The 1K Club Review: Is it a good value for your money or not?!

Welcome to my 1K Club Review!

As of yet, countries around the world are recovering from the pandemic. At the same time, there are areas that are still implementing standard quarantine procedures in hopes of controlling the spread of the virus.

With this being said—work-from-jobs have boomed in theses several past few months. Aside from freelancing tasks, one of those that you can do at the comfort of your home is stock trading.

It requires minimal work compared to freelance jobs, but the risk progressively becomes higher as you increase your investment.

It is not something you can place in the capital and expect high profits through sheer effort. It doesn’t work that way. This is an entirely different ball game.

If you’re really interested in options trading, then chances are you might have turned to a training course.

And as you do so, you might have come across a training program offered by Markay Latimer.

Her offerings might have intrigued you and contemplating on joining them. But before you register, you want to make sure that they are the real deal.

And if this is your concern, then you come to the right place!

In this review, I will provide you an analysis of their program and whether it’s a good investment or should you search for other courses.

I also reviewed other platforms in the past that involves trading. You can check them out if you like—Money Map Press, Tradera, IM Mastery, Weekly Blitz Alert, and Hidden Alpha, just to name a few.

Or, you may check out the entire list here.

Without further delays, let’s begin the 1K Club Review…

The 1K Club Review

  • Name: 1K Club
  • Website:
  • Founder:Markay Latimer
  • Price: Monthly membership fee of $40, or VIP membership fee of $279 annually.
  • Recommended?: It depends (read on!).
1k Club Review
1k Club Review

Who is Markay Latimer?

Before I discuss 1K Club—allow me to introduce you first to the person behind the program.

Markay Latimer is a successful options stock and options trader. It was said that she became a millionaire starting from an investment of $2,000.

1k Club Review

She put her knowledge about trading into the test and proved to be the best decision.

This is because her investment in the tech industry was just the right time. After all, it is starting to boom at that time.

But this may be the case—she didn’t achieve the success she’s experiencing now that easily.

Like any success stories, she also went through hardships and eventually attained the results she wanted through perseverance and making the right decision in terms of choosing options.

If you’re interested in her program, then let’s continue…

What is the 1K Club? And how it works?

The 1K Club is a program developed by Markay Latimer. It aims to teach members the basics of investing in stocks and options, market analysis, recommendations, predictions, etc.

1k Club Review

Once you become a subscriber, you will benefit from the following—

The 30-minute Trading Day Masterclass

Your capital or initial investment is essential in determining how much you would be earning in events that occur.

For this section of the module, you’ll be learning how to start your trading career with a $500 investment. And then how you would protect yourself from potential losses.

The 30-minute Trading Day Blueprint 

It is your so-called “Your Personal Money-Making Handbook.”

For this module, a three-step way plan for succeeding in trading is shared with you.

Trading Video Series

Other terms used for this is the “Peek Over My Shoulder.” It is called as such because it comprises instructional videos about investing in options.

Monthly Trading Ideas

This refers to the market tip you will be receiving for the month.

The trading idea you’ll be getting is monthly tips that are believed to help you gain the advantage in predicting which options to trade for.

The Markay Market Breakdown

It’s sort of a monthly newsletter where you receive reports and updates in the options market.

This is also essential in predicting the movement of the stocks in the future.

Urgent Updates

You will also get regular notifications during the duration of the month if there are any new updates in the market.

You would receive them, especially if it requires your immediate attention.

Customer Support

In addition to all of this, the member will also receive client assistance if ever they have queries or any concerns.

Well, of course, there are no guarantees in options or stock trading in general. But if you’re looking for a source of income that’s less risky, then you have to check out my best work-at-home recommendation—

 I Created My Own Online Business At Just 20!

(With no Experience or Degrees!)

The registration process

I believe that among other trading training programs you’ll find on our site, the 1K Club is probably the most affordable I’ve reviewed as of yet.

They provide access to their program upon payment of $49 per month. If a monthly payment is a hassle for you, then you can opt for their VIP membership, which would only cost you $279 annually.

Another positive about their training program is that they offer a 1-year refund policy if you are not satisfied with their courses.

You can contact their customer assistance desk if you want to know more about how it works.

  • Contact info: Toll Free at (888) 203-6792 or +1(321) 888-3962
  • Or you may submit a request by clicking this link.

Is it worth the money?

You have to take note that there are no guarantees of success if you join any training courses online—may it be about trading in options, online entrepreneurship, etc.

There will be people who would be saying that the program did indeed work, while others might say that it didn’t do them any good.

You shouldn’t fall into the hype created by marketers or the so-called financial gurus. You have to bear in mind that there’s no such thing as sure-fire or risk-free in options or stock trading.

Although what some of the trading training programs offer is legitimate—do not entirely rely on your future on them. Investing in them is high-risk—the chances of earning a high income are great, but the chances of incurring significant loss are highly probable as well if you make the wrong move.

Most of them are 50-50 chance even if, let’s say, you made the right decision.

The 1K Club can only provide you techniques and techniques from personal experience and learnings, and also prediction on market movement. However, you’re still pretty much on your own. It is still your decision whether to make the trade or not.

You can’t really depend on them, and you have to carve your own path to success and financial freedom.

It is still a trial and error as far as I am concerned.

This may be the case—the initial membership fee is still very affordable compared to other trading platforms out there.

If you don’t mind the risk, and spending about $50 a month doesn’t bother, then you could maybe try 1K Club at your own risk.

But if you’re looking for a source of income that is less risky, then check out the following description below—

Here Is My Best Work At Home Recommendation For Newbies!

Is 1K Club a scam?

No. 1K Club is not a scam, and I did not find any reason to believe that they are.

It is a legitimate training course that offers training on trading.

What I Don't Like About 1K Club


Investing in options trading is still high-risk, even if you make the best trade among selections.

No BBB credentials

The Better Business Bureau or simply the BBB is one way most people do to check the credibility of a company.

Not having one doesn’t immediately conclude that the business is fraudulent in any way, but it may significantly impact their decision making.

What I Like About 1K Club


The training course and market forecast they provide are affordable compared to other platforms around.


The training course is legitimate!

You don’t have to worry about anything if you’re contemplating on signing up for their platform—you are in perfectly good hands as far as I can observe.

Final thoughts

I hope my 1K Club review has provided you sufficient insights about how the training course. And somehow, it helped you in determining whether it’s a good fit for you or not.

Although the training course is legitimate, I still don’t recommend them.

One of the main reasons is that it may not be suitable for beginners. They may find it hard to gain traction in this type of investment.

You have to remember that trading in options is inherently risky that even the most seasoned traders are still struggling.

Continue to the next section and discover how you can achieve financial freedom online…

How I earn income online

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any money-making schemes you’ll see online or options training courses for that matter, in my opinion.

And I believe that this is the case for a few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It possesses no risk!
  • It is free, to begin with!
  • No upsells!
  • It is a more stable source of income!
  • No hidden charges!
  • It is way affordable compared to other training courses, yet produces more positive results!
  • But most importantly, it offers unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you want!

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the link you’ve provided and use it to avail the products or services offered I the landing page of the brand you are promoting.

But you have to take note that the success of this endeavor is dependent on the traffic being driven into your website.

If you’re a complete newbie and have no idea where to begin or already have knowledge about how Affiliate Marketing works but struggling as of the moment, then you no longer have to concern yourself any further!

I have the best solution for you!

Tickle the description below and learn how you can establish a stunning online site that’s creating a lot of traffic from scratch—

Well, I guess that’s just about it!

Thank you for taking the time off and reading the 1K Club review!

I hope to see you in the next reviews!


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