Wealth Academy Review: $80K Per Day or Just Another CB Scam?


Can you make $80K with Wealth Academy or it’s just a scam?

luckily, you landed on my honest review and I will show you signs to watch out for when looking at products in this make money online space.

I’ve reviewed so many Clickbank products like this one on my website and most of them are not what they look like, nothing but hype that will mislead you into buying it.

I don’t want to judge fast so without further ado let’s dive in to find the truth.

  • Name: Wealth Academy.
  • Website: Wealthacademy.click
  • Owner: Richard
  • Price: $27(sometimes the price changes) +Upsells
  • Recommended: NO!

What is Wealth Academy?

Wealth Academy is a ClickBank product that will make you thousands of dollars fast and you don’t need any experience all you need is to work for a few minutes a day to earn up to $80k a day.

the spokesperson keeps telling you whatever is good: make money fast, everyone can do it, members are making billions thanks to his system… but he doesn’t really tell you how it works.

I mean a legitimate product or system doesn’t just tell you that you could make money with their system, they actually show people how it’s done and how it works

I’m sorry but there is nothing convincing, There are no testimonials and even the owner is hiding, I mean how can someone sell such a life-changing system for $24?

How Wealth Academy really works

Wealth Academy doesn’t work like the spokesperson claims you can’t just start out making a lot of money like that, it’s just not how the internet works and not the reality of how money is made.

The truth is that gurus like Richard have a large email list full of people ready to buy, so if he advertises Wealth Academy to them the percentage of his email list will definitely buy his product.

I’m sure you don’t have an email list and this is where this product fails if they will teach me how to build an email list  (which they don’t) I will be the first one to buy it.

building an email list requires a lot of hard work time trust and dedication when the spokesperson talks about making money easily he doesn’t mention that he has a big email list that he built over the years.

Another thing I want to mention is that after you spend your $37 you will be pushed into 3 upsells:


To make money with Wealth Academy you have to refer people and trust me is really hard to do so without a website or an email list.

Ok, let’s say that you will post your affiliate link on your facebook page how many friends will click on it? I’m not sure that all your Facebook friends are ready to spend $495.95?

don’t get me wrong I’m not saying that you are not going to make any money but trust me it doesn’t worth $495.95

These fake products only last a few months as they get exposed when a lot of people realize they are a scam and lots of blogs online expose them by writing reviews as I do, and once they are shot so will your whole business.

Is Wealth Academy a scam?

Because this product gives no information on what it does, and the spokesperson didn’t mention that you need an email list and there are tons of red flags then YES it’s a huge scam for me.

as I mentioned above, I’ve reviewed so many Clickbank products like this one they just get some people with no experience to buy their low-quality products and then they shot the website after making thousands of dollars from innocent newbies.

You can read some of my CB products reviews below and see what I’m talking about:

To conclude please stay away from Wealth Academy and don’t forget to aware your friends on social media so they don’t waste their money on such a useless product.

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