CoinChest.App Review: Does it really work or Scam?

did you just watch Coinchest sales video and you are wondering if it’s really going to change your life?

In this honest review, you will find the answers to all of your questions and I will show the red flags of this program.

Before I start: Check out MY RECOMMENDATION for newbies to learn how to start your own business online from scratch. Quick Review:

  • Name:Coinchest
  • Website:
  • Owner:  Rob Walker
  • Price: $39 $49+Upsells
  • Recommended? NO

What is

CoinChest is a website owned by Rob Walker who claims that you can make thousands of dollars fast if you get his system.

Rob doesn’t give us enough info about how his system really works he just keep saying whatever is good: You will earn money fast, so easy to do, you will work only a few minutes a day…

Coinchest costs $49 but when you try to leave the page you will get a $10 discount which will reduce the price to $39.

Honestly, I found this very suspicious I mean a legitimate product/system actually shows people how it’s done and why would someone sell such a life-changing system for only $39

Okay I don’t want to judge fast so before giving My opinion about it let’s talk about how it works

How does Really Works?

The real question is: Does Coinchest even work?

Coinchest is a Clickbank product and Clickbank is a legitimate place but there are tons of vendors that sell useless digital products and unfortunately, Coinchest is one of them.

Coinchest s just another CB scam and it’s no better than the Clickbank products that I’ve reviewed, You can read below some of my Clickbank products reviews to see what a mess these scams are:

The upsells!

Endless upsells! this is something that you have to expect if you buy a Clickbank product and unfortunately a lot of newbies fall for this trap!

They make you buy their system for only $39 but then you are going be asked to upgrade out hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

And when it’s too late you find yourself swimming in loads of useless and low-quality digital products that costed you tons of cash.

Who is Rob Walker?

Rob Walker is probably a paid actor that has been paid to read a script, in fact, that’s what most scams online do.

Most of these scammers use a pen name and they hire spokespersons and testimonials from a website called for a really low price.

Is Coinchest A scam?

Rob claims that he is going to teach you how to sell Cryptocurrencies or what he calls a loophole and a cash glitch that will make you a fortune.

To cut a long story short, there no is glitch or loophole to making thousands of dollars and cryptocurrencies are complicated as well because you need to study them a lot in order to go profitable.

gurus like Rob have a large email list (that they built over the years) full of people ready to buy, so if he advertises Fast Cash Club to them the percentage of his email list will definitely buy his product.

I’m sure you don’t have an email list and this is where this product fails if they will teach me how to build an email list  (which they don’t) I will be the first one to buy it.

To conclude I think Coinchest is just another ClickBank scam because of the following:

  • Fake owner.
  • Hidden upsells.
  • The system had been removed more than 2 times from Clickbank.
  • full of lies and hype.
  • Massive income claims.

Go legit and learn something!

if you’re serious about making money online then the first step of succeeding online is to STOP falling for these half-baked scams and realize you need to put in a lot of effort to make money online.

The best way to make money online is with affiliate Marketing (How to make money online with Affiliate Marketing)

Before I introduce you to my recommendation I want you to know that the truth about making money online is that you need a good training because you can’t make money online without any knowledge under your belt don’t let scammers fool you.

The training that I use is called Wealthy Affiliate it’s an affiliate marketing training that is going to teach you how to build an affiliate site from scratch.

You will learn everything, how to write articles, how to bring traffic, really everything and the best part there is tons of support and help inside.

It’s free to join( No credit card required) and you will get 10 free training lessons you have absolutely nothing to lose just give it a try and you will see what you have been missing.

Check out my recommendation for newbies

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