Is Fat Stacks Bundle A Scam? Is Jon Dykstra A Legit Person?

Welcome to my Fat Stacks Bundle scam review.

The program claims that you'll learn how he bootstrapped a $5/month—website hosting investment into a $50,000+ per month passive income blog.

Let us see if what Jon says is true or not or just made this up to make you believe so that you will buy his program.

Let's find out.

This review will take an in-depth look at Fat Stacks Bundle and see if this is a legitimate program or a waste of money.

This review will answer all your questions about the Fat Stacks Bundle and understand more about this company before making any decisions.

Is the Fat Stacks Bundle a scam? Well, let's find it out in this review.

Fat Stacks Bundle Review

  • Name: Fat Stacks Bundle
  • Website:
  • Founder: Jon Dykstra
  • Price: $499
  • Recommended?:
fat stacks bundle logo
fat stacks bundle website

What Is Fat Stacks Bundle?

Fat Stacks Bundle is a collection of training courses created by Jon Dykstra.

It is a program that teaches you how to make money through niche affiliate websites, specifically blogs. 

Jon will teach you some unique strategies that he uses that nobody else uses in their online business.

Jon will teach you some of the methods that he uses, such as SEO, keywords, and more.

He claims that he earns $50,000+ per month because of these strategies, which is why he is sharing this with you.

This program is for everyone, even though you don't have any affiliate marketing experience.

Now let's move and see how this program work.

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How Does It Fat Stacks Bundle Works?

Jon's course will teach you how to get started with affiliate marketing from scratch. 

He says that this program is pretty simple and it is for everyone so that all of you can follow the course.

Fat Stacks Bundle has seven courses, which are:

  • Pinterest Magnate
  • Long-Tail Deep Dive
  • Content Site Autopilot
  • Natural Link Building Formula
  • Display Ads Deep Dive
  • On-Site SEO Deep Dive
  • Niche Exponential

Inside Fat Stacks Bundle

There are seven core courses within the program, and each course is broken down into small details.

Here is what’s inside the Fat Stacks Bundles courses.

Pinterest Magnate - This course will show you the step-by-step process of driving traffic to your blog by using Pinterest.

Long-Tail Deep Dive - This course will show you the unique way of doing keyword research. Jon focuses more on easy-to-rank, long-tail keywords than going for high-traffic niche keywords because sing Long-tail keywords require no backlinks to rank. 

Content Site Autopilot - This training course will show you how to create and structure your blog sites and business. 

Jon will also explain to you how to replicate this approach and scaling your profits in the background.

Natural Link Building Formula - This course will show you how to attract natural backlinks than teaching you a black hat method to build up backlinks. 

Display Ads Deep Dive - This course is the primary source of Jon’s income, and here he will show you to display ads and how you can maximize their potential.

On-site SEO Deep Dive - He will teach you how to use SEO and get your website to rank high in the search engines on Google. 

The course will also show you how to set up your niche website.

There are a variety of tactics here that will help you rank your content on Google.

Niche Exponential - Jon supplements his income through passive income via his B2B niche sites that earn recurring income each month. He uses this course to show you how to create these smaller niche sites and earn income passively.

Private Forum

As I said earlier, once you purchase the program, you'll gain access to Jon's private forum, which gives you access to the other people who have also bought the affiliate marketing program.

The community Fat Stacks Bundle is active and open, so you are free to ask any questions or share any ideas.

How Much Does Fat Stacks Bundle Cost?

The Fat Stacks Bundle costs a one-time payment of $499, and this will give you a year’s access.

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Is Fat Stacks Bundle A Scam?

I can't say if Fat Stacks Bundle is a scam, but one thing I can say is that I can't recommend this to you.

As you can see, it is expensive, and you can indeed learn a lot from Jon, but in my experience, you can learn those without spending so much money.

The tag line that he uses, like "Discover How I Made Over $50K+ A Month With Simple Niche Blogs", is just hype to lure you in and make you think that you can earn that money even though it is not true.

Jon also said that there is no guarantee that his methods will work for you. He labels it as following through his methods.

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What I Like About Fat Stacks Bundle

It is Based on Experience

I like Jon because all the methods and strategies that he usesuses are basede on his experience.

He will try everything to use his method even though some of it won't work for you.

A Lot Of Courses To Learn

You will earn from this program from SEO, keywords, ads, driving traffic, and many more.

What I Don't Like About Fat Stacks Bundle

A Couple of Misleading Red Flags

There's a couple of red flags on their landing page that makes you might think it's a typical get-rich-quick scheme. 

As I said earlier, the tagline of "Discover How I Made Over $50K+ A Month With Simple Niche Blogs" makes people think it follows the usual over-promising.

If you dig through, you'll realize that there is more to this course than meets the eye.

Expensive Price

As you can see, this program's price is expensive, and as I said earlier, there are a lot of programs out there that don't cost you much money, and you can learn a lot from it as well.

The course is aimed at beginners, but not all can afford the $499, especially if there is no free trial.

Final Thoughts

I hope my review has provided you sufficient information about Fat Stacks Bundle and provided you the answer to all your questions.

Jon has created this course from his experience that will help you to make passive income online.

The course is a little bit confusing as the price doesn't seem to benefit a beginner, so that is why I can't recommend you this course.

How I Earn Income Online?

Affiliate Marketing is a better option than any money-making schemes online for few apparent reasons, and it includes the following—

  • It is free, to begin with!
  • It is way affordable compared to other platforms!
  • No risk!
  • No, upsell of whatsoever!
  • You don’t have to worry about any hidden charges!
  • It yields a higher and more stable income!
  • But most importantly, it offers unlimited income because you can essentially promote as many businesses as you like!

Yes, what you’ll basically be doing is to promote a brand using an affiliate link through your online site.

And then, you earn commissions every time someone engages the link you’ve provided and use it to purchase the products or services offered on the landing page of the brand you’re promoting.

Of course, the success of this endeavor relies on the quality of traffic being driven into your website.

If you’re a complete beginner and have no idea where to begin or already have knowledge about how Affiliate Marketing works but struggling as of the moment, then you no longer have to worry any further…

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Tickle the description below and learn how you can create a stunning website that’s attracting a lot of traffic from scratch.

Thank you for taking the time to read my Fat Stacks Bundle A Scam review?. 

If you have any questions or experiences with Fat Stacks Bundle, please share in the comments below.

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