Is Pomifera a Scam? Another Questionable Skincare MLM Reviewed!

Welcome to my Pomifera review!

You might have heard of Pomifera as you’re searching for a legitimate place to invest.

Or you might have heard them from a friend or family member telling you how amazing their compensation plan is.

Whatever case it may be, you want to know—is Pomifera a scam? Or is it a legit MLM company?

If so, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will provide you the information that I’ve gathered about this company, which should help you in your decision-making.

Before we begin, I’d like to congratulate you for taking the time to investigate first before investing. This may save you a lot of money and time.

So once again, is Pomifera a scam? Or is it a good investment?

 Let’s find out…

Pomifera Review

  • Name: Pomifera
  • Website:
  • Founder: Lindsay Colombe and Todd Johnson
  • Price: $99
  • Recommended?: NOPE.
is pomifera a scam

What is Pomifera?

Pomifera is a new MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company that specializes in skincare products.

It was incepted in February 2020 by Lindsay Colombe and Todd Johnson.

Their corporate slogan is “SIMPLE. HONEST. HUMBLE.”

This theme is also reminiscent of the compensation plan of Pomifera, which is fairly easy to understand, and in fact, just one page long.

 I’ve also reviewed other MLMs if you’re interested—ACN, IDLife, Stella and Dots, Zilis, Usana, Univia, and Farmasi US, to name a few.
is pomifera a scam

How to sign up for Pomifera?

Before your application to push through, you will need a sponsor first.

It seems that this will be provided as you make the signup.

After that, fill in the necessary information.
is pomifera a scam

For the membership fee, you need to pay $99 for the starters’ package.

 To remain active, you have to maintain or improve personal volume 200, which includes purchasing products of the company.

The Pomifera business opportunity and its income streams

Personal Commission

The personal or retail commission is a 25% incentive based on the personal volume of the Pomifera agent.

Unlike other MLMs, the 25% bonus of Pomifera is steady, which applies to all ranks.

Personal Sales Bonus

It’s also a steady bonus that pays $100 for every $1,000 sale the agent makes.

One-time bonus

You’ll receive a $500 bonus when the agent reached the “middle” or the level 6 ranks.

Line Bonuses

It a bonus derived from your lower network.

The agent starts receiving bonuses when they reached the first rank and onwards.

It is a bonus that pays up to 4 levels deep.

How the bonus work is as follows:

  • First rank – 3% (first level)
  • Second rank – 5% (first level)
  • Third rank – 7% (first level) and 3% (second level)
  • Fourth rank – 9% (first level) and 5% (second level)
  • Fifth rank – 10% (first level), 6% (second level), and 3% (third level).
  • Sixth rank – 10% (first level), 7% (second level), 5% (third level), and 3% (fourth level).
  • Since you’re earning another set of bonuses from the sixth rank, the Line Bonus becomes steady from the seventh rank to the twelfth—10% (first level), 7% (second level), 6% (third level), and 5% (fourth level).

Generational Bonus

It is a bonus derived from the agents’ lower network up to four generations deep.

Unlike line bonuses, a generation bonus is different because it is based on your generation leaders’ lower network.

Also, this bonus starts from the seventh level to the twelfth.

The following is a brief summary of the features’ mechanics:

  • The seventh rank – it’s a 2% bonus (first generation).
  • Eighth rank – 3% (first generation) and 2% (second generation).
  • Ninth rank – 3% (first generation), 3% (second generation), and 2% (third generation).
  • Tenth rank – 3% (first generation), 3% (second generation), 3% (generation), and 2% (fourth generation).
  • Eleventh and twelfth rank – the agent shall receive a 3% bonus on all generations.

Check Match

To qualify for this bonus, the agent has to reach the Board Influencer rankings (from the tenth to twelfth rankings).

It is a bonus that’s derived from the Ninth ranking and above.

The overview is as follows:

  • Tenth rank – 5% (first generation)
  • Eleventh rank – 7% (first generation) and 5% (generation)
 Twelfth rank – 10% (first generation), 7% (second generation, and 5% (third generation).

How to rank in Pomifera?

There are a total of 13 ranks in Pomifera. You start as a partner and work your way up to the twelfth rank.

There’s no fancy name involved because the company believes that simplicity is better.

Like in any other MLM, you rank through improving your personal volume. And you increase your personal volume through recruitment, and how well your lower networks improve their PVs as well.

To give you an example of how their rankings work, refer to the following:

As mentioned, you begin as a partner. And you remain active when you manage to reach your 200 PV monthly quota.

Next, you qualify for promotion when you have one active leg. And then, maintain a 200 personal volume or 1,000 group volume.

And so on…

The “Maximum Volume” is also unique in Pomifera. It is sort of to control the overspending tendency of its agent.

However, I still doubt that they could completely address this issue.

As you can see in their compensation plans, there are ceilings, right?

And in events that they were unable to reach their quota, and there’s an allowance, they may be encouraged to purchase just to fill in the gap.

 If you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Can you make a reliable income with Pomifera?

I appreciate how simple their compensation plans are, and how they make an effort to control the overspending tendency by the agents.

This may be the case—I still don’t recommend Pomifera or any MLMs for that matter.

According to Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked,” people who sign up for MLMs are more prone to losing money than gain any profits.

It was further explained that the reason why MLMs mostly fail to meet expectations is because of two main reasons—recruitment and capitalization.

As you may have observed in this review, the MLMs primary works by improving your personal volume.

In part, the agents’ personal volume is improved through retail sales. But for you to earn a significant income, you have to create an ample downline network.

In addition, you also have to make sure that your lower legs are actively doing their part as well.

The other reason why people who joined MLMs lose money is they’ve run out of funds to keep their active status.

Although I appreciate Pomifera’s effort to discouraged “garage qualified,” there will still be an allowance in case the agent didn’t reach his quota.

This may still lead them to purchase products just to get promoted or maintain their status.

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Here is A Way Better Alternative!

Is Pomifera a scam?

No. Pomifera is neither a scam nor a pyramid scheme.

Pomifera is a legitimate Multi-Level Level Marketing that sells skincare products.

Although some may say otherwise, pyramid schemes and MLMs are sorts of two different business models.

I say “sort of” because they are relatively the same with the exception of legality.

A pyramid scheme is illegal because they are purely money-based, and the risk is high.

On the other hand, MLMs are only legal because the so-called investor gets value in return.

And these values are the items for reselling.

There are better alternatives than MLMs, and one of which is called Affiliate Marketing.

I will talk more about this opportunity below just keep reading 🙂

What I Don't Like About Pomifera

Success is based on recruitment

For you to succeed in MLMs, you need to improve your personal volumes. And this is accomplished by recruiting people into your lower network continuously.

No BBB Credential

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is what most people do to check the credibility of a business.

Although it doesn’t definitively conclude that the business is fraudulent in any way, it might affect the decision making for some individuals.

May not be suitable for beginners

MLMs have a lot of upsells.

 You might find it hard to sell or recruit if it’s your first time doing MLMs or not confident with your selling skills then.

What I Like About Pomifera

They made an effort to simplify the compensation plan

Unlike other MLMs, Pomifera’s incentive plan is a lot easier to understand.

Fairly cheap membership fee, but…

The membership fee is not that expensive, but you have to maintain personal volume to remain active in the company.

This includes retail sales not only coming from your customers but also your personal purchases.

Final thoughts 

I hope my review has provided you with answers you’re seeking in important questions like “is Pomifera a scam?” or “are they a good investment?”

But if you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then opting for MLMs may not be the best choice.

But if you consider yourself a risk-taker and don’t mind getting negative feedback from your family and friends, then you do so as you please.

 But if you’re not comfortable, then you have to check out the following section….

Why Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing

If you are a newbie that is looking for a legit way to make money online then you have to try affiliate marketing

It's a profitable business model that doesn't require huge investments or any special skills to do it!

Here are more reasons why Affiliate Marketing is always my #1 recommendation!

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