Is Rain International a Scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

Welcome to my Rain International review!

A friend or family member might have introduced the products of Rain International to you. They might have told you how amazing their products are or even life-changing.

And then, as they continue their sales pitch, they introduce you to their business opportunity.

It might have somehow aroused your curiosity and wanted to know more if the company legitimate.

If you’re looking for answers, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will provide an analysis of whether Rain International is a good investment or not.

So once again, is Rain International a scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

So without further delays, let’s begin…

Rain International Review

  • Name: Rain International
  • Website:
  • Founder: Byron Belka
  • Price: Basic membership of $39.95. And then, starters' package the range from $104 to $1,320.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Is Rain International a Scam
Is Rain International a Scam

What is Rain International?

Rain International is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) company that specializes in selling health and wellness and skincare products.

It was founded in 2011 by Byron Belka, who was also involved in another MLM company called NU skin—an MLM that’s engaged in the beauty and skincare niche.

I won’t be talking about the company’s products since our main focus is on their business opportunity.

My goal here is to provide you an answer if their compensation plan is a reliable source of income. Or is Rain International a scam?

Anyway, most MLMs are more focused on recruiting than selling their products, so that is that.

I also reviewed MLMs in the health and wellness niche in the past. You may check them out if you like—American Dream Nutrition, Usana, Bonvera, Xango, and HempTonics USA, to name a few.

Let’s continue…

The Rain International business opportunity

The hallmark of any Multi-Level Marketing is there complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plan.

The one offered by Rain International is no different. It is so convoluted that it seems like you’d need a financial expert to decipher the entire thing.

Most MLMs do this to prevent potential new members from asking many questions and hide the flaws of the business model (I will explain this in the later section).

And to completely save their selves and potentially persuade you to join, they would show you the money, cars, or houses you could obtain by availing the business opportunity.

A bit shady, but it is effective, nonetheless.

You may find many gimmicks, but their compensation plan mainly revolves on two things—

  • Retail commissions – it is the income from retail sales.
  • Recruitment – it is where bonuses and commissions are based from.

Rain International offers nine ways to earn income through their business opportunity—

  • Preferred Customer Program
  • First Order Bonus
  • First Order Bonus Match
  • First Order Bonus and First Order Bonus Match Compression
  • Team Commissions
  • Leadership Bonus
  • Generational Matching Bonus
  • Lifestyle Bonus
  • Advancement in Rankings

I will discuss each of them in the following section. Also, I have simplified them so you can understand them a little better.

What are its income streams?

Preferred Customer Program

This type of bonus is just a fancy name for its retail commissions.

When you look at their compensation plan, it has a long and wordy explanation, but it is just the $20 commission on sales from preferred customers.

They added that a rain partner needs to generate 50 sales volumes or customer volume to become eligible for this commission.

First Order Bonus

The rain partner earns a bonus when their personally recruited lower line avails one of the Optional Starters’ Kit.

How much they earn depends on the package purchased by their lower network.

The summary of the bonus is as follows—

  • Business Builder – the rain partner receives a $10 bonus if the sale generated a 50 sales volume.
  • A second Business Builder – the rain partner would receive a $30 bonus if the sale generated a 100 sales volume.
  • Professional Builder – the rain partner, receives a $90 bonus.
  • Rain Elite – the rain partner receives a $30.
  • Super Elite Kit – the rain partner receives a $90.

Additional stipulations were not clearly defined if there are any. They only implied that the rain partners was to maintain at least a minimum of a 50 personal volume.

First Order Bonus Match

In addition to the abovementioned bonus, the rain partner also receives a First Order Bonus Match if their personally recruited members were able to bring in new members as well.

The summary of the bonus is as follows—

  • Business Builder – the rain partner receives a $5 bonus if the sale generated a 50 sales volume.
  • A second Business Builder – the rain partner would receive a ten bonus if the sale generated a 100 sales volume.
  • Professional Builder – the rain partner, receives a $30 bonus.
  • Rain Elite – the rain partner receives a $10.
  • Super Elite Kit – the rain partner receives a $30.

First Order Bonus and First Order Bonus Match Compression

This is a bonus that is given to the upper line of the rain partner if they are not eligible for the bonus. Such an instance happens when they fall below the PV requirements of 100 or 50.

Refer to the following example provided in the compensation plan of Rain International—

Example 1—

Is Rain International a Scam

Example 2—

Is Rain International a Scam

Team Commissions

Other terms for this type of commission are called residual commissions.

It is where the rain partner earns a residual commission of 10% from its weaker leg.

You may see a more complex explanation in the compensation plan, that’s basically how this bonus works.

Let’s say for example—

If Mark has 3,000 and 5,000 group volumes from his left and right leg, respectively, then he should earn $300.

This is computed by—3,000 group volume (weaker leg) x 10% = $300.

However, you have to meet specific qualifications before you can qualify for this commission—

  • Active
  • They are meeting the minimum of 50 personal volume
  • They must be in the ranks of Manager or higher     
  • The weaker leg must at least have a minimum of 300 group volume

Leadership Bonus

If you have prior experience with MLMs, this feature is similar to the Global Bonus Pool.

It is where the company sets aside a portion of its global profits and shares it with their top leaders.

For a rain partner to qualify for this bonus, they have to reach and maintain the ranks of Manager or higher.

The summary of the number of shares that the rain partner is going to receive is as follows—

  • Manager – one share
  • Senior Manager – two shares
  • Bronze Executive – three shares
  • Silver Executive – one share
  • Gold Executive – two shares
  • Platinum Elite – three shares

Generational Matching Bonus

It is a bonus that allows the rain partners to earn a percentage of the Team Commissions of your lower network up to seven levels deep.

To become eligible, you need to be in the ranks of Executive and higher.

Your rankings also determine the qualifying levels. The summary is as follows—

Is Rain International a Scam
Is Rain International a Scam

For further explanation on how this bonus works, click here to see their compensation plan.

Lifestyle Bonus

It is a weekly bonus that rewards its top ranking rain partners, starting from Pearl Elite up to the Black Rain Diamond Ranks.

The summary of the bonus is as follows—

  • Pearl Elite - $200
  • Sapphire Elite - $300
  • Diamond Elite - $400
  • Black Rain Diamond - $500

Advancement Ranks

Rain International offers a one-time bonus when its rain partners advance in rankings.

  • Manager – rain partner receives a $30 bonus
  • Senior Manager - rain partner receives a $60 bonus
  • Bronze - rain partner receives a $90 bonus
  • Silver - the rain partners, receive a $200 bonus
  • Gold - rain partner receives a $500 bonus
  • Platinum Elite - the rain partner, receives a $700 bonus
  • Pearl Elite - the rain partner, receives a $1,000 bonus
  • Sapphire Elite - the rain partner, receives a $2,000 bonus
  • Diamond Elite - the rain partner, receives a $5,000 bonus
  • Double Diamond Elite - rain partner receives a $7,500 bonus
  • Black Rain Diamond - the rain partner, receives a $10,000 bonus
  • Double Black Rain Diamond - the rain partner, receives a $100,000 bonus
  • Triple Black Rain Diamond - the rain partner, receives a $250,000 bonus

Does the potential earning from Rain International excite you?

Well, you shouldn’t be. According to the Federal Trade Commissions, a staggering 1% succeeds in MLMs!

Now, that is extremely low! I will explain more about this in the following sections.

How much will it cost me to join?

To join Rain International, the potential new rain partner has to pay an initial membership fee of $39.95.

And then, the rain partners have to select one of the following packages—

  • Soul Basic - $104
  • Soul Builder - $299
  • Launch Basic - $315
  • Soul Professional - $689
  • Launch Professional - $1,249
  • Soul Elite - $1,320

If you’re looking for a better source of income, then you have to check out the following link—

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

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Can you make a reliable income from Rain International?

Success in MLMs is extremely rare.

According to a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission, about 99% of people who join MLMs incur losses than gain any profits from the business opportunity.

This was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that MLMs fail to meet expectation because of two factors—


Recruitment is the lifeblood or bread and butter of MLMs. This is because it is where their bonuses and commissions are based.

With this being said—the rain partners must engage in continuous recruitment to keep the business going.

Such a business model won’t work because it will eventually collapse if no new members are going in.

For newly recruited rain partners, they may try to recruit the people they know first like family members, friends, and few acquaintances, maybe.

It might lead to annoyance if they persistently push the business opportunity to them. Or it might even cause resentment if it fails altogether.

It becomes challenging if they run out of people they know and attempt to sell the business opportunity for people they do not know. But it is even more difficult for those with no marketing or sales background.

Not recruiting sufficient people to your lower network may lead partners to feel frustrated, no recruit means that there’s no income coming in. This is especially true for rain partners at the bottom.

Thus, it eventually results in the partner becoming inactive and quitting the business altogether.


Have you heard of Garage Qualified?

It is a special definition used to describe MLM affiliates that tend to over-purchase company products for the sake of improving or maintaining their personal volume.

Again, such a scheme will eventually collapse if there are no new recruits.

For people at the very bottom, they may keep on spending money, but no income is coming. Thus, it will result in the partners becoming inactive and quitting altogether.

If there are still no partners coming in, it’ll continue to go on until the business finally collapsed.

So yes, this is the reason why the business model of MLM is flawed.

If you want a more stable source of income, and one that’s possesses no risk, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Rain International a Scam?

No. I did not find any reason to believe that Rain International is a scam. They are not a pyramid scheme either.

They are a legitimate MLM company that specializes in selling health and wellness and skincare products.

However, some of you might argue that MLM is essentially a pyramid scheme that disguises itself as a direct selling company.

Although I agree to some extent, they are different in terms of legality.

Multi-Level Marketing is technically legal because they offer something of value in exchange for your initial investment.

And these values are in the form of retail merchandise which the rain partner can sell for profits.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme is illegal because you don’t get anything tangible.

What you get is only a promise of high returns. This makes them very high risk.

What I Don't Like About Rain International

Success is recruitment-based

Your success in the industry is mainly based on how well the partners recruit.

Expensive products

The products that they are selling are a little expensive, considering that it is not FDA approved, and health claims are inconclusive.

There are far superior products than those sold by Rain that is less costly.

What I Like About Rain International

As of now, I can’t find any positives about the company.

Well, they have an A- rating in the BBB, but it is from one client only. And that one client gave them a one star. So I don’t believe that’s reliable.

Anyway, I will update this section if I find any.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information in answering the all-important question—is Rain International a scam? Or are they a good source of income?

Although they are technically legitimate, I still don’t recommend them or any MLMs for that matter.

The risk is very high, and your chances of losing are much greater than attaining any success!

If you’re looking for a better alternative, then you have to continue to the next section, and I’ll show you how you can achieve financial success online…

Why I choose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any Multi-Level Marketing companies for few apparent reasons—

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

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If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you!

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Thank you for taking time off and reading my Rain International review!

I hope to see you next time!


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