Is Money Map Press Legit? Or An Ugly Scam To Avoid?

Welcome to my Money Map Press review!

When we hear investments or the stock market, you might imagine of those wealthy businessmen like Warren Buffet or Mark Cuban.

Investing in stocks can produce a lot of money when you know what you’re doing. If you don’t have any idea, then I suggest that you do your homework first and research.

You may also hear financial newsletters and magazines that provide guidelines on where to put your money. And one example that provides such information is Money Map Press.

My goal is here is to help determine whether investing in them is the right move for you—is Money Map Press legit? Or an ugly scam to avoid?

Also, before we begin, I’d like to disclose that I am not an affiliate of Money Map Press. And this review is solely for the purpose of helping potential subscribers if their services are worth investing in.

Let’s begin…


  • Product name: Money Map Press
  • Founder: Mike Ward
  • Product/Service type: Financial Publications and Trading Services
  • Recommended?: If you’re a beginner on trades and options—NO!


What is Money Map Press?

Money Map Press is a financial publication company that offers newsletter subscription and trading services.

It was founded on December 11, 2007, by Mike Ward and a publishing company called Agora, Inc. that releases various contents anywhere about financial, travel, health, and book reviews.

It was incepted and currently headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.

One of their popular taglines is “We Make Investing Profitable.”

However, it’s more than just a statement or business motto. According to them—it’s more of a mission statement.

They said that they’re aiming to help individuals to provide professional advice to make the right financial decisions. Thus, they believe that making the right investments should enable you to obtain more financial freedom.

Now, let’s see in detail if what they say is credible—is Money Map Press legit? Or an ugly scam to avoid?

What are the services they offer?

Newsletter subscription

Money Map Press’ bread and butter is its newsletter subscription.

They offer several newsletters that primarily revolve on financial topics.

  • Money Morning Private Briefing – it’s their flagship publication, which was founded by Bill Patalon. The contents talk about markets, business strategies, financial advice, and news around the financial world.
  • Money Map Report – In it, Keith Fitz-Gerald focuses on the top global trends today, such as technology, energy, medicine, scarcity, and demographics. He promises how-to guidelines in profiting in these topics.
  • Nova-X Report – it’s a publication by Michael Robinson. The mission of the newsletter is to unlock the $7 trillion potential of the technology industry.
  • Energy Advantage – it is a publication by Dr. Kent Moore that teaches you how to profit from investing in the energy industry.
  • 10-minute million – it’s an insider report by D.R. Barton that guides you to the world of trading.
  • High-Velocity Windfalls – it’s another newsletter by Keith Fitz-Gerald. In it, he provides a guideline on how to take advantage of the changing conditions in trading.
  • Fast Fortune Club – it’s a trading strategy content by Tom Gentile.

Trading Services

In addition to newsletter subscriptions, they also offer various trading services that you may find useful.

Below are some examples of the trading services they offer:

  • V3 Trader – it’s a new service offered by Money Map Press that provides guidelines on trading, based on the experience of Tom Gentile.
  • Stealth Profit Trader – it alerts you firsthand whenever there’s a trend in the trading industry. This instance gives you some sort of an advantage when investing.
  • Rocket Wealth Initiative – a service that’s supposed to help you unlock trading potential.
  • Straight-line Profits – it’s a guideline on how to earn profits even in events when the market conditions aren’t favorable.
  • Radical Technology Profits – it’s a program that provides tips and tricks in investing.
  • Money Calendar Pro – provides a guide on which stocks to invest.
  • High-Velocity Profits – it tells about an “X” factor, which tells a sign that stocks are going up.
  • Energy Inner Circle – a program that focuses on market trends, especially in the energy industry.
  • Betaflow – the program claims that it identifies the factors that are changing the market.
  • Biotech Inside Alert – it’s a market guide in the field of medical science.

These are some examples of the trading services available in Money Map Press.

To learn more about the services they offer, go to their official websites by clicking this link.

How to become a member and how much it’ll cost me

Becoming a member means that you’re supposed to benefit from their services and become a successful investor.

Joining them is like any other online platforms—fill out the online application, then pay for the membership.

However, the membership fee wasn’t specified. I believe you have to join them first.

Also, I’ve read somewhere online that some of their services like the Energy Inner Circles come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

You can ask their customer service for more information:

Is Money Map Press Legit? Or An Ugly Scam To Avoid?
Source: Money Map Press website

Meet the financial gurus of Money Map Press

Money Map Press consists of a panel of twelve financial experts that will help you achieve financial freedom.

Keith Fitz-Gerald

Keith has a 37-year of experience in the field of trading and financial analytics. He is also the Chief Investment Strategists of Money Map since its inception in 2007.

Dr. Kent Moore

He is in the field of energy for 40 years. Most of his clients are in the top oil company.

Michael Robinson

Mike is a 35-year veteran in Silicon Valley and among the top technology analyst.

William Patalon III

He is the executive editor of Money Map Press’ “Money Morning.” Before he became a financial researcher, he’s a financial journalist for 22 years.

Shah Gilani

According to their official site, Shah ran his first hedge fund in 1982. And he did so while occupying a seat on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange.

Chris Johnson

Chris is a reputable analyst of equity and options. For 30 years, he helped lots of companies interpret complex data.

Ernie Tremblay

He is a biotech analyst with 25 years of experience writing healthcare content.

Garrett Baldwin

Garrett is a 38-year old millionaire and made most of the fortune from trading.

Tom Gentile

He is a credible options trader with 38 years of experience under his belt.

D.R. Barton, Jr.

Barton is a bestselling author and a regular financial analyst for CNBC and Fox.

Tim Melvin

He’s an investment analyst with 30 years of experience.

Andrew Keene

Andrew is an experienced analyst for the 1450 Club Virtual Trading Room.

Can anyone use Money Map Press?

Money Map Press is designed to help people make the right financial choices through their newsletter subscription and trading services.

But I don’t think that it’s a platform for everybody. The reason why I believe so is that beginners may find it hard to decipher some of the words used by the experts.

It’s not training a program. You must already know or at least familiar with the craft so you may understand what the experts are saying.

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Could Money Map Press really help you achieve success in investing?

I believe that there’s a potential if you know what you’re doing. But as I mentioned, what they’re really giving us are their professional opinions.

Sure that they made their billions, but that it doesn’t mean a guaranteed success when you follow them.

Such as in the case of this review:

Is Money Map Press Legit? Or An Ugly Scam To Avoid?
Source: Trust Pilot

As you see, your success still depends on you. And you must really know how to use whatever they provide.

If you don’t, you may end up in disappointment.

Positive Notes

Financial advice from time tested experts

Financial services they offer are managed by seasoned and reputable financial experts.

Lots of services to choose from

They have a wide array of services to choose from as soon as you become a member.

Negative Notes

Exaggerated claims

Some services claim that their prediction is guaranteed to succeed. However, not everyone is guaranteed to know anything about trades and options. Thus, there’s no guarantee at all unless the person knows how to use such information.

Not accredited and unrated by the BBB

The Better Business Bureau is one way to check the credibility of a company we want to invest in. Although we shouldn’t entirely rely on them for the majority of our decision-making, a company that’s BBB-rated with positive ratings somehow indicates that they’re doing something right.

Is Money Map Press Legit? Or An Ugly Scam To Avoid?
Source: The Better Business Bureau

Too many upsell

While I do understand the importance of this marketing strategy, it could be very annoying sometimes, and even sounds spammy.

Is Money Map Press legit? Or an ugly scam to avoid?

No. Money Map Press is a legitimate company.

They consist of a panel of reputable and well-known financial experts, so it’s unlikely that they are a scam.

I believe that they provide valuable information in regards to trades and options, which can really help you when you know how to use such information.

The problem I noticed is they claim that their guidelines are guaranteed to produce positive results, while there are people losing money as a result of following them.

It may come out as misleading and fraudulent, which may lead some to believe that they are a scam.

Final verdict

While the idea of making your money work for you seems like an enticing prospect, it doesn’t always work that way, really.

I think Money Map Press has some great potential in helping people earn through trade and options, but I also don’t think it’s for everyone.

If you know finance, especially trades and options or the stock market, then you can probably use their financial opinions.

If you’re a beginner in finance or any related terms, then you may find it tough to earn income from this field.

As I mentioned, it’s not a training program. What they provide are newsletters and trading services.

You should also be careful with claims of guaranteed success, which you would often find on their website. People seem to be losing more than earning profits with them.

With this being said—is Money Map Press legit? Or an ugly scam to avoid?

Still, no. But if you really want to invest in trades and options, then I do suggest you read a lot of books and research before investing.

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Until next time…

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