100K Academy Review: Is it a scam or legit? Read this before you register!

Welcome to my 100K Academy Review!

Work-from-home jobs have become a trend since the global pandemic started.

You might have become acquainted with 100k Academy as you’re searching for legitimate ways to earn income in the comfort of your home.

If you’re looking for answers to the online courses’ legitimacy, then you have come to the right place!

In this content, I will provide an analysis of the program they’re offering and help you determine whether they’re a good investment or not.

I also reviewed online training courses in the past. You can check them out if you like—100 Million Academy, Overnight Millionaire System, Bossless Forever, Billy Gene Is Marketing, A1 Revenue, and Zero to Brand, just to name a few of them.

Or, you may check out the entire list here.

So is it a scam? Or are they legitimate?

Let’s begin my 100k Academy review…

100K Academy Review

  • Name: 100K Academy 
  • Website: 100k-academy.com
  • Founder: Charlie Brandt
  • Price: $797
  • Recommended?: It depends (Continue reading!)
100K Academy Review

Who is Charlie Brandt?

Charlie Brandt is a California-based online entrepreneur—he is particularly known in the fields of digital marketing and eCommerce.

100K Academy Review

His background story is typical; I should say, it goes as I went from homeless or penniless to earning six-figure profits.

In his partially-constructed website, he gave very brief information about himself. He says that he used to be under a $20,000 debt and then working his way up to earning millions through his brand in just 10 months.

100K Academy Review

But other than that, I found little information about him. But he has a YouTube channel that was created in September 2019 and has garnered a total of 33k subscribers in that short period.

100K Academy Review

That’s mightily impressive, in my opinion, because most YouTubers are struggling even struggling to get 5k in a span of one year. And he’s progressively reaching the 35k plateau in less than a year.

You might say that he’s influential. Well, I’ve watched some of his contents, and overall, they’re pretty good—informative and comprehensive.

So maybe, that’s how he’s getting his subscribers—quality content.

Anyway, other than his YouTube channel, he is also active on social media platforms like Instagram.

His official homepage is currently is under development at the time of this writing, as you’ll find when you visit it—

100K Academy Review

You can see it for yourself here.

What is 100K Academy? And how it works?

100K Academy is an online training course with the purpose of teaching members how to establish an eCommerce business even if you have no experience.

The comprehensiveness and informative nature of his YouTube videos are carried out into his online program.

Once enrolled, the member will be given 17 modules to complete the course.

The summary is as follows—


The most boring part of any class is the introduction. Most of us would rather start the process immediately.

However, it is proper for any online courses to include an introduction before anything else.

It is in this way that they acquaint new enrollees with what to expect within the duration of the course. And then, it also serves as a preparation before the actual program.

In addition, you’ll learn more about 100k academy and its founder.

Product Research

The first actual lesson involves guiding you on how to select the perfect niche.

What this means is the market you want to focus on and the suitable products you are going to sell.

In this section, Charlie Brandt will teach you essential strategies and basic tools to help you progress in the eCommerce business.

Store Setup

Once you’re done learning the basic tactics in eCommerce, he will guide you on how to set up your online store.

He will teach you how to create an online store. And one of the platforms he uses is a popular site called Shopify.

Aside from other well-known merchants like Amazon or eBay, I know some of you might have heard of it at some point.

Using Shopify is a great opportunity to start your online store because, as of June 2019, they have over 820,000 merchants (only about 500,000 are active among them) and 218 million users plus!

With this being said—learning more about the platform and utilizing it to your advantage could be beneficial to you.

You will also learn other programs essential to this module.       

Technical Setup

Afterward, Charlie Brandt will provide his knowledge in Merchant Center and how it can help you in growing your online business.

Merchant Center is an application of Google that provides retail services. What it does is it helps the sellers’ store and products visible in the search engines of Google.

He will also provide some of the applications you need to fully optimize the benefits of Google Merchant Center.

It also includes topics on conversion codes, plus tips on recommended setup and do’s and don’ts.

10K per Day Landing Page

If this is what it says to be, then there’s a good chance of earning significant income.

For this module, the member is basically presented with the personal tactics Charlie Brandt uses to achieve 10k traffic per day.

And it involves how you can fully optimize your stores’ traffic.

To give you an overview, it comprises the following—

  • Optimizing the loading speed of your webpage
  • Logo creation and how to add it to your content
  • Mobile optimization
  • How to create a landing page
  • Social proof
  • And most importantly, Charlie Brandt will show you his landing page and how to create a successful one like his.
  • And there are many more…

The $10k Launch

For this part, he will teach you how to manage your ad accounts that include Google Ad and shopping accounts.

Some of the things you may expect in this module are as follows—

  • Guide on shopping campaign
  • He’ll also impart his knowledge with Facebook pixel
  • How to evaluate ad results and interpret it to aid you in improving your online business in the future
  • Long keyword tails
  • How to utilize Google shopping images, headlines, and titles to your advantage
  • And many more…

The 10k Growth

This part of the module includes several topics on improving your online stores’ profitability.

Some of the things you’ll learn, which include demographic tactics, optimizing search campaigns, finding suppliers, etc.

The 100k Foundation

The main topic in this module includes hiring staff, optimizing content, etc.

The 100K Scaling

The primary objective here is to help you scale your ad campaigns and formulate a plan on how to achieve your goals.

Mastering the Facebook Platform

As the term implies, Charlie Brandt will teach you how to utilize Facebook ads on promoting your online business.

Facebook Ad Setup

For this part, you’ll learn how to set up your Facebook Ad.

Creating Ecommerce Videos

It comprises helping you create a script for your eCommerce videos.

You will also learn how to edit after taking the scripted video.

Setting up your Facebook Ad part 2

It includes a more detailed process of setting up your Facebook Ad account.

Some of the things you’ll learn include—

  • Campaign setup
  • Facebook framework
  • ROAS (Return on Ad Setup)
  • Evaluate gathered data
  • How to create thumbnails

Launch Day

For this part, it involves helping you in preparing before you launch in seven days.

$3,400 Net Profit

In this part of the module, Charlie Brandt will present to you how he regulates his own ad accounts.


For the last part, Charlie Brandt will also show you how he scales.

The registration process

If you’re considering enrolling in 100k Academy, then you have to prepare the cost of $797.

Yes, it is that expensive. If you have the budget, then spending this much may not be a problem.

But it may be impractical if your budget is only enough for a month.

If you’re looking for a better option that provides results at a low cost, then you have to check out the following description—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Is it worth the money?

You have to take note that, like in any training or seminars, the success of the program still relies on the individual—it may work on one person, while some may feel that it didn’t work.

I mentioned earlier that the YouTube channel of Charlie Brandt is pretty, and it is. But you shouldn’t fall into the hype of online marketers promoting their courses.

Although it is legitimate, there are still no guarantees of earning any significant income.

They can give you all the best advice in the world and provide tools essential for your success, but you will still pretty much curve your own success.

As far as I am concerned, it is still a trial and error. And spending an amount of about $800 may become impractical if the member fails altogether—an expensive way to fail if you will.

But if you enough budget for the course, and don’t mind making expenses of this amount, then you could maybe try the program.

Check out my best work-at-home recommendation below if you’re looking for a much better alternative than these very expensive online courses—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is 100K Academy a scam?

No. 100k Academy is not a scam!

They are a legitimate online training course that teaches members how to create an eCommerce business.

If you’re considering them, then you’re in good hands. The only downside of the online course is that they are expensive.

What I Don't Like About 100K Academy

A little bit pricey

As mentioned, it is expensive.

Lacks training on email marketing

When creating an online business, it is essential to learn about email marketing. This is because it is one of the ways how you can promote your brand.

Not-so-good refund policy

They offer a 30-refund policy. But it comes with a few conditions, which includes—

  • The member has talked to a coach for assistance
  • They must have adhered to specific criteria’s
  • And they must only have viewed 60% of the online course

What I Like About 100K Academy

Good training

Traffic is a good online course if you want to become successful as an online entrepreneur.

Final thoughts

I hope my 100K Academy review has provided you sufficient information about the program and somehow helped you in determining whether this online course is a good use of your time and money or should you search for other opportunities.

If you have the budget to pursue this online course, then you could probably try the course, by all means.

But if you’re on a budget and feel like it’s impractical to register, then there are other options that are far cheaper yet produce positive results.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial success online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better choice than any online money-making schemes or training programs around for few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • No risk!
  • It is free, to begin with!
  • They are way affordable yet yields better results!
  • It offers a more stable income!
  • No upsells!
  • Unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want!

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site!

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the link you’ve provided and use it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brands you are promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your online site.

If you’re a complete beginner and have no idea where to begin, or have an idea of how it works but struggling as of the moment, then worry no further…

I have an excellent solution for you!

Tickle the description below and discover how you can create a stunning website that’s creating a lot of traffic from scratch—

Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my 100K Academy Review!

I hope to see you next time!


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