Canview Connect Review: Is it a Scam? Or are they Legitimate?

Welcome to my Canview Connect review!

As you’re looking for legitimate work-at-home jobs, you might have come across an online money-making scheme called Get-Paid-to platforms.

These are sites that allow you to earn income through specific tasks assigned to you.

Some of the popular ones include paid surveys, application tester, video watching, etc.

Tasks are often simple and easy and don’t really require much effort from you.

When you search for GPT platforms to work with, you might also find Canview Connect as one of them.

It may have aroused your interest because they are connected with a recognizable North American company called Canadian Viewpoint.

But still, you’re not sure whether to give it a shot or not.

If this is your concern, then you have come to the right place!

In this review, I will attempt to help you put those doubts away and make a conclusive decision at the end of this article.

So without further delays, let’s begin…

Canview Connect Review

Canview Connect Review
Canview Connect Review

What is Canview Connect?

Canview Connect is a GPT (Get-Paid-To) platform that engages in marketing research through online surveys. Canview is actually short for Canadian Viewpoint.

It is so because they are indeed under the mentioned company. And yes, the business is based in Canada just by referring to the term.

It is currently headquartered in Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.

The Canadian Viewpoint is also one of the largest market research firms in the said country. And not only that, but they are also well-known worldwide.

In its early days, they only service people residing in Canada. But as of today, the company have extended their services and included the United States and other countries.

Canview Connect Review

Canadian Viewpoint has been around since the 1980s. But I wasn’t able to find any direct information regarding the inception of Canview Connect.

But as I check the age of their domain, I found that it was created on May 08, 2017—which makes them about three years and three months old.

As a way of earning income, the member would earn engaging in paid surveys.

However, membership to the site is only limited—only catering to certain areas, which include Canada and the United States.

I have reviewed other similar platforms in my past content. Here they are if you’re interested in reading about them—Shadow Shopper, Enjeo, JustAnswer,, and, to name a few.

Let’s continue…

The registration process

The registration process is simple and easy to follow.

Click here to redirect to their sign up page.

Or you may visit their official website and click on the “Join Us” button. And then you will be redirected to a page where you fill in basic personal information such as name, address, email address, etc.

If you’re from North America, or the program covers your region, then you will see a message saying that you have enough respondents in your area.

After you’ve filled in the necessary information, you will be asked to complete your profile.

It includes a few questionnaires to help the system find surveys that perfectly suits you.

It is in this way how you’re going to receive invites from your email.

After registration, the new member shall earn $2.

Canview Connect Review

How does the Canview Connect work?

How the platform works is pretty straightforward, as well.

Before you can begin taking online, you need to accomplish the registration process first. This was explained in the previous section.

As mentioned, after signing up and completing your profile, and it was approved, you will immediately earn 200 points or $2.

But take note that you can’t withdraw them right away because there is a withdrawal threshold of $10. But $2 is neat nonetheless because you only need $8 more to request for an account transfer, right?

Anyway, as soon as you’re through, you will receive an invitation through email if you are qualified for the survey.

Yes, this is also important to take note of. Like any other paid survey sites, the email invite is sent to qualified demographics.

If you are chosen, you have to act quickly. This is because slots may be limited.

In general, paid surveys would only last about five minutes to twenty-five minutes tops depending on the topic that was given.

Doing paid surveys is easy! But as simple as they may take note that the pay is not great as well.

The average earning per survey is around $2. And there are instances that it may go up as high as $3 depending on the survey.

As you see, the potential earnings from this platform aren’t sufficient to cover your monthly expenses.

If you’re looking for a more reliable and higher source of income, then you better check out the description below—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

Payout procedure

After the task, your earnings will be credited to your account. And as mentioned, you can’t withdraw payments right away.

And the minimum withdrawal threshold also depends on your status in the company.

The summary of the ceiling is as follows—

  • Basic account – you need to reach 1,000 points or an equivalent of $10 before you can request for withdrawal.
  • Verified account - you need to reach 500 points or an equivalent of $5 before you can request for withdrawal.
  • Premium account – you just need to reach 100 points or $1 to withdraw your earnings.
  • Ambassador account – just like the previous status, you also just need 100 points or $1 to request for withdrawal.

A downside, however, is that they pay through cheques, which is very inconvenient, especially if the amount of withdrawal is only very minimal.

After you request a withdrawal, the payment will be processed within 48 hours.

But the delivery of the cheque may depend on the courier. Thus, you may receive your payment for an extended amount of time.

Is it a reliable source of income?

If you’re thinking of quitting your day job and make a living out of paid surveys, then you are positively making a huge mistake—potential income from paid surveys not enough to meet your monthly bills.

Paid survey sites are not a good source of income if your aim is stability. They are as good as a source of extra cash.

The average $2 per survey is obviously too low.

Some of the comments I found stated that in a year, they earned about $125 only. So yes, you may consider joining the platform if your purpose is extra income.

And you also have to consider that you won’t get invites as often as possible. You have to take note of whether you are qualified for the survey or not.

Another thing to keep in mind is your availability. As I discussed in the earlier section, you have to act fast whenever you receive an invite via email. And the reason for such is the limited slots available.

However, I find Canview Connect useful if you have so much time on your hands and wanted to make it productive instead of just browsing the social medial or playing online games.

But if you’re looking for a better alternative—one that’s high paying and stable in the sense that it can help you settle monthly expenses, then you have to check out the following description—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

What I Don't Like About Canview Connect

Inconvenient withdrawal method

When you decide to withdraw your earnings, it may take some time before you can receive them because it is through cheques.

Only available in selected areas

The platform is only offered to Canada and the United States.

What I Like About Canview Connect

$2 bonus

You get a $2 bonus upon successful registration

Long history

The company is in business for more than 40 years now.

Minimum withdrawal threshold

The platform only requires you to earn $10 before you can withdraw your earnings.

Is Canview Connect a scam?

No. I believe that Canview Connect is not a scam. They are a legitimate business that’s operating a paid survey site.

Canview Connect was created by Canadian Viewpoint.

And Canadian Viewpoint is a reputable institution with over 40 years of experience, and it is highly unlikely that they are scamming people.

You can rest assured that you in good hands when you join Canview Connect.

But as mentioned, the pay is extremely low, and it is as good as a source of extra income.

Final thoughts

I hope my Canview Connect review has enlightened you on some issues regarding the platform.

Although the company is legitimate, I still don’t recommend them or any GPTs for that matter.

If what you’re after is extra income, then yes, you can probably give them a shot.

But if you want a better source of income, then continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial success online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a way better alternative than any GPTs or online money-making schemes around for several apparent reasons—

  • It yields higher income!
  • No risk!
  • It is free, to begin with
  • No upsells
  • Income is unlimited because you can promote as many businesses as you want

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

You earn commissions as soon as someone engages the link and avails the products or services offered.

But of course, your success in the field relies on how much traffic is being driven in your online site.

If this is your concern, then I have the perfect solution for you!

Tickle the description below and learn how you can create a profitable website from scratch—

Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Canview Connect Review!

Hope to see you next time!


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