Is Bizrate Rewards a scam? All Fake!


Can you make money with Bizrate Rewards or it’s just a waste of time?

Let’s dive in and see what  Bizrate rewards really is!

tired of scams? check out my recommendation!

What is Bizrate Rewards and how does it work?

Bizrate Rewards is a website where you can collect points by taking surveys and they turn into rewards.

If you are expecting to get rich with this website I’m sorry for disappointing you but there is no way you can make a living with a survey.

Most of the surveys I know don’t make a lot of cash because you need to spend weeks on giving surveys to get a few dollars.

I signed up with an email that I use to review questionable websites, I put some personal info and they emailed me to confirm my email.

You will get paid after earning 5 points or 5000 points if the survey is long but you will be surprised if I told you that 5000 points will turn into only $5 and you can only receive two surveys per week.


What I didn’t like about Bizrate rewards 

The thing that I didn’t like the most is you don’t get paid on PayPal they only pay you with gift cards you can spend on Amazon or target or Starbucks…

Bizrate Rewards is only good if you have so much time in your hand and don’t know where to spend it.

But if you are looking for something more serious then I will share with you a better option at the end of this article.

Is Bizrate Rewards a scam?

It’s not a scam at all it’s just a low earning potential, and it has a lot of negative opinions from people who tried it, so it’s not something that I recommend.

You can only get 2 surveys per week so you can’t even get more than $5, and this is why I’m not a fan of surveys.

I’ve been looking for a legit way to make money online for years and I tried everything such as click on ads and get paid, surveys and watching videos… the most of these only made me some pocket change.

If you have much time in your hand and only want something to fill your time with then give it a try for some extra cash. but if you want a better survey then Swagbucks is the best for you but as I said before surveys are made just for some extra cash.

So if you want to make money online you need to build your own website ( click here to know how).

But if you want to make a living online you have to start your own website and promote affiliate products like me.

How to make real money 

If you want to start your own business online and start making money with your passion then I invite you to join for free.

Building your business online is not as hard as it sounds because once you join for free you will get ten free lessons that will show you how to build your own website and write about your interests and start making money.

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