demond Crump is listed as its CEO and marketed the brand in various videos.

We won’t be explaining much about their sanitary napkin products since our focus here is whether their business opportunity is a good investment.

I’ve also written other MLM review if you’re interested—IDLife, ACN, HB Naturals, Zilis, and Farmasi US, to name a few.

Jewel Sanitary Napkins review

Jewel Sanitary Napkins’ business opportunity

Convoluted and sometimes incomprehensible compensation plans are the hallmarks of MLMs.

Their compensation plans are so complicated that you might even need a financial expert to decipher them.

The business opportunity offered by Jewel Sanitary Napkins is no different.

Although MLMs vary in how they operate their business, the business model is essentially the same.

An MLM member advance in rankings and eventually earns higher income as their personal volume improves.

And you improve your personal volume by making retail sales and building your lower network.

Some MLMs make their compensation plans as complicated as possible to maybe confuse us and not ask many questions.

What they do instead is show you the money. So what happens is that it excites people that eventually lead them to invest in the company.

Although it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are a scam, it is a little bit sketchy.

You have to take note that 98% of people who join MLMs lose money.

But anyway, let’s take a look at their compensation plan. They offer six ways to earn income. It is as follows—

  • Commercial/Bulk Sales Commissions
  • Wholesaler
  • Retail Sales
  • Fast Start Bonus
  • Unilevel
  • First Family

In the following section, let’s take at each of them.

Click here to redirect to their compensation plan page.

The income streams of Jewel Sanitary Napkins

Commercial/Bulk Sales Commissions

For a member to qualify for this bonus, they have to make at least 5,000 bulk orders.

And then, the commission is divided between the company and member who made the sale—60% and 40%, respectively.

It doesn’t end there—the 40% will again be apportioned as follows—

  • 50% goes to the person who made the sale.
  • 25% goes to the first level upper network.
  • 12.5% goes to the second and third upper network.


I mentioned earlier that MLMs seem to intentionally confuse potential members, and this is one example of such instance.

This feature is basically retail commissions, but it looks like they have split retail sales and wholesale.

At first, I have no idea what they were implying when they said that a wholesaler has the option to sell the products online or personal, but they may prefer not to benefit from their network.

It’s still a retail sale or wholesale. But maybe they’re referring to selling them without the membership or selling them as a retail merchandiser without the need to build a lower network.

But in any case, the member who made the sale receives commissions of $1.50 per package they sold to customers.

And then, the 50 cent from the commission goes to their first up line network.

Wait, so did they integrate unilevel bonus into this feature? I know it’s confusing. That’s how MLMs persuade people.

But the good thing about this feature is that it has no rank requirement.

Retail Commissions

The member shall earn a total of $1 from its lower network up to four levels deep.

From the first level to the fourth, the member earns 25 cents on each level.

It was further explained that the payout is weekly, and you must have at least $5 in your account to withdraw.

Again, there are no required rankings here.

Fast Start Bonus

They stated that the member earns a commission that’s based on the package purchased by their lower network—$100 kit or $250 kit.

Take note that they didn’t mention sales from retail customers.

Commissions from the $100 kit are as follows—

  • First level – the member earns $15.
  • Second level – the member earns $5.
  • Third level – the member earns $5.
  • Fourth level – the member earns $5.

Commissions from the $250 kit are as follows—

  • First level – the member earns $35.
  • Second level – the member earns $20.
  • Third level – the member earns $10.
  • Fourth level – the member earns $10.

No ranking requirement is needed in this feature.


When you read their compensation plan, you’ll see an extensive explanation of this feature. But essentially, it is the residual income.

It is where the MLM agent earns through monthly orders and re-orders. It is paid up to four levels deep.

Only 33% of the sale goes to the members of the MLM. It is apportioned accordingly to the four levels—

  • 16.5% to the first level.
  • 6.5% to the second level.
  • 5% to the third level.
  • 5% to the fourth level.

However, for you to qualify for this incentive, you need to be active or maintain a $30 personal volume.

First Family

I have not understood this feature when I first read the material—it’s hard to comprehend.

But what they were really saying is that they share 10% of their global profit to qualified members, and 20% if the global profit reaches $5 million.

The summary of the income sharing and qualification is as follows—

  • Believer – to qualify, they must have at least 25 active lower networks and maintain $500 total GV. They earn one share of the 15% fund.
  • Conqueror - to qualify, they must have at least 50 active lower networks and maintain $1,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 10% fund.
  • Trailblazer - to qualify, they must have at least 100 active lower networks and maintain $2,500 total GV. They earn one share of the 10% fund.
  • Warrior - to qualify, they must have at least 250 active lower networks and maintain $5,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 5% fund.
  • Diamond - to qualify, they must have at least 500 active lower networks and maintain $10,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 5% fund.
  • All-Star - to qualify, they must have at least 1,000 active lower networks and maintain $25,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 5% fund.
  • Ace - to qualify, they must have at least 2,500 active lower networks and maintain $50,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 5% fund.
  • Champion - to qualify, they must have at least 5,000 active lower networks and maintain $100,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 10% fund.
  • Gladiator - to qualify, they must have at least 10,000 active lower networks and maintain $250,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 15% fund.
  • TBA (actual name of the highest rank. What it means, I don’t have an idea) - to qualify, they must have at least 25,000 active lower networks and maintain $500,000 total GV. They earn one share of the 20% fund.

The affiliate rankings in MLMs sounds like the stuff you hear from a motivational speaker—terms like dreamers or believer.

Besides, the most powerful you can do to persuade some is to infuse emotion, right?

Marketing has always worked that way.

The website domain of Jewel Sanitary was only registered in 2018. It is inconclusive whether they really have active payouts amounting to such.

If you want a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

How to register

Click here to redirect to Jewel Sanitary Napkins’ sign-up page.

Before you can proceed to the actual sign-up page, you need to select whether you want to be an independent distributor or wholesaler.

Jewel Sanitary Napkins review

After filling the necessary information, you have to settle the following fees—

  • Basic affiliate membership is $50 per year.
  • The standard package is $100.
  • The advance package is $250.

Can you make a reliable income from Jewel Sanitary Napkins?

As you can see from their compensation plan, you have to cover a lot of ground to gain access to their high paying features.

Statistics show more than 98% of people who join MLMs are more likely to lose money than earn anything at all.

Yes, you’ve heard that right—the success rate in MLMs is only about 2%.

This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that MLMs fail to meet expectations because of two factors. It includes recruitment and capitalization.

Have you heard of the term Qualified Garage? It is a reference especially used to MLM agents that excessively purchase the company’s product for the sake of improving their personal volumes.

Monthly or annual membership fees are not included here.

As a result, members wind up losing money and eventually quitting MLM altogether.

In addition, you also have to recruit a lot of people and make sure that they remain active.

Having a large network is also vital in attaining and keeping your personal volume. This is because once your lower network makes retail sales or bring in a new recruit, you benefit as well.

This can become problematic because you have to constantly find new members anytime one of your lower leaves or become inactive.

If you’re looking for a better way to earn income, MLM is definitely not the way to go.

If you want a better opportunity to earn income, then you have check out the description below—

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

  Here is A Way Better Alternative!  

Is Jewel Sanitary Napkins a scam?

No. Jewel Sanitary is neither a scam nor a pyramid scheme.

They are a legitimate Multi-level Marketing that sells sanitary napkins.

What I Don't Like About Jewel Sanitary Napkins

Success is recruitment-based

To advance in rankings and earn a higher income, you have to recruit and maintain your lower network.

Cheap basic membership, but…

The basic membership is only $50, but you have to pay $100 or $250 for the Standard and Advance packages.

What I Like About Jewel Sanitary Napkins

Great sanitary napkin products

Their products are receiving a lot of praise.

Jewel Sanitary Napkins review
Jewel Sanitary Napkins review

Positive BBB rating

So far, they have an A- rating. But all of it is positive comments about their products and not the compensation plan.

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way people check the credibility of a business.

However, having a positive BBB rating doesn’t immediately rule that the business is a good investment.

There are businesses with an A overall rating but turns out to be fraudulent.  This was detailed in an article published by CNN online—“Slammed by the Government, A-rated by the Better Business Bureau.”

I do not say Jewel Sanitary Napkin is fraudulent, but my point is that you still have to do your homework and research whenever you’re thinking of investing in a business.

Click here to view the BBB rating and comments.

Final thoughts 

I hope my Jewel Sanitary Napkins review has provided you enough information to decide whether you should invest or not in this business.

Although they are technically a legitimate business, I do not recommend Jewel Sanitary or any MLMs for that matter.

They are low-income potential, and the risk of losing money is higher than earning.

Continue to the next section and learn a much better way to income online…

Do you want to learn a better way to earn income?

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If you want to learn more about Affiliate Marketing and how it can help you achieve financial freedom, go on, and tickle the description above.

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Jewel Sanitary Napkins review.

Until next time!

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