Is InteleTravel Legit or Another Massive MLM Scam?

Welcome to my InteleTravel review!

You may be a person who travels a lot. And as you’re searching for travel and booking agencies, you might have stumbled across a travel agency named InteleTravel.

Aside from their travel services, you might have noticed that they also offer a business opportunity.

It may have aroused your curiosity and wanted to know if their business opportunity would work, or it might be just another scam.

In any case, you wanted to know.

If this is your concern, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will attempt to put those doubts aside and help you decide whether to invest or not to invest.

So is InteleTravel legit? Or are they just another massive MLM scam?

Let’s find out…

InteleTravel Review

  • Name: InteleTravel
  • Website:
  • Founder: James Ferrera
  • Price: Total fees would cost you a one-time payment of $179.99 and monthly fees of $59.90.
  • Recommended?: Nope!
Is Inteletravel Legit

What is InteleTravel?

InteleTravel is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) that specializes in travels and bookings.

Is Inteletravel Legit

It was founded in 1992 by a man named James Ferrera.

The company gives a chance to average people to sell travel packages and discounts. They provide no specific requirements as to who is qualified to work with them.

I also reviewed other MLM in the same field, such as Ascira.

The InteleTravel Business Opportunity

Complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans are the hallmarks of Multi-Level Marketing.

It is so convoluted that it seems you would need a financial expert to decipher the whole thing.

It’s a common strategy that MLMs employ to prevent potential recruits from asking many questions.

And to completely save their selves and persuade you to sign up, they would divert your attention to how high your potential income would be.

InteleTravel somehow made a difference by making their compensation plan simple and a lot easier to understand compared to other MLMs.

Basically, there are only two ways on how you can earn with MLMs.

And it looks like InteleTravel has simplified it into these two basic income streams. It is through retail commissions and recruitment.

It is also to be noted that InteleTravel is in partnership with another travel and booking MLM called PlanNet Marketing.

This means that some of InteleTravels business opportunities and membership packages are tied with PlanNet Marketing

What are its income streams?

As mentioned, InteleTravel offers two ways to earn income—

Retail commissions

It is where you earn commissions by selling the traveling packages.

Take note that the InteleTravel is only a travel agency, which means that part of the sale goes to the principal booking company.

InteleTravel earns a commission from 8% to 16%, which depends on the packages sold by the consultant.

The 8% to 16% commission is apportioned, and 70% to 80% is given to the travel consultant who sold the package.

In addition, the travel consultant also earns override commissions if their lower network was able to make any sale.

Allow me to give you a simple illustration—

Let’s say that you were able to make a sale for $2,000.

  • $2,000 x 15% = $300

The $300 commission is accredited to InteleTravel.

You earn the following as a result of the 70% to 80% commission rate.

  • $300 x 70% = $210

And then, for example, your lower network was able to make a sale—you earn the following commissions as a result—

  • If the total amount earned is $200, then you earn an override commission of $20 ($200 x 10%).

So that’s basically it.


The referral commission is tied to the business opportunity of PlanNet Marketing.

To give you a much detailed explanation, kindly refer to the following video clip—

The currency used in the video is the British pound, but how the compensation work is basically just the same.

If you want to see their full compensation plan, click here.

How much will it cost me?

Since InteleTravel is in partnership with PlanNet Marketing, some of their business operations are also link to theirs, which includes memberships.

So what this means to us is that if you sign up for InteleTravel, you may also have to register to PlanNet Marketing.

The membership packages of InteleTravel are as follows—

  • InteleTravel Enrollment Fee – it’s a one-time payment that would cost you $179.95.
  • Monthly Administration Fee – it’s a monthly membership fee of $39.95 to maintain your status in the company.
  • PlanNet Marketing Administrative Fee – it’s a one-time payment of $19.95, plus a $19.95 membership fee paid monthly.

You have to take note that the fees mentioned above are not standalone.

It means that you have to settle these membership fees to become a travel agent for InteleTravel.

So if you total all of them, your membership fees equal to a one-time payment of $179.99 plus $59.90 monthly fees.

If you want a more affordable and reliable source of income, then you have to check out the following description—

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Can you make a reliable income from InteleTravel?

Success in Multi-Level Marketing is extremely rare—just ask the Federal Trade Commission.

According to a study conducted by the FTC, they found out that 99% of people who join MLMs incur losses than gain any profits.

This instance was discussed elaborately in Jon Taylors’ book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that the business model of MLM is flawed because of two things—


The consultants’ chances of advancements and earning higher income are mostly based on how large their network is.

For newly recruited consultants, the first set of people they may try to bring in to their network is their family, friends, and acquaintance.

Even though they may know you intimately, there are still no guarantees that they will join the company.

What’s worse is that it might eventually lead to annoyance or resentment when you persistently attempt to push the business opportunity to them.

That challenging part starts when you’ve run out of people you know to recruit and try to sell the business opportunity to complete strangers.

It’s common sense that you don’t earn that much when you are unable to recruit sufficient people under your network.

It may become extra hard for people with no marketing or sales background.

Such challenges may lead some of the new consultants to become inactive or quit altogether.


The monthly membership would cost you$59.90.

It may not be that large to some, but it may not be that affordable to some of the travel agents as well.

As a result, some of the members run out of funds. Thus, it causes them to become inactive and eventually quit, as well.

Is InteleTravel legit or another massive MLM scam?

I did not find any reason to believe that InteleTravel is a Pyramid Scheme or scam.

Based on what I’ve researched, InteleTravel is a legitimate MLM company specializing in travel and bookings.

However, some might say that MLM is essentially a pyramid scheme because, like them, you also have to recruit and create a large network to gain significant income.

Although I agree to some degree, they are different in terms that MLM provides value in return for your so-called investment.

And these values are in the form of retail products or services that they can sell for profits.

On the other hand, Pyramid Schemes do not offer anything in return. The potential recruit only gets a promise of high returns.

Although the company is legit, I still don’t recommend InteleTravel or any MLMs for that matter. The income potential is low, and the likelihood of incurring losses is much higher than gaining profits.

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What I Don't Like About InteleTravel

Success is recruitment-based

For a travel agent to advance in rankings and potentially earn a higher income, they have to create a large lower network.

Lengthy payment period

It would take time before you get, which is 60 days, to be exact. You need to wait 60 days after the travel package has been consummated before you get paid.

Not only that, but you will only get half of it and have to wait for another 15 days.

Expensive membership fees

The one-time membership payment and monthly charges are costly.

Refund Disputes

It looks like they are accumulating a lot of refund disputes as seen in the BBB—

Is Inteletravel Legit
Is Inteletravel Legit
Is Inteletravel Legit

What I Like About InteleTravel

Fairly positive BBB rating (B+)

The Better Business Bureau is one way people check the credibility of the business.

InteleTravel received a rating of B+ in the BBB, which is not bad.

However, having a fairly good rating in the BBB doesn’t immediately indicate that the business is credible.

There are companies in the BBB with an A+ rating despite having a background of malpractices.

This instance was detailed in an article published by the online portal of CNN—“Slammed by the Government, A-rated by the Better Business Bureau.”

I am not saying that the company is fraudulent. My point is that we shouldn’t entirely rely on one website.

And that you still have to do your homework and check the background of the company.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information and helped you answer the important question—is InteleTravel legit or just an outright scam?

Although the company is legit, I still don’t recommend them or any MLMs for that matter.

If you’re looking for a good investment, then I think doing MLMs is not the way to go.

The potential for earning a high income is very slim that you may even end up losing money.

I don’t want that to happen to you. There are better opportunities out there—one that can provide you the financial freedom you’ve been seeking.

Continue to the next section, and discover one example of how you can achieve such a goal…

How I earn income online

If you are a newbie who is looking for a legit and risk free way to make money online then Affiliate Marketing is the answer!

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Thanks for reading my InteleTravel review!

Until next time!


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