Is CorVive a Scam? Or is it Legit? Read this before you invest!

Welcome to my CorVive review!

Is CorVive a scam? Or are they a legitimate source of income?

These questions might be running in your head as you’re contemplating whether to invest in the company or not.

You might have become acquainted of them from a co-worker, friends, or loved ones.

You hear them telling how amazing the products are, and then eventually transitioned to talking about its business opportunity.

For some reason—it might have aroused your curiosity and wanted to know more.

If you’re looking for answers, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I will help you determine whether the business opportunity that they offer is legitimate or should you search for other investments.

So once again, is CorVive a scam? Or is it a good source of income?

Let’s find out…

CorVive Review

  • Name: CorVive
  • Website:
  • Founder: Jeremy Fouts
  • Price: Annual payment of $14.95. And then, you need to choose at least one starters' pack that costs from $175 to $575.
  • Recommended?: NOPE!
Is CorVive a Scam
Is CorVive a Scam

What is CorVive?

CorVive is a Multi-Level Marketing that specializes in selling health and wellness products.

It was established in May 2018 by co-founders Jeremy Fouts and his wife, Candice. Mr. Fouts graduated with a degree in Science and Business Economics.

The company is currently headquartered in Plano, Texas, the United States.

I have reviewed several MLMs in the same niche in the past. You may check them out if you like—Zija, HempTonics USA, Enhanzz Global, and Verway, to name a few of them.

I won’t be talking about their products in detail since our main focus here is the company’s business opportunity.

So let’s continue…

The CorVive business opportunity

Complex and almost incomprehensible compensation plans are the hallmarks of MLMs.

They are so convoluted that it seems like you would need an expert finance person to decipher the entire thing.

The compensation plan that CorVive offers is not an exception. It is as complex as the others.

In reality, the business opportunity of MLMs only has two main income streams—

  • Retail commissions – it is income earned through retail sales.
  • Recruitment – this is the bread and butter or lifeblood of MLMs. It is where they have to recruit new members continually because, without it, the entire structure will collapse.

MLMs make their compensation plans difficult to comprehend because it is there a way of concealing the flaw of such a business model. I will discuss this further in the following sections.

And to completely prevent potential recruits from asking many questions, they would show you people holding a huge stash of cash and driving luxury cars or owning a mansion. If you’ve been in MLM seminars, you know what I’m talking about.

It’s their way of luring people into joining the MLM movement. It may sound sketchy, but effective nonetheless.

There may be MLMs that are doing great as of yet, but it will collapse eventually as soon as the recruitment rate drops.

But let’s continue anyway and look further into why you shouldn’t invest time and effort with them.

In the next chapter, let’s explain its income streams briefly. I have simplified them for better understanding.

What are its income streams?

Retail Commissions

The consultant earns a 20% commission every retail sale they make.

In addition, they also earn a bonus for every retail sale that their lower network makes up to three generations deep.

The consultant gets a 12% bonus on their personally recruited lower network. And then, a 4% bonus is based on the retail sales made in the third and fourth levels.

Timed Bonus (Xcelerator 500 and 1,000)

It’s CorVive’s version of a fast bonus. Such a feature is offered to encourage new members to recruit. Also, it normally runs for a specific period.

CorVive offers two ways to earn this bonus. It is as follows—

  • Xcelerator 500 – the consultant earns a $250 bonus on conditions that they get two new retail customers. And then, they must avail of the autoship and purchase at least one product within 14 days. Lastly, they also must be able to recruit two new consultants and availed at least 500 QV.
  • Xcelerator 1,000 – the consultant earns an additional $250 if they get four new retail customers. And then, they must avail of the autoship and availed at least one product within 14 days. Lastly, they also must be able to recruit four new consultants and availed at least 1,000 QV or higher.

Ach13vePack Bonuses

The consultant earns a specific bonus based on the package that was sold by their lower network.

The summary of the bonus are as follows—

  • First level – the consultant earns a $25, $40, and $100 for the Launch, Transformation, and Elite package, respectively.
  • Second level – the consultant earns a $15, $30, and $50 for the Launce, Transformation, and Elite package, respectively.
  • Third level – the consultant earns a $10, $15, and $30 for the Launch, Transformation, and Elite package, respectively.
  • Fourth level – the consultant earns a $5, $10, and $15 for the Launch, Transformation, and Elite package, respectively.

The consultant also earns on Ach13vePack sold by their lower network—

  • The consultant earns a 10% bonus on Ach13vePack sold by their personally recruited consultants.
  • If they have more than eight personally recruited lower networks, then they earn a 20% bonus as well.

Team Commissions

CorVive offers a 4% to 8% team commission for up to eight levels deep. The summary of the bonus is as follows—

Is CorVive a Scam

In addition, the consultant receives a higher commission rate once they reach the COR4 and above rankings. Refer to the following for the summary of the bonus—

Is CorVive a Scam

Luxury Car Bonus

For this bonus, CorVive doesn’t actually give you money to buy a luxury car.

The consultant earns a $750 worth of car assistance bonus monthly.

It may sound a sweet deal, but they must obtain certain milestones first before the consultant earns this type of bonus.

  • First and foremost, they must reach the ranks of COR12 or higher.
  • They must have at least four personally recruited lower networks. In addition, they must be active.
  • And then, they have to scan the copy of the lease/loan contract and send it to the admins via email.
  • Also, the car must not be two years older and have specific colors that include white, black, or silver. Yup, they do require you to pick specific colors based on their preference.
  • Not only that, but they also have preferred luxury cars that include Jaguar, Lexus, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Cadillac, and BMW, to name a few. If you don’t like luxury cars, then you can opt for the $350 assistance.

Lifestyle Getaway

The specifics of this bonus aren’t clearly stated. But based on the term it implies, it is supposed to be a vacation bonus.

Credit Program

It is a bonus where the consultant earns product credit when they are able to recruit signs in two new retail customers.

These credits can be used to purchase company products.

The compensation plan of CorVive may sound all too dandy, but take note that only 1% of people who join MLMs succeed.

This was according to a study conducted by the Federal Trade Commission. I will explain this in more detail in the following section.

How much will it cost me to join CorVive?

To become a CorVive representative, you have to settle a yearly payment of $14.95.

In addition, you also have to avail of one of their starters’ packages, which would cost you from $175 to $575.

Of course, you have to purchase the more expensive packages to earn higher.

However, if you only want the product, then it will cost you anywhere from $100 to $300 on autoship.

If you’re looking for a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

Tired Of Expensive MLMs?

  Here is A Way Better Alternative!  

Can you make a reliable income from CorVive?

Success in MLMs is extremely rare—just ask the Federal Trade Commissions.

According to their research, they found out that 99% of people who join MLMs actually incur losses than gain any profits.

This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

It was further explained that companies that are engaged in Multi-Level Marketing fail to meet any expectation because of the following reasons—


Have you heard of the term Garage Qualified?

It is a special term used to describe MLM representatives that tend to over-purchase company products for the sake of maintaining or improving their personal volume.

This may result in the representative running out of funds to finance the business.

This case happens when there are no new members or retail customers coming in, which leads to the network not earning anything as well.

This case is very frustrating, which may cause the representative to become inactive or quit altogether.


As mentioned, recruitment is the lifeblood or bread and butter of MLMs in general.

The entire MLM structure will collapse without any new members coming in.

For this reason—they have to recruit continually to keep the business going. Therefore, this makes such a business model extremely flawed because the time will come that the company runs of people to bring in to their network.

A new member may probably try to recruit family members, friends, or several acquaintances, maybe.

Even if such a group of people knows the MLM representative, it doesn’t guarantee successful recruitment.

It may lead to annoyance if they persistently push the business opportunity to them. Or even resentment if the structure eventually collapses.

It becomes even more challenging if they run out of people they know to recruit and try to persuade complete strangers to join in.

Such a feat may be more difficult for those with no marketing or sales background.

As a result, it might cause the MLM representative to feel discouraged, especially if they’re not getting sufficient recruits that they needed.

It might eventually cause them to become inactive and quit the business altogether.

If you’re looking for a better alternative than MLMs, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is CorVive a scam?

Technically, I don’t think that CorVive is a scam or pyramid scheme.

I believe that they are a legitimate MLM company that’s specializing in the health and wellness niche.

However, some of you might argue that MLMs are essentially a pyramid scheme that’s disguised as a direct selling company.

Although I agree to some degree, they are legally different.

What I mean by that is MLMs are only legitimate because they offer something of value in exchange for your so-called investment.

And this investment is in the form of retail merchandise that they can sell for profits.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme doesn’t offer anything but a promise of returns. Thus, such investment is high risk.

What I Don't Like About CorVive

Success is recruitment-based

The MLM representatives have to recruit continually to earn any significant income.

Expensive membership cost

The $14.95 annual is okay, I guess. But the cost of joining and autoships are a bit expensive.

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way most people do to check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t necessarily indicate that the business is fraudulent. However, it may significantly impact the decision-making of potential recruits.

What I Like About CorVive

I don’t see any positives as of yet. Yes, they may have good health and wellness products, but I’m sure you can also get them in other products that are cheaper and more credible.

Final thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information in answering the question—is CorVive a scam? Or is it a good source of income?

Although they are technically legal, I don’t recommend CorVive or any MLMs for that matter.

As you might have seen, the success rate is low, and your chances of incurring losses are more likely than earning any profits.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

Why Affiliate Marketing is a better option than Multi-Level Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is a way better alternative than any MLM companies for few apparent reasons—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

✔ You Don't Need To Recruit or Harass Your Friends To make Money!

✔No Start-up Costs or Confusing Compensation Plans!

✔ You Don't need to buy any starter kit or product!

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Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions anytime someone uses the link and eventually purchases the products or services offered by the company you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor lies in the quality of traffic being driven into your website.

If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you…

Tickle the description above and learn how you can create a stunning online site that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch.

Well, I believe that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking time off and reading my CorVive review!

I hope to see you next time!


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