Is Enjeo a Scam? or Does This Site Actually Pay? (2021 Updated Review)

Welcome to my Enjeo Review!

A lot of people today want some quick bucks. They want to earn money effortlessly—fast and easy.

It seems like they believe that there’s a magic formula to earn income.

If you look online, you may have come across with GPTs (Get Paid To) websites. These platforms are the most popular way to earn quick income online.

However, they are also not the most profitable.

As you search for legit GPTs, you may also have come across Enjeo. And now, you’re researching whether they’re a legitimate way to earn income online. Or is Enjeo a scam?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this review, I am offering you my honest and unbiased review of Enjeo. I’ll provide answers on whether you should even invest any time with them.

So once again, is Enjeo a scam? Or is it a legit way to earn income?

Let’s get into it…

Enjeo Review

  • Product name: Enjeo
  • Price: Free
  • Product type: Digital Subscriptions
  • Recommended?: No!
is enjeo a scam

What is Enjeo?

Enjeo is a free-to-join affiliate platform that allows members to earn income just by referring and selling their digital subscriptions or services to prospects.

The founders of the business and where it was founded were not indicated on their official website. It would have been nice to know their background story, but apparently, the site lacks information.

Unfortunately, I also wasn’t able to locate any information about owners, CEO, headquarters, or even their founders anywhere online.

I was only able to find out that Enjeo was founded in 2011, and there’s an ownership change in March of 2019.

For the contact information, I was stuck with a phone number. And there no addresses indicated or whatsoever. You also have to log in to reach their online customer support for any queries.

The State of Nevada was stated in the terms and agreement of Enjeo, so we could probably safely assume that the base of operation is in Nevada.

What are the services they offer?

Enjeo sells several digital products from third parties. To name a few, it includes,, and

Road Assistance Plan

Enjeo is probably best known for this plan. It’s a road assistance service in case of car troubles like tire change, gas, repairs, or assistance in case you get locked out from your vehicle.

It also includes 24/7 towing serving for up to 5 miles.

Realty Listing Plan

It’s a service that provides clients with listings of real estate.

Most comments, however, tell that looking through free listing services like Trulia or Zillow is still better than Enjeo.

Public Records

It's a plan that supposed to help people in background checking, which can be especially helpful for employers in hiring potential candidates.

Credit Monitoring

It’s a program designed to monitor a credit profile for any credit activities.

The Enjeo affiliate program

With Enjeo pushing recruitment and referrals, they resemble a pyramid scheme. But all changed since the shift in operation in November of 2019.

It resembles a pyramid model because the income you earn depends on recruitment and how your recruits perform.

Before the business change, a member is supposed to gain a $10 commission when they recruit members. Also, they’ll earn 5% commissions every time their lower associates sell or recruit new members.

I think that they change the compensation plan because of legality. Although MLM is legal, both MLMs and Pyramid Schemes are smeared by issues of scams or misrepresentation.

Therefore, they ended removing this part of the compensation package and revamping it to make it look more legitimate.

The updated compensation plan of Enjeo is as follows:

Although they removed the pyramiding part, you still get a feeling that it is still what it is because they maintained the referrals and recruitment aspect of the business.

After the operational shift, this is now how the compensation plan works:

  • You'll earn a referral bonus of 5% when someone signs up.
  • An extra 5% bonus is provided if the person stays within 30 days.
  • You also get a bonus if a person subscribes to one of the services. Each of the plans offered by Enjeo costs $1, and your affiliate commission is about $1.25. However, it is unclear whether under what instances that it could go lower.

As you can see, the money that you’ll earn from them isn’t reliable.

Instead of MLMs or GPTs, what I recommend instead is Affiliate Marketing.

And I choose them over any money-making scheme online because:

  • No membership fee is required.
  • No cash-out or whatsoever. 
  • Income is unlimited. It means that you can promote as much as you want without restrictions.

If this is your first time hearing about Affiliate Marketing, then you need to try out Wealthy Affiliates.

It is a training program that provides you all the tools you’ll ever need to become successful online.

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(With no Experience or Degrees!)

How to become an Enjeo member?

Becoming an Enjeo member is quick and easy, it kind of feels like signing up for Facebook, except you don’t have to provide your credit information.

You can see the sign-up link here, but be sure to finish this review first before you do so. It is much better to have a complete understanding of the business before investing in them.

The sign-up is pretty basic—you just have to fill out your name, address, and email address. And then, you will be asked to create a password and provide your bank account.

is enjeo a scam


 Unfortunately, there are no other payout options like PayPal or gift certificates or coupons. You have to provide them your credit information to receive payment.

is enjeo a scam


Email verification is also a standard practice specified in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

After you fill out the necessary information, you are now officially an Enjeo associate.

The $21.25 earnings from Enjeo 

When you research Enjeo, you may have come across the $20 earning just by signing up.

Well, most people sign up with Enjeo because of this. However, it is not something you can repeatedly do. You can earn $20 as a one-time payment for signing up.

To qualify for the bonus, you must fill out the online application first. They will require you to provide your credit information because it is where they’ll credit the amount, as they explained.

Once you’re finished, you will be taken to the dashboard. And then, click the “Featured Product” button and select roadside assistance service. You have to use another email to earn this bonus.

After this, you’ll earn a $10 referral and a $10 sales commission. However, your account should show an amount of $21.25.

You can transfer the money right away into your account.

Also, make sure that you cancel the roadside assistance immediately to avoid weekly charges from your bank account.

Is Enjeo a scam? 

No. Enjeo is not a scam. They are also not a pyramid scheme. It is a legitimate business that provides small incomes.

But do I recommend it? No.

Enjeo is suitable as a part-time gig only because, as you see, you only earn $5 on referrals, $1.25 for new subscriptions, and another $5 if they remain active.

Let’s say that even you have managed to sign-up 50 of your relatives and friends, then that would only amount to about $500.

And for you to break into $1,000, you will need 100 persons to sign-up. Unless you are an excellent salesman, that’s extremely hard work and would take much of your time.

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Upon registration, they won’t send you a verification email, which is a bit odd, because other sites do this procedure to authenticate that you’re the owner of the email.

Positive notes

You can have $20 just for joining

$20 may not be that much, but it can buy you some breakfast or dinner.

Cash payment

There are GPT platforms that give you gift certificates or coupons instead of cash. Now, one thing that sets Enjeo apart from its competitors is they provide money that you can transfer immediately in your account.

The payment will be credited to your account within 48 hours.

Customer service is very responsive

Enjeo has a 24/7 and very responsive customer service.

Negative notes

Low income

Enjeo is not a full-time gig. You have to sign-up hundreds of people per month to gain a decent income.

Privacy concern

Enjeo provides your contact information to third-party members, which results in tons of spamming.

Also, Enjeo doesn’t actually sell the services. They are the middleman if you will.

This, to me, raises a red flag because aside from the spam emails, you don’t know how the third-party members would use your personal or credit information.

Lastly, the platform doesn’t verify your email upon registration, which is against the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation. 

For those who are not familiar with GDPR, it is a set of guidelines that helps you secure your online information.

Insufficient company information

As mentioned earlier, the site doesn’t provide any relevant information about their co-founders, CEOs, the base of information, or email addresses. 

The domain is even tightly secured. So there is no way we can thoroughly investigate their background.

Not accredited by the BBB 

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way we check the credibility of the business.

This platform is not accredited by the BBB. If this is so, then is Enjeo a scam? Again, the answer is no.

If a business doesn’t want to participate with the BBB, then that’s their prerogative.

However, it does raise a red flag because the company doesn’t even want to disclose the most basic information.

Final Verdict  

I do not recommend Enjeo or any GPT at all if you aim to gain significant income.

Although it doesn’t possess any risk, there’s no opportunity as well.

So you’re just wasting your time and energy.

I also don’t recommend Enjeo as a side gig because of security issues.

I’m not comfortable with how they repeatedly state that you need to provide your credit information in the FAQ because it is where they’ll credit the cash.

Also, there’s no email verification, which is a big no-no.

A much better alternative to GPTs

If you want a much better way to earn income online, then Affiliate Marketing is what you’re looking for.

Affiliate Marketing is:

  • FREE to start!
  • And you can earn more than any MLM or GPT site can offer, because you can promote as many businesses as you want.

Yes, all you have to do is to promote an affiliate on your site!

And if someone clicks the site and buys the products or services, then you earn commissions.

But wait… For your Affiliate Marketing to work, you need a lot of traffic, right?

Don't worry!

I Gotchu!

Check out my step by step training (below) to learn how I went from I total newbie to someone who actually makes money online!

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