A1 Revenue Review: Is it a Scam?! Or is it Legitimate?!

Welcome to my A1 Revenue review!

Work-at-home jobs start to trend during this time of the pandemic.

And as you’re searching for a legitimate source of income online, you might have come across a guy named Sanu Ogunkoya that refers to himself as “Mr. Opulent.”

He owns a business called A1 Revenue and a YouTuber. His vibes might have got your attention as well, and want to know more about the company he runs.

If you’re looking for answers on the legitimacy of his online training course, then you have come to the right place!

In this content, I will provide an analysis of their program and help you determine whether it’s a good investment or not.

Also, you might be interested in other similar content I’ve created in the past. You can check them out if you like—Bossless Forever, Overnight Millionaire System, and 100 Million Academy.

So without further delays, let’s begin my A1 Revenue review…

A1 Revenue Review

  • Name: A1 Revenue
  • Website: a1revenue.co
  • Founder: Sanu Ogunkayo
  • Price: An estimation of $2,000 since it was not clearly disclosed.
  • Recommended?: Nope.
A1 Revenue Review

Who is Sanu Ogunkoya?

Before I discuss the platform, let’s discuss first the creator of this platform.

A1 Revenue Review

A1 Revenue is the brainchild of an online businessman named Sanu Ogunkoya or popularly known as Mr. Opulent (it means wealthy or rich).

He claimed to be an expert in cost per action (CPA) marketing.

Honestly, I thought it was a Certified Public Accountant at first. And that I am dealing with some sort of a program that will make the work of accountants easier.

But CPA or cost per action marketing is actually a form of online marketing or digital advertising model. It is where the affiliate earns a commission anytime a specific required action is completed by their prospective customer.

The action could be purchasing products or services, completing a form, watching a video, etc.

Anyway, let’s go back with Mr. Opulent as he calls himself.

His story is one of those rags-to-riches stories—he stated that he was homeless once.

And that he dropped out of college and pretty much downward spiral from there.

But his life began to change when he invested in CPA marketing—he managed to be back on his feet again and become an entrepreneurial success.

He added that he became rich or Mr. Opulent at the young age of 23 years old. He worked his way up through the help of online marketing.

With this success, he decided to help others as well by sharing his experiences and personal knowledge about the topic.

A1 Revenue Review

He has a YouTube channel called Mr. Opulent. It currently has 21.7k subscribers at the time of this writing.

A1 Revenue Review

Also, he uses his channel to promote his company, A1 Revenue, where you’d be spending around $2,000! I will explain more about this in the following section.

Let’s continue…

What is A1 Revenue?

A1 Revenue is an online training program that teaches online marketing.

As mentioned, Sanu claims to be an expert in cost per action (CPA) marketing.

It is for this reason that the CPA is the training program’s main concentration. It also includes utilizing paid traffic strategies to your advantage and other necessary tools that could improve your online business.

When you join as an Affiliate, you’ll receive several perks like access to the company’s private affiliate network.

Other examples include CPA campaigns, VIP events, access to Traffic Vault, exclusive VIP members-only contest, etc.

Their members are also entitled to learn from their affiliate network training courses, which include topics on online marketing and how to utilize paid traffic to your full advantage.

Through their system, they claim to help affiliate members to earn up to 10k in a day. Honestly, this particular statement is a little bit unlikely, but it’s just my opinion.

I’ve been earning online for several years, but I haven’t met anyone that conclusively earns this much, especially in a day.

If you want to try the training program for yourself, then you may do so at your own risk.

If you want to sign up, the following are some of the things that you need to know…

The registration process

When you register, you will be greeted whether you want to be an Advertiser or Affiliate.

A1 Revenue Review

The Advertiser is for people looking to promote the company’s brands.

On the other hand, Affiliates are the likes of you and me looking to earn income from paid traffics.

For purposes of this review, I will be focusing on the platforms’ income opportunities through their Affiliate program.

There was no conclusive information on how much the total membership fees are. But the estimation is about $2,000 for their training course.

It may go up if you want to learn his techniques in how you can one individual can earn for up to $10,000 per day.

But in any case, the exact amount of the membership fee wasn’t stated on the front page of their official webpage.

I will update this content if new information comes up…

How A1 Revenue works?

As you might have already guessed by now, they will primarily help you in generating leads through paid traffics and utilizing cost per action (CPA) Marketing.

However, it seems like this platform is picky in terms of accepting new affiliates and advertisers.

This is so because after you’ve signed up, they will ask you many questions. It includes experiences in CPA marketing, paid ads, and other online platforms, which I believe most of us don’t have.

It appears to be that you need to have some sort of experience with the business.

Because of this, I don’t feel that A1 Revenue is beginner-friendly. If you’re looking for a better source of income, one that’s way cheaper yet produces results, then check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

After answering the questions that they’ve provided, your answers shall be evaluated by his team, whether you’re qualified to join them or not.

If you’re eligible, they will provide materials and access to tools that are essential in your training.

The package includes software that can help you track your progress like tracking and analyzing your competitors’ progress, so it will allow you to formulate a better plan.

Is it worth the money?

Like in any training courses, the online program he offers might be helpful to some, but I find it hard this would be the case for everybody.

You shouldn’t fall into the hype created by online marketers. Remember that success is not guaranteed on such platforms.

All they can do is to guide you and provide you tools or software; whatever it may be, you will still curve your own success.

It’s a trial and error as far as I am concerned. And spending this much, only to fail later on, is a bit impractical; in my opinion—a very expensive failure if you will.

Although I believe that A1 Revenue is legitimate, I still don’t recommend them in any way—unless you are rich or have money to burn, then by all means, invest at your own risk.

But if you have just enough budget—then paying this huge amount of money might be costly if it fails altogether

Nothing is wrong with these, don’t get me wrong here—anyway, the higher the risk, the higher the return, right?

But take note that not all high-risk investments yield to higher returns. It might lead to epic losses as well.

But my point is that what if you can minimize the risk and still achieve financial stability and earn significant online.

There are better options out there!

With this being said—I suggest that you check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Not only that, you’ll be earning significant income online; you will also learn all of them at a lower price!

Is A1 Revenue a scam?

I don’t see any reason to believe that the platform is a scam in any way. But I wouldn’t spend at least $2,000 for something I can learn for more affordable rates somewhere else.

What I Don't Like About A1 Revenue


The training course offerings of A1 Revenue are too pricey.

Unsatisfactory customer support

Their customer support might be poor, according to some reviews.

What I Like About A1 Revenue

Company background

The program is based on the personal experience of the creator.

Final thoughts

I hope my A1 Revenue Review has provided you sufficient information about the platform and helped you in determining whether their training course is a good investment or not.

In any case, however, I do not recommend this business or any expensive training program for that matter.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any online money-making schemes for a few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It is free, to begin with!
  • Affordable!
  • It is more reliable!
  • No risk!
  • Unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want!

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the link you’ve provided and use it to buy products or services offered in the landing of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your website.

If you’re a complete newbie and have no idea how to begin or already have knowledge on how it works but struggling as of the moment, then worry no more!

I have the perfect solution for you!

Tickle the description below and learn how you can create a stunning website that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch—

Well, I guess that’s just about!

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my A1 Revenue review!

I hope to see you next time!


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