Is Scribie a Scam? Or is it Legit? Read this before you register!

Welcome to my Scribie review!

If you’re looking for legitimate work-at-home jobs, you might have come across a company called Scribie.

The potential income might have appealed to you, and the job is pretty something you could do.

If you want to more about Scribie and how it works, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will provide an analysis of the platform and help you determine whether Scribie is the right fit for you.

So is Scribie a scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

Let’s find out...

Scribie Review

  • Name: Scribie
  • Website:
  • Founder: Rajiv Poddar
  • Price: Based on what I've gathered, the initial membership fee is free. 
  • Recommended?: As a source of extra, then YES!
Is Scribie a Scam

What is Scribie?

Scribie is a company that connects transcriptionists and businesses in need of transcribing services.

Is Scribie a Scam

It is a San Francisco-based company and was founded in 2008. And it is the brainchild of Rajiv Poddar. 

He created the company because he saw the need of many companies of quality transcriptions. And then, he also saw that there are many transcriptionists that don’t have work.

Is Scribie a Scam

It is for such purpose that Scribie is stated to exist.

Their process involves transcription services that are provided quickly, without compromising the quality of the files.

But again, you have to take note that Scribie is the middleman between a client and transcriptionist. This means that the company may get a cut of your potential earnings or include it to the final payment the client has to provide.

You may also be interested in other reviews of transcriptions services in the past. It includes Transcription Express, Crowdsurf, Speechpad, Babbletype, MegaTypers, and 3Play Media.

Or you may want to check out my reviews on GPTs, freelance platforms, and other income opportunities here.

Let’s continue…

The registration process

If you’re considering joining Scribie, then you have to take note some of these following factors—

  • Typing speed and accuracy
  • Excellent in the English language—written and verbal
  • A high-quality headset that has a noise-canceling specification
  • Fast internet connection
  • Fast computer or laptop
  • The latest version of Adobe Flash must be installed in your computer or laptop
  • Preferred browsers that include Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari if you’re using Mac OS.
  • The applicant must be 15 years of age since they will also require a verified PayPal account.

So how does the registration process progress?

Well, it goes through the following stages—

  • Application Submissions
  • Email confirmation
  • Waitlist allocation
  • Test Invitation
  • Test File Invitation
  • Certification

Now, let’s explain each of them so you can get a better understanding of what to expect during the application process—

Application Submission

Once you’ve clicked the signup tab on their website, you will be asked whether you’re a transcriber looking for a job or business looking for transcribers.

For purposes of this review, choose the option that contains a transcriber looking for a job since its income opportunity is what I’m reviewing.

The initial registration process requires you to fill up a personal information form. It includes your name, email address, residential address, typing speed, PayPal account, etc.

Afterward, you will get sort of a queue number. It will be used to check the status of your application, and the basis for the period in which you have to wait before it gets fully evaluated by their panels.

Email confirmation

The email account confirmation is a standard procedure to confirm the identity of the applicant.

 You will get an email notification after sending your application.

The message contains a verification link that you have to click to confirm your identification.

In case you don’t receive any email verifications, you can alert them and request a resend.

Or, if you sent an erroneous email address, then you can always send them a re-application. It’s not a problem, really.

Waitlist Allocation

After the email verification, your application may take one business day to process.

If you submitted your application and verified your email on a Friday, then you may likely get an update on Monday.

After such periods, the applicant will get a notification indicating if they are qualified and can purse with the process or their application has been rejected.

You could send them a re-application if your profile were not considered.

If you passed, you are required to take their evaluation test, which is explained in the following section…

Test Invitation

Before moving forward with your application, you will need to create your account first

The invite to take the qualifying test will be sent to your email address in the form of a link.

And once you’ve clicked your link, it will redirect you to another page that instructs you to create your personal Scribie account. It includes your username and password.

You will only be asked to create a password once. But you can also delete them anytime you see them no longer fits your needs.

Test File Submission

After creating the account, you now have to log in to your account.

And then, you will find a list of files you can try to work on.  Among the files listed there, you can only choose one.

Transcribed the file you’ve chosen, and then submit them afterward.

The finished file will be evaluated if you’ve done a job well done. And then, it may get re-assigned to you if you did.

And in case of re-assignment, you will be alerted through email.


Once your work is reviewed and accepted, then you will get a certification and officially become a transcriber for Scribie.

But if your work is rejected, you will get a generous attempt of 10 to make things right.

If you’re looking for a better source of income online, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

How Scribie works?

How transcribing gigs work is pretty much self-explanatory, in my opinion.

Your main responsibility is to transcribe files provided by your client.

The transcription undergoes several processes, and it includes the following—

  • File Splitting
  • Raw Transcription
  • Review
  • Proofreading
  • Quality Check

Now, let’s check each of them to get a better overview of it works—

File Splitting

What this means is that a full audio file is split into a 6-minute intermission.

Raw transcription

This is where you now have to transcribe the audio file provided by your clients.

You have to translate them as accurate and clear as possible.

In any case that there are certain areas that are hard to comprehend, the transcriber may leave them as blank and mark them.

You may also correct a transcript that is based on the company guidelines. And then, submit the file afterward.


Afterward, the transcribed file undergoes review, which involves repeatedly playing back the audio file and checking its accuracy.

The fields marked as blank are filled whenever possible.


The next step is to check the document’s grammar and listen to the audio file once again to double-check if the files were properly translated.

Quality check

To ensure the transcribed files’ quality, it undergoes quality check that again involves review and proofreading.

How much Scribie transcriber earns?

Scribie pays you by the audio hour. This means that the payment you receive is based on the audio hour, not by the hours you’ve spent working on them.

The pay ranges from $5 to $25 per audio hour. Therefore, the transcriber’s potential earnings could range anywhere from $0.60 to $2.00 in a 6-minute interval.

In addition, they provide a monthly bonus if $5, which is based on every three hours completed. This could boost your earnings an additional $40 per month.

Also, you get a referral commission of 5% for orders placed by your personally referred customers, 2.5% for personally referred transcribers.

In case you want to cash out some or all of your earnings, you can send them withdrawal request anytime you need the funds.

The good news is that they don’t have a minimum withdrawal threshold, which may indicate that you can transfer the money even after your first payment as a transcriber.

The payment is stated to be processed in one business day. So if you submitted a request on a Friday, then the funds would likely be transferred the next Monday.

There was also a mention of no need for payment for application or any charges; even if this is the case, PayPal charges service fees, which means that the transcriber won’t be getting the exact amount they requested.

Is it a reliable source of income?

One of the things I like about Scribie is that they are transparent about their potential income transcribers.

They have provided this list of potential income in an eight hour and six-day period as a reference to people who are thinking of joining the company—

Is Scribie a Scam

However, take note that the above description is the only estimation, and it may still vary depending on the amount of time you’ve spent working with them and skills.

If you’re thinking of quitting your day job and do transcriptions instead, then you are making a huge mistake, my friend.

As you see above, the potential income is still low as far as I am concerned and insufficient to fully support your monthly expenses, especially if you are residing in the United States.

Income from them may only be as good as a source of extra income or to boost your monthly budget.

Is Scribie a scam?

No, Scribie is not a scam!

They are a legitimate company that offers income opportunities through transcriptions.

If you’re contemplating joining them, then you are in good hands. But just don’t expect any high or reliable income from them. You may still have to keep your day job at this point.

If you’re looking for a higher and more stable source of income, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

What I Don't Like About Scribie

Low paying

As you’ve above, the potential income is low.

Your work is at the mercy of reviewers or evaluators

Even if you think you did a job, it may still depend on your evaluators or reviewers’ discretion.

No BBB Profile

The Better Business Bureau is one way most people do to check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it may significantly impact the decision-making of those who are considering joining them.

What I Like About Scribie


They provide a monthly bonus if $5, which is based on every three hours completed.

Referral Commissions

Get a referral commission of 5% for orders placed by your personally referred customers, 2.5% for personally referred transcribers.

Final thoughts

I hope my content has provided you with an answer to these all-important questions—is Scribie a scam? Or are they a good source of income?

Although the company is legitimate, I still don’t recommend them or any transcriptions businesses for that matter.

The pay is low and not stable, and you can’t fully rely on them for your monthly expenses.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any online money-making schemes online for few apparent reasons. And it includes the following—

  • The potential income is much higher and more reliable.
  • No risk
  • It is free, to begin with
  • No upsells
  • Unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions anytime someone engages the affiliate link and uses it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your website.

If this is your concern, then I have an excellent solution for you!

Tickle the description below and learn how you can create a profitable website from scratch—

Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my “Is Scribie a scam” content!

I hope to see you next time!


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