MegaTypers review: Is it a good use of your time or not?

Welcome to my MegaTypers review!

As you’re looking for a legitimate source of income online, you might have come across get-paid-to platforms such as MegaTypers.

It’s one of the most popular ways to earn income. Normally, the tasks they provide are actually simple and very easy to accomplish.

However, as easy as they may, the pay isn’t that great as well.

But if what you’re after is only a source of extra income, then GPTs are an excellent way to do so.

MegaTypers is one example of GPTs that provide an easy way to earn money—as of now, the company focuses only on CAPTCHA solving.

If you frequently register online, then I know you may have seen them one way or the other.

It is one of the basic security features of domains to avoid spammers and scammers.

I will explain them briefly in the following section if you’re not familiar with them.

So is MegaTypers a scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

Let’s begin my MegaTypers review…

MegaTypers Review

  • Name: MegaTypers
  • Website:
  • Price: Registration fee is free
  • Recommended?: As a source of extra cash, YES!
megatypers review

What is the purpose of CAPTCHA?

Since MegaTypers primarily revolves around working with CAPTCHAS, then it’s essential for me to discuss their purpose and why it’s needed to solve them.

You might have encounter CAPTCHAS during online registration or while surfing the internet.

It’ll ask you to type in the codes (a short combination of letters and numbers) before you go any further.

In other instances, they would ask you to identify objects. The most commonly use include cars, traffic signs, road signs, etc.

But have you ever wondered why they ask you to do so?

Well, they’d tell you that it is to prove that you’re not a bot or artificial intelligence. But why do they need this? It seems a little odd that they would ask you to do so.

CAPTCHA is the acronym for the Complete Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. And yes, it is what they said that they are—testing whether you’re a real human or robot.

Again, why?

As it turns out, the purpose of CAPTCHAs is to prevent spam software from sending or commenting on a specific website or email.

The cyberspace and our computers are composed of unique coding but nevertheless predictable because of patterns.

However, robots can’t undertake the complexity of human language. Thus, CAPTCHA could only be bypassed by a human.

Another purpose and probably their more important characteristics are its supposed ability to hinder scammers as well.

It is believed to protect email addresses from scammers. And prevent access to membership registration to specific websites.

megatypers review

What is MegaTypers?

MegaTypers is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) platform that pays registered members for doing assigned tasks—primarily typing CAPTCHAs.

The company was incepted in 2012. Despite diligence in research, I was not able to find any co-founders.

I have reviewed other GPT and PTC platforms, and one of the most common trends I found was insufficient company information.

I’m not sure if it’s a typical practice in the industry, but I believe that if the company’s intentions are of good faith, then why they can’t share even the most basic of information.

Again, I’m not implying anything here. It’s just a thought. There are companies that do not disclose such information but looks to be legitimate.

Anyway, let’s go back to MegaTypers. I’m not certain why companies wanted to outsource the typing of CAPTCHAs. As mentioned, it is done to prevent unwanted spams. You be the judge.

According to their website, other than CAPTCHAs, they also offer other services like voice-to-text transcriptions, image-to-text recognitions, and assisting people who are visually impaired.

The platform is available worldwide. And they mention that you only need to have a reliable internet connection, and the capability to type a minimum of 10 words per minute.

They claim that members could earn as high as $250. But I doubt that all members could access such high income.

Aside from its low-income potential, earnings from GPT and PTC platforms are unreliable.

If you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then you check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

How does MegaTypers work?

Although MegaTypers mentioned that they offer various services, their attention is more focused on typing CAPTCHAs. Thus, I will concentrate on CAPTCHAs as well.

How the platform works is pretty straightforward, you answer as many CAPTCHAs as you can, and then you earn income in return.

MegaTypers provide $0.45 to $1.50 for every 1,000 CAPTCHA you answer. It may sound easy and simple, but a thousand a CAPTCHA is still plenty.

You may need to have a very reliable internet connection to this. I think it’s also a good use of your vacant time.

The task is essentially easy if you take it into perspective. But you have to take note that the pay isn’t that great as well.

They ask you a thousand CAPTCHAs for only $1.50? That would take hours to complete.

They said potential earnings of $200 to $250 a month, but that’s virtually impossible, in my opinion.

I’ll explain further why MegaTypers or GPTs, in general, is not a reliable source of income. I will also add a better source of income in the end.

How to register?

If you want to become a member of MegaTypers, then you’d be happy to know that registration is free.

Registration is basic, as you can see—

megatypers review

Well, of course, the last step is to solve the CAPTCHA provided.

In addition, you get 10% residual commissions when your recruit earns income. For example, if your recruit earns $50, you also get $5.

If you’re locked on joining them—you can visit their signup page here.

Is it a reliable source of income?

If you’re thinking of quitting your day job and become a CAPTCHA solver instead, then you’re positively making a huge mistake.

As I repeatedly emphasize in this review, the potential income isn’t great, and your chances of even breaking into the hundreds are unlikely.

If you put things in a proper perspective, the job is relatively easy because you’re only putting the codes that are already presented into the box. And then, click confirm. That is it!

But it is hard at the same time because of the hours you have to put in. Imagine, you have to accomplish 1,000 CAPTCHAs, and you only earn $0.45 to $1.50.

On the front page of their official website, they say that your potential earnings are from $100 to $250. But such a claim is virtually impossible, in my opinion.

Your earnings from such gigs are only as good as a source of extra money only.

Apparently, GPTs or PTCs are not the way to go if your desire to earn a more reliable income online.

Check out the description below and discover how you can achieve financial freedom—

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What I Don't Like About MegaTypers

Banning of an account without prior notice

There comments that the company may ban your account without prior notice if they see any inappropriate actions in your part.

megatypers review
megatypers review

You may check the entire review here.

No security certificate

The domain appears not to possess a security certificate.

Such an element is essential, especially if you’re on a platform that’s processing payments.

High payout ceiling

The payout ceiling is a bit high, which is $15—considering how low their rates are.

No BBB credentials

I’m not sure if it’s a common practice among GPT or PTC sites not to submit credentials to the Better Business Bureau.

Not having one doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is fraudulent in any way. But it may definitely impact the decision-making of any potential new members depending on rankings they have in the BBB.

What I Like About MegaTypers

Free membership

You can join the platform without paying any single cent.

Is MegaTypers a scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that MegaTypers a scam.

They are technically legitimate, in my opinion.

Final thoughts

I hope my MegaTypers review has somehow helped you in deciding whether to join the platform or not.

Although MegaTypers is a legit source of income, I wouldn’t recommend them or any GPTs or PTCs.

If you’re looking for a more reliable source of income (ones that can pay the bills and put food in the table), then such a platform is definitely the way to go.

Continue to the next section and discover a better way to earn income online…

Do you want to know a better way to earn income online?

Affiliate Marketing is a way better option than any online money-making scheme for several apparent factors. Some examples are as follows—

  • Membership is free, to begin with
  • No upsells
  • No risk
  • Unlimited income because you can promote as many businesses as you want.

In Affiliate Marketing, your main responsibility is to promote a brand using an affiliate link that’s provided by the company.

The affiliate link is attached to your online site. And then, just let it sit passively there. You earn commissions as soon as someone engages the link and avails the products or services offered.

Of course, you need to have a website that’s driving a lot of traffic to be successful in this field.

If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you.

Tickle the description below and learn how you can build a website that’s creating traffic—

Remember that everything is possible when you put your mind into the task at hand.

Thank you for taking time off and reading my MegaTypers review!

Until next time!


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