Auvoria Prime Review: Legit or a Scam MLM Company?

Welcome to my Auvoria Prime Review!

Auvoria Prime is a relatively new MLM company that is in the Forex niche.

You may have come across this company along the line and wondering whether they're a good investment.

If so, then you have come to the right place!

In this review, I will give you an analysis of whether the business is legitimate or just another pyramid scheme.

So without further delays…

Let's begin my Auvoria Prime review…

Auvoria Prime Review

  • Name: Auvoria Prime
  • Website:
  • Founder: Candace Ross-Mahmoud and Hassan Mahmoud
  • Price: Initial Membership of $299, and monthly fees of $199.
  • Recommended?: NOPE.
auvoria prime review

What is Auvoria Prime?

Auvoria Prime is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) that specializes in Forex.

It was the third attempt as a result of failed business ventures in the past.

Auvoria Prime Review

The company started as SilverStar Live but later on charged with fraud that results in settlements.      

It's also to be noted that the products of Auvoria Prime are not authorized in the US because it was not properly registered.

auvoria prime review

And then, it was rebranded as Eaconomy by co-owners Candace Ross-Mahmoud and Hassan Mahmoud.

Within this year, Eaconomy collapsed yet again, and the business was immediately rebooted to Auvoria Prime.

Eaconomy's former Sal Leto was also absorbed into the new company as its Chief Network Officer. Sal is known for his involvement in certain Ponzi Schemes in the United States.

auvoria prime review

The Auvoria Prime Opportunity and its income streams

You can view their full compensation plan here.

The business opportunity of Auvoria is no different from a typical MLM—which is extremely complex and confusing. In fact, Auvoria's compensation plan is about 20 pages long.

If you don't have a background in accounting or financing, then you may find it hard to comprehend the technical jargon in the compensation plan.

But take note that in MLMs, your success is dependent on improving your personal volume.

And you improve your PV through personal recruitments and your networks' ability to recruit as well.

The truth is that such companies are focused on recruiting because it is where the business gains more profits.

With all the competition, they have to find ways to gain traction. One way most businesses do is to adapt network marketing.

Doing so saves the company from additional marketing expenses from hiring new personnel and advertisements.

Understanding MLM compensation plans should be easy, but it seems that they intentionally do so to mislead or confuse potential customers.

In this Auvoria Prime review, I will only summarize the important points to avoid confusion.

Commission Qualification

The first step in becoming eligible for future bonuses and commissions is to avail their products, which would cost you $267.

Also, you have to maintain a purchase of $199 monthly.

But it doesn't end there. Lastly, you have to keep at least three recruits or retail customers buying the products.

Retail Commissions

Retail commissions are the primary source of income for MLMs. As the term implies, the commissions are derived from retail sales.

The potential commission is about $40 to $20 for the Aenstein or Alexander packs and Hailey package, respectively.

Residual Commissions

This is where the networking part comes into view.

A member shall earn commissions as a result of lower networks' retail sales.

Like most MLMs, your earnings shall depend on your rankings, how much your network earns, and how many people are in your network.

Auvoria Prime adapts an 11 level ranking setup.

The rankings are as follows:

  • Active Affiliate – these are members with a total PV of 140 for one month.
  • Visionary – they are members with 560 PV and with three personally recruited lower networks.
  • Visionary 600 – to reach this rank, members are required to have four active lower networks and thirteen Qualifying Points with four points in each network. Also, the Qualifying Points do not include the top person of the network.
  • Visionary 1500 – a member can earn this ranking within a weekly period.  They must have at least four active downline networks and 35 Qualifying points with four points in each leg.
  • Icon 3000 – a member must maintain five active lower legs and 90 Qualifying Group points, but does not include one's self.
  • Icon 5000 – The requirement is six active downline networks with 250 Qualifying Group Points.
  • Icon 10000 – They also must maintain six active lower legs but with 500 Qualifying Group Points.
  • Auvorian 25k – to earn this ranking, the member must reach and maintain seven active legs with 1,250 Qualifying Group Points.
  • Auvorian 50k – a member must maintain eight active lower networks with 2,500 Qualifying Group Points.
  • Auvorian 100k – a member, must maintain at least nine active lower networks with 5,000 Qualifying Group Points.
  • Auvorian Legend – 10 Leg Active Networks with 15,000 Qualifying Group Points.

As you see, it's a lot of ground to cover for your access to its high-paying features.

These are the reason why success is extremely rare in MLMs.

Momentum Builder

This is a bit confusing because they already have retail commissions. But yeah, this is a separate bonus or commission.

The volume and shares depend on how the products you've sold to retail customers, fellow members, or yourself.

  • For the Alexander and Ainstein packs – 140 PV
  • Hailey – 70 PV
  • For the Aris, it is not clearly conclusive.

The shares are allocated as follows:

  • 420 PV equals 1 share only.
  • 840 PV = 2 shares
  • 1120 = 3 shares
  • 1260 = 4 shares
  • 1400 = 5 shares

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Here is A Way Better Alternative!

How can I join Auvoria Prime?

auvoria prime review

Like in any typical MLMs, your membership is linked to specific purchases—particularly Alexander and Ainstein packs.

 Initial membership for both is $299, and then a fee of $199 per month.

Can you make a reliable income with Auvoria Prime?

There are people claiming that they are fraudulent because of the backgrounds of its founders.

Also, Auvoria's product distribution is prohibited in the United States, which should raise a red flag.

Although it is not sold in the US, customers outside of the US seem to be satisfied with their products.  However, it doesn't mean their business model is as reliable.

In general, making money with MLMs is extremely rare.

According to Dr. Jon Taylor's book, "Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked," about 99% of people who join MLMs lose money than earn anything.

It's added further that MLMs fail to meet expectations because of two reasons—recruitment and capitalization.

One of the reasons why many people fail doing MLMs because they don't have the necessary skill in recruiting. And the other is that they run out of funds for monthly fees.

If you want a more reliable source of income, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation.

Is Auvoria Prime a scam?

No, Auvoria Prime is not a scam. Or a pyramid scheme.

Although the history of its founders may suggest otherwise—the fact that they were able to be accredited other than the United States, still indicates that they are a legitimate MLM company.

 This may be the case—I don't recommend Auvoria or any MLMs for that matter.

What I Don't Like About Auvoria Prime

Founders' background

As mentioned, their founders have a history of malpractices, and Auvoria is their third attempt to continue their business.

Such information may hurt the company's sales and recruitment if it's not properly explained.

Expensive membership fees

Becoming an affiliate would cost you $299 for the initial signup, and monthly fees of $199.

Success is recruitment-based

For an affiliate to become a success, Auvoria is that they have to be really good at recruiting. And they also have to do so to get anywhere earning significant income.

No rating profile

Since they aren't allowed to sell in the US, they don't have any BBB profile.

They also do not have any ratings as of yet, so we can't fully determine its credibility.

Not recommended for beginners

There will be lots of upsells in doing MLMs.

If it's your first time with MLMs and if you're not confident with your selling skills, then you may find it difficult to make a move forward at first.

Also, considering their past business ventures, it may be hard to sell their products if the affiliates were not able to explain it carefully.

What I Like About Auvoria Prime

So far, I can't find now positives about the company.

Final thoughts

I hope my Auvoria Prime review has somehow enlightened you on important concerns about this MLM company.

Its past business venture may already be enough for some people to decide whether to join them or not.

If you're looking for a more reliable way to earn income, then you may look for other opportunities.

As I mentioned earlier, people who join MLMs lose money than earn anything.

If you want a better alternative, then continue to the next section…

Let me share with you how I make money online?

If you want a better option, then Affiliate Marketing is what you're might be looking for.

In Affiliate Marketing, what you'll basically be doing is to promote a brand you like using your website.

It works by using an affiliate link and letting it sit passively on your site.

You earn commissions when somebody engages the affiliate link and eventually avails the products or services.

It is that easy!

If you don't have a website yet, then don't worry about it.

Tickle the following description if you want to learn how to build a profitable website from scratch

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Thank you for reading my Auvoria Prime review!

 Until then.

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