Globallee review

Welcome to my Globallee review!

You may have heard Globallee from a friend or relative selling you the company’s product.

They may have even invited you for a cup of coffee or dinner in a fancy restaurant.

And then, it turns that they’re trying to bring you to an MLM seminar.

Does it sound familiar?

I’ve been approached by MLM agents many times before. And tell you, it doesn’t feel right being misled to attend to an MLM event.

But you may have become interested in their compensation plan and wondering whether it is legitimate or just another pyramid scheme.

If you’re looking for answers, then you have come to the right place.

In this review, I’ll provide a thorough analysis and help you decide whether to invest or not.

So without further ado…

Let’s begin my Globallee review.

Globallee Review

  • Name: Globallee
  • Website:
  • Founder: Nauder Khazan, Mark McKnight, and Lamia Bettaieb
  • Price: Basic membership fee of $49.95, to $299.98 or $499.99.
  • Recommended?: Nope.
Globallee review

What is Globallee?

Globallee is an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) that specializes in selling health and wellness products.

The company was founded in January of 2019 by co-founders Nauder Khazan, Mark McKnight, and Lamia Bettaieb.

Their flagship products are Eternity, Eterno, and Taka. These are nutritional capsules and powder drinks.

We won’t be going any further with their products, because our main goal here is to determine whether their compensation plan is a reliable source of income or not.

Globallee review

The Globallee business opportunity

Convoluted and sometimes incomprehensible incentive plans are the hallmarks of MLMs.

It seems like you would need a financial expert to decipher the whole thing.

The business opportunity of Globallee is no different. How they really work is through retail commission and recruitments.

It appears like they intentionally make their compensation plan as difficult to understand as possible to prevent potential recruits from asking questions.

And to completely save them from further questioning, they would just show the money and eventually entice them in joining.

If you want to sign-up with Globallee, you could either join as a consultant or just a distributor to earn commissions or bonuses.

But you are privileged to earn more if the member chose to become a consultant.

It may sound dandy, but Multi-Level Marketing is a flawed business model, which I’ll explain later.

There ten income streams offered by Globallee. It is as follows—

  • Retail Commissions
  • Fast Start Commissions
  • Fast Start – Team Builder Bonus
  • Fast Start – Team Leader Bonus
  • Dual Team Commissions
  • Dual Team Accelerator Bonus
  • Dual Team Matching Bonus
  • Residual Commissions
  • Customer Club
  • Leadership Infinity Bonus

The compensation plan discussed in this review is the one that can be found on their website.

It is twelve pages long, and I summarized it in the following section to better understand what they offer.

But if you want to take a peek on how it looks like, click here.

What are the income streams of Globallee?

They have divided their compensation into three parts—Front, Middle, and Back.

They state that the Front is actually the basic income. The Middle is the income as you work toward higher ranks. And the Back is the commissions and bonuses you received in the executive ranks.

To me, it’s all just a gimmick. I really don’t see any distinctions between their compensation and those of other MLMs.

Anyway, let’s discuss them one-by-one—

Retail Commissions

You will find a more extensive explanation in the compensation plan, but it’s just the 20% commissions earned by any consultant who makes retail sales.

Fast Start Commissions

It’s a commission based on the package availed by the new member. The percentage bonus ranges from 5% to 20% depending on their ranks.

  • Ambassador gets 5% commissions.
  • Qualified Ambassadors get 10% commissions.
  • Team Builder gets 15% commissions.
  • Team Leader gets 20% commissions.

Fast Start – Team Builder Bonus

PV or Personal Volume is the generic term for QV or Qualifying Volume used in this compensation plan.

Globallee says that they’ll reward a newly recruited member if they reach the Team Builder ranks.

The bonus is about 5% of the based on the two Builder Packs.

For you to qualify for this bonus, you have to reach the specified position within seven days.

Fast Start – Team Leader Bonus

The company rewards a newly recruited member if they reach the Team Leader ranks.

The bonus is about 5%. So, the consultant should receive a total of 10%, which is based on the six Builder Packs.

For you to qualify for this bonus, you have to reach the specified position within twenty-one days.

Dual Team Commissions

When the consultant becomes a Qualified Ambassador, they receive commissions that are based on what they refer to as Commissionable Volume or CV.

Any time there’s a retail sale, the consultant receives a 50% CV based on the retail price.

For example, if one of Griffin’s lower networks makes a $500 retail sale, then he receives a 250 CV.

And then, it activates a cycle bonus of $50 anytime it reaches 500CV.

Accelerator Bonus

Any time the consultant managed to make ten cycles, then they receive a bonus of $250.

Globallee review

Dual Matching Bonus

You earn a matching bonus that’s based on Team Commissions earned by your lower network up to three levels deep.

The percentages are as follows—

  • 25% on your first level network.
  • 15% on your second level network.
  • 10% on your third level network.
Globallee review

Residual Commissions

You earn commissions based on purchases by your lower network or retail sales they made.

The income is stated to be up to six levels deep. And the commissions range from 5% to 10%.

Globallee review

The percentage and how deep it is based also depends on the consultants’ rankings.

  • Independent Brand Ambassadors earn 5% on the first generation only.
  • Qualified Ambassador earns 5% on their first generation only.
  • Team Builder earns 5% on their first and second generation.
  • Team Leader earns 5% on their first and second generation. And then, 10% on their third generation.
  • Senior Team earns 5% on their first, second, and fourth generation. And then, 10% on their third generation.
  • Emerald Executive and higher rankings earn 5% on their first, second, fourth, and fifth generation. And then, 10% on their third and sixth generation.

Customer Club Bonus

It’s a bonus based on monthly orders made by your preferred customers.

The summary is as follows-

Globallee review

Infinity Bonus

It is a bonus that is based when a lower network ranks the same as you.

The bonus can reach up to 1% to 5%    

Globallee review

Does the compensation plan of Globallee excite you?

Well, don’t be.

Making money with MLMs, in general, is extremely rare that only about 2% of people succeed.

Let’s continue with my Globallee review, and I’ll explain the reason why in the following sections.

How much will it cost me to join?

The basic membership fee is $49.95.

But if you want to gain access to their high paying feature, then you have to avail their more costly packages, which are at $299.98 or $499.99.

Can you make a reliable income from Globallee?

Making any reliable income from MLMs is extremely rare.

The business is flawed that the likelihood of attaining loss is much greater than gains.

In fact, a study found that 98% of people who join MLMs lose money than earn anything. This instance was elaborately discussed in Jon Taylor’s book, “Multi-Level Marketing Unmasked.”

There are two primary reasons why Multi-Level Marketing fails to meet expectation—

  • Recruitment – they have to build a large lower network to make a significant income. Not only that, but they also have to make sure that they remain active. And if some of their associates become inactive or quit altogether, they have to immediately replace them to maintain their status.

  • Capitalization – have you heard of the term  Garage Qualified? It is a special term used to describe MLM agents that excessively purchase company products. This is just to improve or maintain their personal volumes.

Also, take note that their products are more expensive than their competitors.

One reason for such is that they have to account for the bonuses and commissions of their top MLM executives. And it has nothing to do with the effectiveness or cost of production.

MLM products are usually more costly than well-known products that are as or more effective than theirs.

Because of this—MLM agents find it hard to find or even keep a customer. Thus, they have to continually find new customers or associates to keep their so-called business afloat.

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Is Globallee a scam?

As of now, I don’t find any reason to believe that Globallee is a pyramid scheme or scam.

Some may argue that MLM is essentially a pyramid. Although I agree to some extent, these two business models are only different in terms of legality.

Multi-Level Marketing is only considered legal because the potential consultant receives value in return.

And this value is in the form of merchandise for which the consultant can sell.

On the other hand, a pyramid scheme is illegal because they are high-risk. The potential investor doesn’t receive anything, only a promise of returns in the future.

What I Don't Like About Globallee

Success is recruitment-based

As I mentioned earlier, your chances of earning a higher income in any MLMs is if you recruit a lot of people into your network.

Expensive products

The products are just expensive! There are other, more well-known products that are cheaper but effective.

Expensive membership packages

Although the basic membership fee is only about $50, you have to avail of their more expensive products to access their high paying features.

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No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way people check the credibility of a business.

Not having a BBB profile doesn’t necessarily indicate that the business is fraudulent in any way.

There are businesses that don’t have a BBB profile but turns out to be legitimate.

However, it may significantly affect the decision-making of a potential consultant.

What I Like About Globallee

As of now, I don’t find any positives about this company.

Final thoughts

I hope my Globallee review has provided you sufficient information about the company and helped you decide whether their business offering is good or bad.

Going for MLMs won’t surely help you achieve your goals if your aim is a more reliable source of income.

Continue to the next section and discover how you earn higher income through online…

Why choose Affiliate Marketing over Multi-Level Marketing?

Affiliate Marketing is way better than Multi-Level Marketing for few apparent reasons. It is as follows—

 Affiliate Marketing Is Better Than MLMs Because...

✔Cheaper & Way More Profitable!

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Thank you for taking the time off and reading my Globallee review!

Until next time!

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