Ezra Firestone Review: Read this before you register!

Welcome to my Ezra Firestone review!

During this time of the pandemic, the idea of working from home has become a worldwide trend.

If you search the web for legitimate online opportunities, the name of Ezra Firestone may pop up in your search results, and then his training courses might have aroused your interest, and want to know more about it.

However, it is crazy expensive, and it might have turned you off to some degree. But let’s say that you’re still curious for some reason.

If you’re looking for answers on its legitimacy, then this content is what you’re for.

In this review, I will provide an analysis of their platform and whether it is worth investing your time and hard-earned money.

Before we officially begin, you might also want to check out other reviews of the training courses I made in the past. It includes Bossless Forever, ClickBank University, Super Affiliate System, Affiliate Institute, and A1 Revenue, just to name a few.

Or, you may check out the full list here.

Ezra Firestone Review

  • Name: Ezra Firestone
  • Website: smartmarketer.com
  • Founder: Ezra Firestone
  • Price: Registration starts from $997 to $1,497
  • Recommended?: It depends (Read on!).
Ezra Firestone Review
Ezra Firestone Review

Who is Ezra Firestone?

Ezra Firestone is an online entrepreneur that has developed a wide selection of training courses.

Ezra Firestone Review

He founded and also the CEO of a website called Smart Marketer that tells more about him and specifically lists his programs.

In addition, he is in partnership with Cindy Joseph in a beauty and cosmetic company called BOOM! Where he is also the lead digital marketing sector of the company.

It doesn’t stop there…

Ezra Firestone Review
Ezra Firestone Review

He created Zipify—it is a program/company that especially caters to the needs of business owners in Shopify.

From this point, you can already surmise his success in eCommerce. Therefore, any advice or tips coming from him could definitely benefit from his online courses.

His techniques and the methods he used apparently worked for him, but does it also mean that it would translate to success on your part?

Well, let’s continue and find out more…

What is the Ezra Firestone training course? And how it works?

The training course offered by Ezra Firestone is composed of various topics but revolves around eCommerce.

The summary of his offering is as follows—

Smart Email Marketing 2.0

Email marketing is whereby the business sends out an email to promote or market their products or services.

The email addresses used are often those within their funnel list.

For this module, Ezra Firestone teaches you how to create an effective email that persuades customers to avail of your offerings.

Some of the interesting topics you’ll find here include—

  • Understanding how email marketing works
  • An introduction to how you will automate your email
  • The next step is an extended discussion on email marketing automation
  • He teaches you email campaign and topics on broadcasting them to email addresses in your funnel list
  • How you can utilize sale events to help you earn more income
  • It involves how you can maintain your email list and keep them healthy, so to speak

Smart Project Management

The basic idea of this topic is about how you can manage your businesses to help you earn more income.

Some of the topics include inventory management, documentation, reporting, meetings, and communicating with your team members, and task management, just to name a few them.

This module doesn’t seem to be for everybody unless you own an online store.

Smart Google Traffic

As the name implies, it talks about Google traffic and utilizes software and platform like Goggle Shopping, Adwords, Google Search, Google Shopping, and YouTube.

Smart Social

Yes, it teaches you how you can use social media to your advantage and grow your business.

It includes topics on some of the popular social media platforms around like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.

Smart Holiday Bootcamp

For this online course, Ezra Firestone teaches you how to earn income even during the holiday seasons.


Like some of the online training courses around, his program also offers upsells if you want to fully benefit from his primary programs—


As mentioned earlier, he also owns a software company called Zipify, which aims to help you can create an eCommerce page.


The mentorship program comes in two offerings and includes the following—

  • Blue Ribbon Mastermind – this program is obviously not for everybody. First and foremost, it is almost $20,000.
  • Team Traffic – it is more affordable, which gives you access to his private group, coaching, and additional training.

The registration process

You have to pay the following fees if you want to sign up with his training courses, mentorship programs, or software—

Smart training courses:

  • Email Marketing course is priced at $1,347
  • Project Management course is priced at $1,497
  • Google Traffic course is priced at $997
  • Social Media course is priced at $1,497
  • Holiday Bootcamp course is priced at $997

Mentorship program—

  • Blue Ribbon Mastermind is initially priced at $19.750 for the first year. And then, another $6,000 for the following years plus $1,250 for the next months.
  • Team Traffic is priced at $397 monthly.


  • The Zipify software is priced at $67 per month for the basic package.
  • You may opt for the Zipify Plus package, which is priced at $97 per month.

Since it is super expensive, his offering is apparently not for everybody.

If you’re looking for a cheaper option yet can still provide the result you desire, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Is it worth the money?

You have to bear in mind that, like in any online course, training program, or seminars, there are no guarantees of success in joining them.

Some may experience success and felt that it had actually worked, while others may feel that it didn’t do them any good.

You shouldn’t easily fall into the hype of online marketers and those that call themselves guru. Although let’s say that what they offer are legitimate, do not entirely rely on your future on them.

All Ezra Firestone can give you is advice based on personal experiences and learnings along the way, but the bottomline is that you will still have to carve your own path to success.

In the end, it is still you that’s going to help yourself!

And as far as I am concern, engaging in this training online course as such is still pretty much a trial and error.

In addition, spending at least a thousand dollars that gives you no guarantees of success is impractical if you think about it.

This is especially true if it didn’t meet your expectation and failed altogether—an expensive way to fail if you will.

But if you have enough budget to accommodate such loss if it does happen and don’t mind the risk, then you could maybe try the training courses of Ezra Firestone at your own risk.

Don’t get me wrong here. I am not against training courses or seminars—anyway, the higher the risk, the higher the return, right?

But you also have to take note that not all high investment doesn’t always translate to success. And some of those investments even result in epic losses.

My point here is that there’s a better way to minimize the risk yet achieve financial stability and earn a high income.

There are better alternatives out there!

Check out the description below and learn how you can earn a higher and more stable income online—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is Ezra Firestone a scam?

No. Ezra Firestone is not a scam!

It is a legitimate program that offers a variety of training courses that basically revolves around online entrepreneurship.

What I Don't Like About Ezra Firestone

The cost of the training courses is through the roof!

Yes, the training courses he offered are legit, but it is just way too expensive.

It may not be good for beginners

If you’re paying this much, then you would expect only the best, right? Although the price of the training course is costly, the topics provided may not be sufficient, especially for beginners.

What I Like About Ezra Firestone


If you’re considering signing up with the training courses offered by Ezra Firestone, then you don’t need to worry anything because you are in good hands.

Final thoughts

I hope my Ezra Firestone review has provided you sufficient information about how his training courses work and helped you determine whether it is a good use of your time and money or should you search for other programs.

Although Ezra Firestone is legitimate, I still don’t recommend them because they are extremely costly, considering that there is still no guarantee of success.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any online money-making schemes around for few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It yields a higher and more reliable source of income!
  • No upsells!
  • It is free, to begin with!
  • It is way more affordable compared to other platforms!
  • No risks!
  • You don’t have to worry about any hidden charges!
  • And most importantly, unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you like!

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you will earn commissions anytime someone engages the link you’ve provided and use it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you are promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor relies on the quality of the traffic being driven into your website.

If you’re a complete beginner and have no idea where to begin or already practicing the principles of Affiliate Marketing but struggling as of the moment, then you no longer have to worry any further!

I have an excellent solution for you!

As I said in the previous section, although the training courses offered by Ezra Firestone are legitimate, I still don’t recommend them in any way.

If you’re looking for better Affiliate Marketing training, then tickle the description below and learn how you can create a stunning website that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch—

Well, I guess that is just about it!

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Ezra Firestone review!

I hope to see you next time!


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